Liu Hong's voice was a bit low. Yuan Feng was so frightened that he quickly put away his usual tone of speech.

  "Your Majesty, I heard that Princess Wannian and even Fangling can call Xiao Rang as the concubine of the current dynasty, set up 370 concubines and settle in the capital. Then send _ imperial court cronies to various states and prefectures to hold important positions _ to gradually understand his power. Be safe."

  Before he could finish his words, Liu Hong slapped heavily on his lower thigh, as if it was not his own.

  Incomparably excited, he said, "Your words coincide with mine."

  Yuan Feng secretly rejoiced that he knew this - this time

  There is no shortage of rewards.

  At this time, reaping benefits for the Yuan family will be more effective.

  "Your Majesty, this minister proposes that General Zhu Gongwei be the new governor of Bingzhou: General Huangfu Yizhen will be the new governor of Jizhou. General Zhang Boshen (Zhang Wen) will be the governor of Youzhou..."

  Yuan Feng first talked about the appointment proposals of the local shepherds.Mainly are the court trust. And capable people.

  There is also the revocation of Xuzhou Muba.. Let Yuzhou Mutaoqian be transferred to Xuzhou Muba

  All state shepherds.It sounds like it's all for the sake of the court, which makes everyone admire it.However, when it comes to the prefect of the state and county.Yuan Feng suggested - fourteen people, all of them are his

  Either the Yuan family's direct line, or the Yuan family's cronies.

  It can be seen that when Yuan Feng saw that his idea came to the emperor's heart, L also became bolder.

  But not all are fools.Many people listened to Yuan Feng's words.He frowned secretly.

  PS: The first update, asking for flowers to self-defeating I”

Chapter 2 Yuan's ambition ([-], please complete)

  Lu Zhi had a bad temper when he heard Yuan Feng's words.The two faces suddenly darkened.

  "Your Majesty, this minister thinks that there is something wrong with Yuan Sikong's words."

  He is in the courtroom.The few people who dared to directly challenge a behemoth like the Yuan family.

  Lu Zhi's reputation is quite high. Even the Yuan family can't do anything about him.

  Yuan Feng said with a displeased expression. "General Lu. What's wrong?"

  Everything was ready, and it was just a matter of time before Lu Heiniu came to make trouble.In the hearts of Yuan Feng and Yuan Wei.hate itchy teeth

  Lu Zhi said, "A certain thinks that Yuan Shu is being picked on by people.

  , So too happy, there is no state animal husbandry talent.It is really inappropriate to recommend him to be the shepherd of Yuzhou.

  It turned out that Yuan Feng took the opportunity to put his two sons on the throne.

  Squeeze Tao Qian away, and want his son Yuan Shu to take over this relatively safe position.

  But what kind of thing is Yuan Shu?Everyone knows that.Usually it's okay to pretend to fool the common people in the capital, but he really leads the army to fight an experienced veteran like Lu Zhi.Naturally I can't stand it.

  Yuan Feng sneered. _" What General Lu means is that neither His Majesty nor Commander Jian have any vision. Don't you know talents?"

  Everyone knows that L Yuan Shu is now the West Garden. Eighth School

  One of the captains, the Dianjun captain.

  Originally, this position was reserved for Cao Cao, but when Cao Cao went out to work, the Yuan family spent a lot of money to let Yuan Shu fill this vacancy.

  The Xiyuan Army is the direct line of the emperor, but they are all selected through the selection process.

  They represent the facade of the Han army.

  In front of the emperor, Lu Zhi said that Yuan Shu had no talent.Isn't this the face of Tianzi and Jianshuo? ,

  Yuan Feng seized on this, and slammed Lu Zhi fiercely.

  Liu Hong didn't think there was anything, he understood what Lu Zhi was arrogant about.It's always been like this.

  2 But Jianshuo's face. A suddenly darkened.

  At the beginning, he received a lot of money from the Yuan family.

  Knowing that he had offended someone, Lu Zhi hurriedly said.. "You don't mean that. Your Majesty and Commander Sai are of course discerning. What X means is that there are many better talents than Yuan Gonggong available_.L."

  Because of Xiao Rang's incident, 2 he offended more and more people.

  at this time.I also know that I shouldn't make more enemies.Therefore, Lu Hesheng took a rare soft serve.

  In front of the civil and military people of the Manchu Dynasty, Yuan Feng was not good at holding on to it.

  General I Domufeilu is willing to share the worries of the emperor.Go to Yuzhou to give birth to 3" Yuan Hui sarcastically said

  Lu Zhi is serious.Shaking his head, "No. Your Majesty, the former turn minister and General Huangfu were ordered to attack the Yuzhou Yellow Turbans. They met two good talents. Your Majesty has also met these two people before. Taiwan. All three of them have the talent to command the army, and one of them can be the shepherd of Yuzhou.”

  Just now, Yuan Feng had already arranged many direct descendants of the Yuan family.hold important positions in various places

  Therefore, Lu Zhi, no matter what, can no longer let Yuan Shu become the shepherd of Yuzhou.

  If so. _The Yuan family in the future is too scary


  After overthrowing Xiao Rang, the Yuan family will be the next Xiao Rang.military power they control.The controlled site is even more terrifying than Xiao Rang

  Out of consideration for the imperial court, even if Lu Zhi completely offended the Yuan family, he would still be tenacious to the end.

