What? Guo Jia thought about it.And didn't say anything right away.

  "Your Majesty. Do you have any ideas?" Guo Jia wanted to see if Xiao Rang 0.0 had any ideas.After all, in Guo Jia's opinion, Xiao Rang's IQ is also not low, and he can often notice some problems that their advisors cannot.

  Xiao Rang shook his head this time. For the time being, he really didn't think of the important point that Guo Jia had forgotten.

  "How about we both think for half an hour each, and then talk about our own ideas together?" Xiao Rang recalled the brainstorming of later generations and couldn't help but want to see if this method could make the two of them think of something.

  "No!" Guo Jia responded hurriedly.Then he stood there thinking.Myself, is there something I forgot to pay attention to?_


Chapter [-]: No Lujiang Refugees

  Half an hour was neither long nor short, but it passed very quickly in the tent.

  Soon half an hour has passed.However, Xiao Rang and Guo Jia looked at each other with any thoughts - laughing and couldn't help but feel very helpless.

  "It is estimated that Feng Xiao's idea is that there is nothing to ignore." Since he can't think of any questions.Xiao Rang can only do this

  Just then, a sound came from outside. "Your Majesty! General Lu Bu has something to tell you ⊥"

  "Let him come in!" Xiao Rang became serious, quite different from Lu Bu and Guo Jia.Lu Bu has tasted power, although now in Xiao Rang's hands

  The next is a general, but you can hide and let you dare not let such a person become your friend

  The relationship between Westerners can only always be the relationship between monarch and minister.Therefore, Xiao Rang needed to be serious in front of Lu Bu all the time. 18_"Your Majesty" Lu Bu walked in hastily. Although Guo Jia in the tent was stunned for a moment, he quickly reacted.

  "What's the matter?" Xiao Rang asked. Lu Bu has never been a snitch.So let him take the initiative to see himself.It could only be something in the military.

  "There are two groups of peasants who say they are the people of Lujiang City." Lu Bu Wukou said.He just prepared according to Xiao Rang's order

  .Just past the gate of the camp.Just met a group of bustling peasants coming to their camp.

  "Oh?" Xiao Rang suddenly became interested.Since he came to Taiying here, he has not seen any commoners in Lujiang County.

  Now there is a group of people who come to Xiao Rang and are very interested.Especially since they came out of Lujiang City.

  Maybe you can learn something about Lujiang City from them.In order to know the problem in Guo Jia's plan just now, removing the hidden danger can play a key role in the war situation.

  Like "Let's go with me to see what's going on" after saying Xiao

  Jean got up and walked outside.Zheng Jia and Lu Bu hurriedly followed.

  Young Master Le's generals and counselors in the camp all heard the news and when Xiao Rang arrived at Taiying Pass, they were all already there waiting for his arrival.

  "Long live Your Majesty." Cheng Chang hurriedly saluted.It is a pity that Xiao Rang has no interest in these false gifts.

  His eyes have shifted to the people below.They were not put in by the ten pawns of the main camp.At this time, the colorless has become a little dark.Therefore, Xiao Rang could not see their appearance clearly.

  "Bong Xian. Bring a few people down to check the show. If there is no problem

  If so, please invite them in! He ordered, and he stopped to think about why the people of Lujiang City could still escape at this time.

  Was it released by Zuo Ci on purpose? It was mixed with Zuo Ci's conspiracy, whether it was an assassin or an assassin, and Dong Rang was living one possibility after another.But in the end, everything was denied by himself, Zuo Ci was not a fool.

  It is not a simple matter for these people to get close to Xiao Rang.Xianfei Zuo Ci himself was among the people. Only then could he succeed in assassinating Xiao Rang.

  It's a pity that Xiao Rang has already figured out what kind of guy Zuo Ci is.For the sake of his own life, he would not hesitate to directly sacrifice his blood

  How could he assassinate himself in the camp just because of himself.Even if he succeeds, there is only one end to him, and that is to be directly chopped into flesh and mud. Xiao Rang thinks that Zuo Ci will not exchange two things at such a limit.

