The armies of the three major states jointly attacked Yuzhou, and Yuzhou was in danger.

And Cheng Yu, who was originally going to Xuzhou to support, was also dragged by Sun Ceganning and others in Jiujiang County, unable to escape.

“What suggestions do the secretaries have for the war in Yuzhou?”

In Jianye City, inside the simple imperial palace, Cao Cao asked the civil and military officials.

“Your Majesty, Xuzhou and Yuzhou served as a bridge for my Wei Kingdom to attack the Longhan Empire, and now Xuzhou has fallen, but Yuzhou must be preserved.”

Xun Yu, who is now the prime minister of the Wei Kingdom, spoke, “Chen Gong, the commander of the Longhan Empire, has a super high strategy, and the deputy commander Tian Zhuo is also extraordinary.

In particular, Chen Deng, under Na Tian, according to the information we have inquired, was able to break through Peiguo in a few days because of this person’s advice.

His ability may not be worse than Chen Gong.

It’s better to let the minister go to Yuzhou. ”

Chen Gong and Chen Deng joined forces, and Yuzhou probably had no one to be its opponent.

Xun Yu felt that it was necessary to go to Yuzhou in person, although it might not be able to block the attack of the two.

At least it can hold out for a long time, and it will not let the Yuzhou border fall easily.

Cao Cao looked at Xun Yu and asked, “Gongda thinks Tian Zhuo will attack Runan’s southern border first?” ”

Xun Yu nodded and said, “Your Majesty, if the minister is Chen Deng, he will also attack the Runan’s border first and cut off the connection between Yuzhou and my Yangzhou.”

In this way, they could fight with Chen Gong’s Yanzhou army from north to south without any scruples, and attack Yuzhou fiercely.

Perhaps, by this time, they were already beginning to attack the southern border of Runan. ”

Cao Cao nodded and fell into deep thought.

“Can’t you transfer Sikong to Yuzhou?” Someone asked.

Xun Yu shook his head and said, “Zhongde was dragged by Gan Ning in Jiujiang, and he couldn’t get out for the time being.

Moreover, Chen Deng would definitely leave ambushes in the city near Huaishui, and it would be difficult for Zhongde to enter Yuzhou from Jiujiang.

Only from Lujiang County can you enter Yuzhou unimpeded, and it must be fast.

If it is slow, I am afraid that the junction of Yuzhou and Yangzhou will be controlled by Chen Deng. ”

“But the prime minister still needs to sit in the imperial city, how can he leave easily?”

Another person spoke, “Besides, the water army sent by Liaodong to Jiangdong, only Gan Ning, Lu Su, and Huang Gai have appeared to block Lord Sikong’s soldiers and horses.

Sun Ce, Zhou Yu and Cheng Pu did not appear, if the prime minister left Jiangdong, then what if Sun Ce came to raid the imperial city?

Moreover, General Lu is not close to the imperial city, and it may be too late for the prime minister to go. ”

Xun Yu frowned slightly, this was also what he was worried about.

Qingxu’s army attacked the city too quickly, and almost took Peiguo with lightning speed, so that Cao Cao could not react.

Again, this was Cao Cao’s concern.

During this time, the original Jiangdong water army led by Sun Ce was haunted, and often attacked various cities in Jiangdong, including the imperial city of Jianye City, which gave Cao Cao a headache.

Several times, if Xun Yu were not there, I am afraid that Sun Ce would have attacked the imperial city.

Therefore, Cao Cao needed Xun Fu to guard the imperial city.

After a moment of contemplation, Cao Cao raised his head and asked, “Can Gongda send someone to quickly send a letter to the Yingchuan Xun family to seek their help?” ”

Xun Yu shook his head and said, “Your Majesty, the Xun family will not send someone to support us.

If my uncle Xun Yu Xunwen serves as the right minister in the Longhan Empire, the Xun family will not help my Wei Kingdom resist the army of the Longhan Empire, nor will it help the Longhan Empire to counterattack our Wei State.

This is the bottom line of the family, and it is also the way for the family to survive in troubled times. ”

When Cao Cao heard this, he nodded with some regret.

Although the Xun family no longer has anyone who can compare with Xun Yu and Xun Fu, it is because Xun Yu and Xun Fu’s ability is too strong and beyond the scope of ordinary people’s understanding.

In fact, the abilities of the rest of the Xun family are still good.

Originally, he wanted to let the Yingchuan Xun family make a move and block Chen Gong for a while, but now he had to dismiss this idea.

Cao Cao thought for a moment and asked again, “Who guards Lujiang County?” ”

“Back to Your Majesty, there are Taishou Maojie and two captains in the town guarding Lujiang, Yu Ban and Lejin.”

Wei Guocheng Prime Minister Xun Yu immediately returned, and the troops and military divisions stationed in various places were basically decided by him.

Therefore, Xun Yu was familiar with the guards from all over the Wei Kingdom.

“Maosuke? I heard that this person was quite strategic, incorruptible, and with the assistance of Yu Ban and Lejin, he should be able to block Tian Yuan’s army for a while. ”

Cao Cao thought for a while and said, “Even so, he ordered Mao Jie, Yu Ban and Lejin, to lead troops from General Lu into Runan, Yuzhou, to resist Tian Zhuo’s army.

Do not seek merit, but only that they can hold the border for a while.

Then he sent people to Jingzhou to inform the two generals Xiahou Yuan and Xiahou Wei, and led troops from Yingchuan County into Runan, assisting Mao Jie and others in garrisoning the border. ”

Xun Yu frowned, but after all, there was no objection, after thinking about it, he came again: “Your Majesty, you can send someone to the Shu Kingdom, ask the Shu Kingdom’s troops in Jingzhou to pay more attention to prevent the Dragon Kingdom’s army from going south.” ”

The Dragon Kingdom is the abbreviation of the Wei and Shu states for the Longhan Empire.

Cao Cao nodded, quickly sent an envoy to the Shu Kingdom, and then asked, “Do you still have something to play?” ”

“It’s okay to wait.”

The main purpose of this pilgrimage meeting was to discuss the affairs of Yuzhou.

“If that’s the case, retreat.” Cao Cao rubbed his forehead and said.

He has always had migraines, and he was almost out of breath during this time when he was oppressed by the Longhan Empire.

And Sun Ce’s army has been haunted in Jiangdong, making people defenseless.

A bunch of troubles made Cao Cao’s migraine more serious.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The hundred officials took the order, the dynasty dispersed, and the hundred officials left.

Only Cao Cao was left there to ponder how to make Yuzhou survive this calamity.

Unfortunately, after thinking for a long time, I couldn’t come up with any good method for the time being, and I could only hope that Mao Jie, Xia Houyuan and others could block Tian Yuan’s army.

At this time, Tian Zhuo’s army, at Chen Deng’s suggestion, entered Runan County from Peiguo Zhi County and launched a fierce attack on Runan Shansang County.

Under the strong attack of 250,000 troops, Shansang County did not last long before it was breached.

Subsequently, the army crossed the Laoshui River, conquered the city of Meng, crossed the Whirlpool River and the Qi River, and went all the way to the southern border of Runan.

After arriving at the southern border of Runan, the army went all the way west, spending several days conquering Shen County and Yingshang County.

Later, it traveled along the Huaishui River Basin and finally reached Fubo County.

Here, the army finally encountered stubborn resistance, because Mao Jie, Yu Ban and Lejin of Lujiang County had already led their army into Fubo County first.

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