Xiao Rang's domineering voice echoed in the insects of Yongxiang.

  The momentum was instantly driven.

  Yang Biao and other officials stood by his side again.

  "Master Yuan, Lu Shangshu's concubine said

  That's right, you can quickly withdraw your defenses, let's go see Your Majesty. "Cui Lie shouted.

  Yuan Feng was so angry that he drew out his sword and pointed at Xiao Rang. "Wait, what a fool.

  Whether you believe it or not, this is the will of the Son of Heaven.Wait until we kill Xiao Thief.I'll take you to see the Son of Heaven."

  Although, what he said was true.

  But at this time, the Yuan family and Xiao Rang were half a pound, and none of the officials believed them all.

  It was only stopped by Yu Linwei. They couldn't do anything.

  Xiao Rang shouted loudly, "Yuan's murdered the monarch and chaotic the country, you should punish L."


  Take a big drink.Zemadi Xiang Yuan Feng

  The fire python started suddenly, as fast as a burst of fire.Started everyone.

  Yuan Feng hurriedly shouted, "Send the arrow, shoot the arrow to kill him!"

  For a while, a rain of arrows from the archers A on both sides fired at the same time.”

  PS. The third update, asking for flowers to be self-defeating _. 1. (tian_ai dapigu) support Fei Lu) original works, enjoy the joy of reading!

Chapter 1 Blood stains Yong Lane! ([-], ask for full order)

  Xiao Rang doesn't have any weapons and equipment._In the eyes of all A. His behavior is no different from.- Moths to the flames.

  But just as the arrows were fired, he and his warhorse had a strange layer of armor on them.

  Xiao Rang Taishou _ _ waved. A square halberd appeared in front of everyone. The arrows that came in front of them were smashed by him one by one.

  Arrows shot from behind hit his armor and were bounced off one after another.

  "What's the matter? Where is his weapon?"

  Seeing Xiao Rang was like conjuring a trick.Suddenly pulling out a piece of equipment, Yuan Feng and the others were startled.

  Not only does he have equipment, but his horse has it.

  Moreover, his armor is extremely defensive.Facing each other thousands of arrows. 2 was not hurt at all.

  "Release the arrow, continue to release the arrow |_"

  He Jin's eyes were blood red, and he roared hysterically.

  Under his urging, the archer could only let go of his fear and shoot the arrow.

  "Whoa, whoa, whoa".

  The sound of the bowstring shook the long eternity

  -The feathered arrows cut through the sky.Xiang Xiao Rang was swept up like locusts.

  "Up to the Law"

  The fire python felt the master's fighting intent, and followed with a long hiss.

  Like a burning flame.Brighten the dark road.

  Xiao Rang waved the Longyin Halberd in his hand, blocking all the dense arrows from his body.

  The arrows rained round after round

  However, Xiao Rang and his horses were unscathed.

  The distance between him and Yuan Feng and others was still shrinking at an astonishing speed, and in the blink of an eye, they were killed in front of them.

  Xiao Rang's eyes were like lightning. He stabbed Yuan Feng directly.Frightened, the latter quickly backed away.Hide behind Yu Linwei.


  stop him,"

  At this time, Yuan Feng and other A had already hidden behind Yu Linwei.They were completely shocked by Xiao Rang's god of war.

  There was only panic left on that proud face.

  "Go away!"

  Xiao Rang, the halberd was swept out, and the front formed by hundreds of Yu Lin Wei was torn to smithereens in an instant.

  These most elite troops of the Taihan Dynasty were like chickens and dogs in front of the Liaodong God of War, vulnerable to a single blow.

  Xiao Rang's legs were sandwiched between his horse's belly. He entered Yu Linwei's body and swept across and cut in an invincible posture.

  In Yongxiang, the blood is rising

  Yulinwei is all elite, and has the courage to fight.

  And Xiao Rang, Repeatedly - Respect the Battlefield Demon God

  He holds a dragon halberd. Killing is like mowing the grass

  Within the coverage area of ​​Longyin Halberd.The blood was pouring out, and there was not a single standing person in sight.

