"Yes, no one knows that you never surrender. You want to trick us into laying down our weapons. Then kill them all, right? We won't be fooled!"

  "Put away your lies. Go on"

  The Yellow Turban thief was always afraid of Xiao Rang.make them surrender. They dare not: ..

  PS: The third more. Ask for self-determination~1

Chapter 4 Talent [Array] ([-], please complete order)

  Hearing the voices of the generals in Huang Zhong, Xiao Rang suddenly burst into laughter, which made everyone look confused.

  Chen Go shouted inexplicably, "What are you laughing at?"

  Xiao Rang said, "I'm very happy that a group of people who dare to rebel are so afraid of me.

  The Yellow Turbans were collectively speechless,

  Can't you save some face, that's the case. . you also said the export?

  Immediately afterwards, Xiao Rang said coldly, "I also laugh at your stupidity."

  "Do you think that Wu Huan and Chen Bao will take you in? Floods in the south. They also lack food, _self

  If you can’t get enough to eat, will there be extra food for you to eat?” Those who took the opportunity to grab territory and attacked you without hesitation. There is a lot of water in the south and they are familiar with water warfare. Fight them in the water. What are your chances of winning? "Jing"

  The entire battlefield, death-like silence.

  All the Yellow Turbans bowed their heads, thinking about Xiao Rang's words.

  In the end, the odds of winning are zero!

  In an instant, Chen Bai and the others were shocked with a cold F.

  "Be ashamed and take everyone to death!"

  He looked at Wan Bing, the latter's face,

  Has the same fear as him.

  But if they can't even go to Yangzhou, where should they go?


  Not to mention that all of Yuzhou's handsome men are not easy to mess with. When they go, they can only carry shoes for others.

  And their food was not enough to support their escape to Yuzhou.

  As long as the food is exhausted, there will definitely be a large area of ​​defections. At that time, there will be no soldiers, and only one pavilion will be needed to arrest them.

  I thought about it for a long time.Chen Bai slowly raised his head and looked at Xiao Rang. "How can we trust you? You can absolutely

  Lie to kill me etc "

  "Also, we have so many people and need a lot of food. Do you have so much food? _3"

  Xiao Rang answered his two questions without hesitation.

  "First of all. For me. The credit for killing you and recruiting you is the same. There are more people loyal, why should I kill you in one fell swoop?"

  "Secondly, I can not only ensure that each of you can have enough to eat, and that you will have meat for every meal. Beggars. Every month, you will be paid a salary. And L will also allocate land for your family to cultivate. They only need to pay I pay [-]%

  The income is enough, and the remaining [-]% ​​is kept for yourself. "

  Xiao Rang's voice was not thunderous like Zhang Fei's, but it was clear and loud and everyone could hear it clearly. /rush on

  Everyone looked at Xiao with great excitement

  "I can eat enough food. Is there meat to eat and a salary?⊥"

  Some of them have never eaten meat since they were born.

  Meat is a luxury for them⊥

  "Although you have to pay [-]% of the income, if you can stay in Xicheng, it will be much better than before."

  Many people are moved by this.

  In the past, although the Han Dynasty was a scholar tax, but the land

  not peasant. .They have to pay high rent to the landlord.Not only that _ there are all kinds of extortionate and miscellaneous taxes.Some people also use the landlord's cattle and farm implements: 1.

  After counting, they can keep less than half of them in their own hands every year!

  Twenty percent is already a lot.

  "What you said is true?" There was a centenarian.Take the courage to walk.

  Xiao Rang indifferently - laughs_ "You are all desperate. Don't you even have the courage to try?"

  Yep, it's gone.

  The centenarian figured it out..shouted loudly,

  "I intend to surrender!"

  "I meant it too!"

  "Me too."

  "I surrender."

  At the second time, the voice of surrender in Huang Zhong's army was one after another, and more and more people were infected.They all surrendered.

  Chen Bai and Wan Bing saw that the situation was over, so they had to lay down their weapons and surrender.

  The battle of "Ding" was settled. 227099 people were recruited, and the accumulated enhancement points were +[-].

  After half a day, the system's voice rang in Xiao Rang's ear.

  These strengthening points are obtained from them, Xiao Rang then

  Give them back, group them together, and strengthen a little attribute.certainly.There are still more than [-] points left.

  As long as Xiao Rang, the person who verbally calls his lord, can strengthen them.

  Although after strengthening, not everyone is absolutely loyal, but the small army and cohesion are guaranteed.

  At least.They will no longer be rebellious.

  Even if he rebels, the system will take back the reinforcement points, and Xiao Rang is not at a loss.

  "Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the achievement [Recruiting and Buying Horses 1. Gaining Strengthening Points +10_00. Rewarding Talents [Array] . . Gaining new functions one by one - strengthening and upgrading!"


  Then, another system beep

  "Is it done?"

  Xiao Rang Weiyi liked that he had [-] horses before, and he recruited [-] people, adding up to [-].

  Naturally, it is completed. It only needs to recruit [-] achievements.

  three awards,

  The enhancement points were first received, and Xiao Rang set his sights on the talent [Array].

  . [Array], not activated, (1000 reinforcement points are needed to be strengthened to Lx1. When a person with this talent is the head coach, the effectiveness of arranging troops is increased by 0.2. Array

  French battle_combat strength increased by 0.2. )__

  "Sure enough, the talents rewarded by the system are all coquettish!"

  Xiao Rang paid 100 enhancement points to activate it, and [Array]_ spent another thousand L to raise [Array] to Lv3. _

  . [阵]⊥⊥x3,还需要1000强化点可强化至Lv4.拥有该天赋的人为主帅时排兵布阵成效提升1,阵法战斗力提升1._ ,

  The effectiveness and combat effectiveness of the formation of troops are increased by one (money dezhao) times.The power of the explosion is definitely more than doubled!

  In big

  In large-scale wars, the two sides often face each other in battle.Formation is very important.

  With this talent.The speed of formation and the speed of evolution are twice as fast as that of other players.And the power of the formation is twice as strong as others.If the two sides are almost the same, and the level of Shi Pong is similar, it is almost an overwhelming advantage.

  [Speed] greatly improved Xiao Rang's combat effectiveness, and [Array] enhanced his ability to command troops.

  Gradually, moving in the direction of Commander Wan Jiang

  "System... what is the next achievement 2." Xiao Rang asked impatiently.

  "The next achievement

  , to expand the territory.Achievement introduction, have fifty seated county towns.The current completion situation, 11/50 arrest.

  May [-] sit in the county seat?

  Xiao Rang,...

  PS, the fourth update, asking for flowers automatically"

Chapter 1 The huge benefits of strengthening and upgrading ([-], please complete the order)

  Whenever Xiao Rang stood complacent and full of expectations, the system would always give him a problem.

  Fifty Sitting County: 1. .

  The entire north of the Yellow River does not add up to that much, so this achievement is to be accomplished.Isn't it necessary to unify too half of China 2

  "Forget it, I still want to see another reward."

  Instead of expecting something illusory _ it is better to look in front of you.

  Xiao Rang looked away.Land on another reward, power up and level up!

  [Enhanced upgrade], the enhancement function has been improved again, which can strengthen the team, weapons and equipment, and horse materials as a whole.

  Can strengthen mountains, rivers, land, waters, and pastures: can strengthen cities, counties, counties, states, and countries!

  Seeing these, Xiao let breath-suffocate.

  The overall strengthening is nothing, after all, with the help of the system, Xiao Rang can do it easily.

  But strengthen the mountain small land x:: strengthen the city country:

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