Although burning is disrespectful to the dead, it is for everyone's safety.Xiao Rang had to do this. After his attributes were strengthened, these soldiers had become absolutely loyal.Although they were a little dissatisfied with burning the comrades who had fought side by side with them, they quickly became the army under the drive of loyalty.

  Because they believed what Xiao Rang said,

  "Buried in the ground. It will only go to hell. The soul will instinctively enter heaven with the flames lifted up to heaven~⊥. /"

  This is a kind of comfort to their souls.

  With the help of the people, it took six days to completely clean up the battlefield

  .However, the corpse and broken inside can be cleaned up, but the red color from the blood will take a long time to fade away.

  Taishi Ci suggested, "The Yellow Turban thieves at the lord's border have all retreated. Shall we pursue it while we win?"

  Now, the Yellow Turban thieves have been killed by them so that they have no fighting spirit.

  Xiao Rang agreed to his proposal. "Tian Heng and Zhao Yan are guarding the city. Yide and Ziyi follow me and attack Beihai!"

  "Zini (guoyuan character), Gongyou (Sun Gan character), you two handle government affairs well. Build more barracks, build new houses for water conservancy, and develop fishery. This

  It is the advantage of Donglai that must not be wasted. "

  "?" Follow the lord's order!" The two responded quickly.

  They saw the next battle in Huang County. They worshiped Xiao Rang even more.Although it has not yet reached the level of a loyal soul.But it's not far off.

  At least.They only have loyalty to Xiao Rang, but no loyalty to Dahan.

  "Master, the most important thing is to govern one side. The subordinates know some well-rounded people and want to recommend them to the master. I wonder if the master can agree?" Guo Yuan said.

  As Zheng Xuan high enough.As well as the famous land of Qingzhou, he does have a very strong network.

  Xiao Rang Taixi said, "Of course, Mr. can recommend talents for me. This is a good thing, you can call as many as you can, the more the better!_"

  Guoyuan continued. "Some talents may have a surly temper. When the time comes, I offend the lord, please forgive me."

  Xiao Rang waved his hand generously. _"Wufang, as long as he has real talent and practical knowledge, I am willing to reuse it." (Zhao's)__"Here."

  When Xiao let Taijun leave, Er Guoyuan wrote more than a dozen letters. The content of each letter was different.

  Then, order the soldiers to send them to s with fast horses

  Guan Cheng and Sima Ju were frightened

  After being devastated, he only stayed in Beihai for a few days, gathered tens of thousands of scattered soldiers, and continued to flee north.

  In order to stop Xiao Rang's pursuit, he sent a dead ghost to stay in Beihai, pretending to be a lot of people.

  However, when the guard saw Xiao Rang Taijun's majesty, he was so frightened that he flew away.

  There is no war yet.Open the door and surrender

  Therefore, Xiao Rang's troops were unscrupulous, and he won the Qingzhou Prefecture to govern the Beihai. , also gained three thousand surrendered soldiers in vain.

  According to the report, Guan Cheng and others fled to Dongpingling County, the capital of Jinan, with [-] people.

  PS, the second update. Ask for flowers and ask for automatic~. 」

The 3th chapter talent strikes ([-], please complete order)

  "The kingdom of Beihai, the kingdom of Qi, the six east counties of Le'an County, and the five counties of Chengyang North have all been subdued. Although there are still some scattered yellow thieves occupying dangerous mountains, they do not pose a threat to us. "

  In Pingshou County, Beihai Country, Xiao Rang sat on the main seat of the council chamber of the Governor's Mansion.Listen to the information from the subordinates.

  In just a few days, Zhang Fei and Taishi Ci, one to the north and one to the south, have conquered most of the land in Qingzhou.

  The common people knew Xiao Rang's prestige and virtue, and they all welcomed their arrival.

  No matter where Xiao Rang's army goes.Can get the support of the people.

  Therefore, very easily, a large area of ​​land was conquered, and a lot of money and materials were seized.

  "My lord, although most of the places have already returned, there is a shortage of officials in the counties and counties. If we don't dispatch manpower to manage them in time, I'm afraid there will be troubles. Moreover, it will also seriously affect production."

  "When the thieves in Huangzhong fled, they stole a lot of the people's food. Now the people are hungry. If they sit back and watch, there will be too much hunger in Qingzhou. If it doesn't work, there will be new riots."

  Sun Qian said worriedly.

  After capturing Beihai, Xiao Rang elected Guoyuan as the prefect of Donglai. 19

  0-faced Sun Qian and Mi_Zhu followed him.

  These problems, if dealt with early.Good would be - one too troublesome.

  Xiao Rang also had a headache,

  Talent, he is in urgent need of talent.

  I can only hope that Guoyuan can find more talents for him.

  "Let Yide govern Le'an temporarily first, and let Ziyi govern Yangcheng. To Yuqi Kingdom. Gong Hu, you go."

  To the Jade North Sea, Xiao let himself govern first.