  Yuan Feng waited 2o to see Yu Linwei who was constantly falling down, and the shy face was dripping with water. s

  They never imagined that Xiao Rang's strength was so powerful that a single person could swept an army of thousands of people.

  I thought that if I put the social drama into Yongxiang, I would have a chance to win.

  Now it seems that L is the most wrong


  "Zhou Shen, Yan Zhong, and Zhao Fu, the three of you, hurry up and support Xiao Rang for me!

  Seeing Xiao Rang being so brave, He Jin couldn't stop him.Quickly command the three generals around him to go into battle.

  These three people are all great generals of the Han Dynasty.

  Among them, Zhou Shen and Yan Zhong's force actually reached 90 points L_

  For this reason, the three of them saw Xiao Rang's bravery, and their eyes flashed with horror.

  However.They were all ordered by the emperor to rob and kill Xiao Rang here, and there is no way back at this moment.

  To retreat at this time is to resist the decree and disrespect, kill

  sin for it.

  The three of them looked at each other. They grabbed their weapons and went straight to Xiao Rang.

  "Drink" Xiao Thief.eat a knife_"

  The gangster general Zhou Shenyi was daring. After shouting too much, Shaili rushed to Xiao Rang and killed him.

  Xiao Rang Yidai killed and retreated the seven feathers of Lin Wei.Then turn back and stab.


  The Long Yin Ji and Zhou Shen's long sword collided together, and the long sword was like plastic.Instantly turned into powder.And Xiao Rang's Longyin Ji castrated unabated Zhou Shen's chest

  Longyin Ji is a mysterious weapon, Xiao Rang is strengthened to 10

  Such quality, extremely sharp.

  And what Zhou Shen used was only a 6th-grade yellow weapon. ;

  Naturally, it breaks when touched.

  Zhou Shen didn't even think of it.Xiao let his own strength terrify.Weapons are also so perverted.

  The dignified General Dang Kou was killed in seconds before he got close.

  Yan Zhong and Zhao Fu were too shocked, Xiao Rang's bravery exceeded their imagination.

  Zhou Shen, Shi Jiu, who was slightly stronger than the two of them, couldn't even survive under Xiao Rang's men for one round.

  There is no difference between Xiao Rang killing the generals in the court, and then killing the soldiers. It's a one-shot kill

  The two of them were scared. They quickly restrained the war horse and did not dare to go forward.

  However, L was doomed to blood from the moment they came out.

  The fire python jumped up and rushed behind Yan Zhong and Zhao Fu in an instant, Xiao Rang fell from the sky like a dying god, and the dragon halberd with an icy blade, mercilessly slashed the two off their horses.

  In a few breaths, three generals have been beheaded.Intimidate the Quartet!

  Yu Linwei is no longer afraid of death, A is also terrified at the moment of being killed.

  I saw Yu Wen's body of the three generals on the ground.They finally winced. -8 pairs of surprises

  He looked at Xiao Rang with fearful eyes. He was afraid to step forward.

  The insect of everyone's eyes, the three generals. The corpse is forever in the lane!

  Yongxiang, who was still killing the sky just now, has regained its deadly tranquility.

  "Tick...tick: 2."

  Drops of scarlet blood dripped from the blade of Longyin Ji.

  Yuan Feng and others quickly stepped back a few meters when they saw Xiao Rang's eyes.A strong sense of fear, like a mountain.pressure on them.

  Xiao Rang's bravery surpassed their

  Even the group of ministers who were blocked outside stared at them.

  Dumb mouth.

  - "According to legend, the overlord Xiang Yu has the courage to be invincible. The ten soldiers of the enemy only need to look at his eyes, and they will be frightened and lose their heart to fight. Today's Xiao Rang is better than him. what."

  Taiwei Yang Biao was also the one who led the troops, so he naturally knew Xiao Rang's horror.

  Xiang Yu is too far-fetched. No one knows exactly how.

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