  To the other assassins of the king.Xiao Rang really didn't care.With Lu Bu's strength, he can make the opponent die no longer.

  After a while, Lü Bu led a group of peasants out for the election.

  In Xiao Rang's view, there is nothing wrong with these farmers. It can be seen from their thin clothes and thin bodies.They are indeed the peasants who are on the verge of life and death in this era.

  "Kneel down!" The clerk who followed on the side whispered to the group of people. He was worried that these people didn't understand the etiquette.

  "Okay. Okay. You don't have to kneel!" Xiao Rang was not very interested in this kneeling ceremony.directly in front of these people.The generals behind them are nervous and each other, and there will be some unscrupulous people in this group of people who can take action in time.

  "Did you escape from Lujiang City?" Xiao Rang asked the people in front of him.eyes on them

  It's just that Xiao Rang's momentum is too strong.None of the people in front of them dared to say anything, they just stood up straight with their heads bowed.


  Soon Xiao Rang also realized this problem and hurriedly put away his momentum. "Don't be afraid, I won't do anything to you. Just tell me how you got out of Lujiang City9"

  After a long time, one of the oldest people in the people finally said, "My lord, we were released by General Li."

  "General Li?" Xiao Rang quickly noticed that he was released by the generals under Zuo Ci. What happened?

  "Yes. General Li Tairen Taiyi rescued me from the blood sacrifice," a young man couldn't help but said.


Chapter [-]: The Rush in the City, Guo Jia's Plan

  Xiao Rang nodded, and it seemed that the generals under Zuo Ci, as expected by Guo Jia, didn't have much of a cold for Zuo Ci.

  It is very likely that he only stood on Zuo Ci's side under Zuo Ci's hostage. This can be seen from the fact that the other party secretly let the people of Lujiang City come out, but I don't know how Lujiang City is currently wet?

  "Do you know what happened to General Li?" Xiao Rang asked curiously.If the other party survives, he will reward the other party well everywhere.

  "I, when I escaped, I saw that General Li was killed by the demon Zuo Ci: .." a fat man behind him said. Hearing this

  All the people present cried

  "We are the second and last group to come out." The old man who spoke first continued.From the panic on his face, it could be seen that they really escaped from death. ,

  This group of them is only a hundred or so people, and compared with the people in Lujiang City, they are just a drop in the bucket.

  "I heard that Zuo Ci plans to sacrifice all the people in the city today with blood sacrifice"_" The first young man suddenly cried loudly.

  The expressions of everyone present changed.Lujiang City

  How many people were there, but there was a big city with a population of tens of thousands, and Zuo Ci actually wanted to sacrifice all of them in blood. .Xiao Rang thought it was a little scary, if Zuo Ci really succeeded.

  That's just the people of Lujiang City.Xiao Rang felt sorry for them, and it seemed that he had to take action in advance, and he could not let this situation continue like this.

  "Let's pass on today! The whole army will attack! _We must take Lujiang City three quarters before today ≈_⊥" Xiao Rang shouted directly, and the voice spread directly throughout the entire Taiying. Countless soldiers and soldiers all got ready.

  Originally, they were attacked by those blood sacrifice soldiers in Lujiang City. For two days, they all felt in their hearts.

  Hold your breath.In addition, they saw Xiao Rang actually let the heavens rain, and they now fully believe in their hearts that they will be the one who will win!

  Natural morale was extremely high.In addition, the generals under Xiao Rang had already returned to arrange Yan Fan, and now the Taijun has been assembled.

  Just a quarter of an hour later, he directly killed Lujiang City. All the soldiers have only one belief in their hearts... Grass down Lujiang City!

  And in Lujiang City. After a while, they were still fighting. After General Li and the others returned to the barracks, they immediately gathered their subordinates to prepare to put all the people outside the city. Unfortunately, General Li was in the process of releasing them.

  After going out to a hundred or so people.