  "Mr. Mi. You help me issue a talent-seeking order and set up recruitment halls in various counties. Anyone with talent. No need

  through the subject system.As long as you pass my interview, you can hold an official position e”

  Xiao Rang suddenly missed Ren Hongchang's y-head, if she was helping herself to make some public opinion.There will definitely be a lot of people coming to take refuge.

  No one operates, although he is the God of War in Liaodong.However, it is still not easy for a grassroots person to win the support of the family.

  It's not that there are no people in Qingzhou, it's just those people who look down on Xiao Rang.

  The court has not yet fallen, they have always been artificial, Xiao Rang is just a passer-by.Once the Yellow Turbans are annihilated, the court will send new officials to take over Xiao Rang's position.

  2 It is not a wise thing to take refuge in Xiao Rang at this time

  Xiao Rang hadn't thought that the talent-seeking order could attract them.

  Although too many talents are in the hands of the aristocratic family, there are also some underprivileged children like Bing Yuan.

  By the way, some truly politically minded talents.

  Guoyuan did not let Xiao Rang down. After the end of the world, he brought a talent!

  The seven people are Le'an Changbo, Ren Shi and his son Ren Hao.

  These two people are very famous in Le'an

  Ren Shi, was cited by the former governor as Xiaolian and served as a sour jujube

  county magistrate.

  However, due to the influence of the party's misfortune, he lives in seclusion at home. He is known as a sage in the world.

  And his son, Ren Hu, was called "Jiang's Weng, Ren's Tong" by the villagers and was a famous child prodigy.Although he is only sixteen years old, he has the talent and virtue not to lose to his father.

  When Huang Zhong thief attacked Changbo, he heard the names of their father and son. "I often hear that Ren Shi is a sage in the world. Although we are thieves today, how can we invade his hometown?"

  So, the soldiers retreated.

  Xiao Rang checked their attributes_Ren Shi's intelligence is 76. Possess [governing the people l_ [solving a case]]

  With two talents, Xiao Rang appointed him as the magistrate of Gaoyuan County, the county seat of Le'an County.

  his son.The intelligence is 79. He also has a good talent for internal affairs, and Xiao Rang appointed him as the prefect of Qi.

  Except for their father and son.There are also people from the Lu country in Yuzhou.Liu Yan (word Wei Shuo).

  Although this person was not recorded in Romance, which had a deep influence on Zhuo Ren, Xiao Rang had an impression of this person when he watched (bfah) "Three Kingdoms".

  This man has great talent. Historically, he started his career with Liu Pao, and he was the official chariot general of the State of Shu.

  Xiao Rang took a look at his attributes, not only did he have the [Army]

  and [Internal Affairs l two talents.Moreover, the three-dimensional attribute is also very good. The force is 79, and the intelligence is 74. Commander.

  The three attributes are more than the soil, and the force is even closer to the eight soils.

  Suffice it to say that he is also quite outstanding among the second-rate talents.

  Although his character is a bit paranoid and aggressive, he is the best candidate for the prefect of Yangcheng at this embarrassing time.

  Guo Yuan focused on recommending a person to Xiao Rang.Zheng Yi (Zi Yi En).

  Xiao Rang has never heard of this person's name, but his background is very rich. 2 is the only son of the great Confucian Zheng Xuan, Confucius Twelve

  The descendants of the sage Zheng Guo.

  Their Zheng family is the big Jing of Gaomi County, Beihai Kingdom.In the entire Qingzhou, he is a big man, and he has a very high reputation.

  His father, Zheng Xuan, was famous for his Chinese disciples all over the world.

  It is a good thing for Xiao Rang to get his support.

  In the future, whether it is tomb soldiers or recruiting talents, it will be very helpful.

  Moreover, Guoyuan spoke highly of Zheng Yi.This man is not only studious, talented, but also loyal.

  Xiao Rang naturally did not treat him badly. Appointed him as the governor of the post.. to monitor the counties.

  In addition to this

  In addition, among the people brought by Guoyuan, there was also Chang Lin, who in history had been a doctor of the Wei State Taichang L Guanglu, and was pursued as a hussar general after his death.

  This man has great governance skills.Xiao Rang appointed him as the prefect of Qi.

  and Ren Yan.It also has the t of Yejun.

  Xiao Rang appointed him... as the prefect of Le An.

  There are also Sun Shao (word Changxu) who served as the first prime minister of Wu State in history, and Shiyi (word Ziyu), who was the minister of Wu State, who was named Marquis of Ting. .

  The evaluation of Sun Shao in the history books is still higher than that of Gu Yong, Zhang Fang and others.

  Xiao Rang kept him by his side as Beihai

  State Prefect.

  As for the instrument.served as the county magistrate.

  In addition, among the people brought by Guoyuan, who have very good internal affairs ability, there are three people who make Xiao Rang's eyes bright.

  One of them is very famous, and because of him, Guo Yuan gave Xiao Rang a precaution in advance

  This person's name is Miheng, the word is Zhengping.

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