  Everyone knows that these two have been promoted to their current positions with their military exploits, and their talents are indeed better than Yuan Shu.

  For a while, the Yuan family didn't know how to refute.

  Yuan Wei hesitated for a moment, knowing that Yuan Shu could no longer be the shepherd of Yuzhou.So change strategy.

  Said, "Your Majesty, what General Lu said also makes sense. Since Cao Mengde and X Wentai

  Was so valued by General Lu.Certainly outstanding talent_The minister thought that Cao Mengde could be appointed as the minister of Xuzhou, and X Wentai as the minister of Yangzhou.With these two people weakening Xiao Rang's power in the south. 2 can be guaranteed foolproof. "

  Yuan Wei's suggestion. It can be said to be two birds with one stone.

  He knew that Cao Cao and Xiao Rang had a good relationship, and letting Cao Cao go to Xuzhou as a state shepherd would definitely offend Xiao Rang.At that time... Xiao Rang and Cao Cao fight, it can be said that two tigers are fighting each other.

  To Yu Sun Jian.The Sun family and the Yuan family have always had a good relationship.At this time, Yuan Wei - recommended Sun Jian, Sun Jian will certainly owe him Yuan family - personal favor.When the Yuan family needs it, Sun Jianken

  will definitely help

  To get rid of a tiger, to capture a tiger, Yuan Hui played a good abacus.

  This arrangement is indeed very good, even Lu Zhi can't fault it.

  Later, someone else proposed to recruit the remnants of the Yellow Turban to use it as a power to deal with Xiao Rang.

  Although the Yellow Turbans have been defeated, the remaining evil is still a disaster for all parties, and its power cannot be underestimated.

  Among them, there are three larger forces, each of which is known to gather millions.

  How many are there really, no one knows

  From north to south.The first is the leader of the Montenegrin Army who wandered the Taihang Mountains is the canal of the Yellow Turban Army.

  Handsome horns.

  The scope of their activities includes Zhongshan, Changshan, Zhaoguo, Shangdang, Hanoi and other counties. The momentum is huge.

  The second group is the Baibo army condensed in the Baibo Valley in Hexi.The leader is Qu Shuai Guo Tai.

  The third group is gathered in the northern part of Jingzhou.The Nanyang Army occupying Wan County. This team has three leaders.One is - Zhang Mancheng, who has been active here.One is Bo Cai, who fled from Yuzhou, and the other is Peng Tuo, the commander in chief.

  The three occupy Wancheng respectively.Jiangxia and Nanxiang are the most powerful of the three forces.

  Xiao Rang is Huang Zhongjun's public enemy. Let Huang Zhong deal with Xiao

  Let, the recognition of Liu Hong, who can play the role of controlling chaos with chaos.

  The news spread immediately, and Xiao Rang received news from Xiuyi just as Cong Youzhou returned to Julu.

  By the time he brought his team to Dongjun, the envoys of the imperial court (with money) had also arrived to read the imperial decree.He ordered Xiao Rang to go to Luoyang for marriage appointment.

  ", "Damn, this scumbag emperor is still finished. I have thought of ways to deal with the lord, and now I have even used the beauty plan. My lord, you must not go to this marriage. This time is definitely more dangerous than the last time!"

  After listening to the envoy.Xu Chudi

  : A furious rubbish.

  Xiao Rang was slightly startled.

  "Yes, Zhongkang, you can actually see the beauty's plan. It seems that it is right for you to follow Fengxiao during this time. The progress is not small." Xiao Rang said with a smile,

  Xu Chu curled his lips in disdain, "I figured this out by myself. What does it have to do with Guo Jiugui?"

  He was grateful for Guo Jia's teachings in his heart, but he was reluctant to admit it.

  The appearance of duplicity. 2 made everyone laugh.

  PS: The second one is to ask for flowers to be self-defeating. !

Chapter 3 Re-entering Luoyang, Cai Yan's worries ([-], please complete the order)

  "My lord, it seems that the Yuan family has played a big game this time."

  Xu Shu's brows were slightly raised, looking a little worried.

  The Yuan family has a lot of energy and a wide range of connections. If they were to be in charge of the military, it would be a big hindrance to Xiao Rang's development.

  "I can't think of the Yuan family who has been involved in the political world. Actually, I want to fight for military power." Liu Ye also frowned and crossed the Yuan family, expressing that he couldn't understand.

  Both of them believed that the Yuan family would be

  a big obstacle

  But Xiao Rang disapproved and chuckled lightly. ." Yuan Jiaben

  Come to Noba is not small.In the past, they held great power and were extremely ministers.And my presence only made their ambitions even bigger. "

  In the Yuan family's generation, there have been many

  Especially Yuan Shu, arrogant to the limit.

  "No matter what the Yuan family's attitude is, it has little effect on me."

  Xiao Rang believes that the Yuan family's arrangement is all about making small troubles.They simply don't know.All officials above the county governor are absolutely loyal to Xiao Rang.Whether they instigate or exclude them, it is impossible to shake the loyalty of those people.

  Therefore, he placed the county governor's strategy in various places.Note

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