  Under the leadership of the young general, Zuo Ci rushed to kill him. In Zuo Ci's opinion, he only needed to kill the leader to make all the other generals obey his words.

  For example, the former General Fang is one of them.It's a pity that Zuo Ci didn't know what the human heart was like.

  He was able to kill a general Fang, that would be the other side killing General Fang unknowingly, but like him directly inserting a sword into General Li's chest, it wasn't just the generals who saw this scene.All the generals and the common people saw this

  One scene.

  There is more than fear in everyone's heart.More is anger.As a result, General Li's subordinates and the other generals who saw this scene all rebelled in an instant, while the generals who supported Zuo Ci gathered their subordinates and fought against each other.

  Before Xiao Rang could kill him, Zuo Ci's banner was in complete chaos. At this time, Zuo Ci just thought that the third watch would arrive soon.

  He can control all the soldiers and soldiers to resist when the time comes, and there is no need to worry about it, but unfortunately, there is still some time before the third watch.Zuo Ci could only calm down his anger and returned to his previous residence


  He waited with peace of mind, as long as his troops are in control of the city gate, he won't worry about what will happen tonight."

  Although the untrained people may have a lower fighting power under control, they can make up for the loss of generals under his banner during this period of time.


  Under Xiao Rang's order, Lü Bu and Guo Jia led the cavalry troops to the outside of Lujiang City first. , but let Guo Jia frown directly.

  It seems that the Zuo Ci troops inside (Wang's) are suppressing the resisting troops.

  In this case, what should I do?

  Guo Jia soon had an idea: _""General Lu, I have a good deal, I wonder if you dare to fight? If it is successful, the chaos in Lujiang will be quelled in one fell swoop⊥"

  Listening to Guo Jia's words, Lu Bu's eyes instantly lit up.His position under Xiao Rang has always been awkward.

  This time I came to Jiangdong to show myself to Xiao Rang. Now there is an opportunity to make great contributions. How could Lu Bu not accept it?

  "Please teach me, sir." Lu Bu hurriedly and respectfully asked Guo Jia forcibly, and he still believed very much in Guo Jia.


Chapter [-] Surrounding Three Que and a Scout Repaying Kindness

  When Xiao Rang's army arrived at L 1 of Lujiang City, he didn't see Lu Bu, who had come earlier, only Guo Jia was waiting for him with a team of cavalry.

  Xiao Rang, who was still strange at first, had a smile on his face after Guo Jia came up and muttered for a while.

  "How is the situation?" It was obvious that he wanted Guo Jia to be in a hurry. The first thing he asked Guo Jia and others to do was the spies around the situation.

  "Report to Your Majesty, there are a total of [-] spies outside Lujiang City, nine of them were killed by us, and the natives were captured alive by us. There are five others who don't know where to go," Guo Jia truthfully reported, and the rest at least one of the five also ran

  into the city.

  Therefore, Zuo Ci will soon get the news, making Guo Jia very helpless. They are cavalry, but the spies of Lujiang City are even more trained scouts.

  It is not impossible to escape from their hands. .Xiao 547_Rang naturally knew this point, so he didn't blame Guo Jia.

  This was already when the plan was made, and it was known that it was bound to happen, but it did not have any impact on Xiao Rang's situation.

  "The order goes on!. Attack the east, west and south gates violently, leaving the north gate only to besiege!" Xiao Rang ordered directly, and the order was immediately issued by the messengers.

  The shouts spread throughout the army

  Since ancient times, the siege of the city has been like this. Attacking three gates and leaving one gate, I don't want to let the defenders in the city resist stubbornly.

  However, Xiao Rang knew that the situation in Lujiang City was different. It would be easy to attack the four gates, but he was worried that the soldiers who were loyal to Zuo Ci would do something wrong.

  After all, something without a bottom line like blood sacrifice can come out. Xiao Rang didn't want to overestimate where their bottom line was. (ccfi)_. …

  Zuo Ci's residence in the city. Zuo Ci is resting in peace at this time. Tonight is the key battle.

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