At the same time, the army that originally attacked the mall immediately went north and rushed towards Gushi City.

In order to match Zhong Xiu’s plan, Zhang Liao has been shrinking the line of defense.

This made the Liao Cheng defender mistakenly think that he was guarding this section of the defense line really did not have many troops to defend, and he was a little excited and excited, feeling that he could break this Huaishui defense line that caused Wei Guo a headache.

At that time, he was the biggest hero of the Wei state, and he was promoted to marquis.

He will become a popular figure in the Wei Kingdom and a great hero that countless people admire.

Liao Cheng Shou led his army all the way in pursuit, wanting to completely defeat the Huaishui Line.

At the same time, the county commander stationed in Liaocheng found traces of the Dragon Kingdom army in the irrigation basin leading to Liaocheng.

“No, we may have hit the mark.”

Liaocheng County’s face changed greatly, and he immediately sent people to inform Liaocheng that the defender would return with the army.

At the same time, he sent people to Yangquan and Gushi Ercheng to ask for support.

Receiving Liaocheng’s request for support, Gushicheng County Ling immediately wanted to send troops north.

After all, everyone knew the importance of Liaocheng to Lujiang, and if Liaocheng was lost, the Wei state would no longer have any ability to monitor and defend the Huaishui defense line.

However, Gushi City County Commander had just mobilized his army, and before he left the city, a herald soldier came to report: “Sir, the Longhan Empire army suddenly appeared outside Gushi City, and it is coming rapidly, it seems that they are going to storm Gushi City. ”

“Storming Gushi City?”

The county commander frowned, he didn’t think that the Longhan Empire really wanted to storm Gushi City.

This may be the plan of the Longhan Empire to drag down the army of Gushi City and prevent it from going north to support Liaocheng.

But Gushi City County Ling did not dare to gamble, and now that the army of the Longhan Empire was pressing, he did not dare to send troops to support Liaocheng.

First, they were afraid of being intercepted and killed halfway by the Longhan Empire’s army, and second, they were afraid that after sending troops to support Liaocheng, Gushi City could not block the attack of the Longhan Empire and fall.

Then your own responsibility and sin are too great.

At the same time, Yangquan City also received a request for support from Liao Cheng, and the defender of Yangquan City discussed with the county commander whether to send troops.

Yangquan County ordered: “General, if we send troops to support Liaocheng, then the strength of Yangquan City may not be enough to resist the attack of the Huaishui defense line of the Dragon Kingdom.” ”

General Yangquan said, “But if you don’t send troops to support Liao Cheng, I’m afraid Liao Cheng won’t last long.”

Once Liaocheng is lost, we will be attacked on both sides, and it will be equally difficult to resist. ”

Yangquan County Ling also fell into deep thought, as Yangquan Shou said, the geographical location of Liao City was too important to lose.

But in the same way, the geographical location of Yangquan is also very important, and it cannot be lost.

For a time, both the Yangquan Shou General and the Yangquan County Commander were in a dilemma.

At this time, the captain of Yangquan County suddenly said: “Sir, general, it is better for us to ask An Feng for help while supporting Liaocheng.”

With the strength of our Yangquan City, it should be no problem to block the imperial attack and hold out until the arrival of the Anfeng City army. ”

General Yangquan and the county commander looked at each other and said, “The county captain has a very good plan, so he acted accordingly.” ”

Soon, Yangquan sent a request for help to An Feng, and at the same time sent troops down the river south to support Liaocheng.

At this time, the army of the Longhan Empire had already engaged in a confrontation with the Liaocheng army.

In order to delay the progress of the Longhan Empire’s army, Liaocheng County Ling sent troops out of the port to intercept on the water.

The Wei kingdom is located in the watery Jiangdong, and naturally focuses on cultivating water armies.

The elite of their water army is not known to be much stronger than the Shu Kingdom.

Even, they thought that their water army was much stronger than the ordinary water army of the Longhan Empire.

Of course, the killer whale king rides this ace water army, they think they are invincible, but there are still ways to check and balance.

However, when the army of the Longhan Empire appeared, the Wei State Water Army was immediately shocked.

That big ship was bigger and longer than the ships of the Wei Kingdom.

On the deck of the large ship, more than a dozen large crossbows were installed.

Dozens of large ships, thousands of crossbows, here is the ordinary water army of the Longhan Empire.

Well-equipped and suffocatingly powerful.

Bang bang!

One by one, the crossbows cut through the long sky and crossed the water overhead.

Some crossbow arrows penetrated the Wei warships, while others pierced the Wei soldiers on the deck through the city with sugar gourds.

These large bed crossbows were invented and improved by Ma Jun and built by Ouyehua.

These thousands of crossbows shared a whole year before and after.

It was just recently completed and installed on warships.

Liaocheng’s water army became the first test subjects for these bed crossbows.

So far, it seems that the effect is not bad.

Wei warships were pierced and the river poured over, causing those ships to lose control and gradually sink into the water.

The Wei warships were not equipped with bed crossbows, and they still used old-fashioned attack methods.

Each ship was equipped with hundreds of thousands of archers to launch attacks on local armies.

However, when encountering the warships of the Longhan Empire, their archers were simply ineffective.

The range of the bed crossbow is much farther than that of the archer’s bow and arrow.

Today, the crossbows on the ships of the Longhan Empire can attack the ships of the Wei Kingdom with impunity.

And the archers on the Wei warships could not shoot so far at all, and could only be passively beaten.

As soon as the battle began, the Wei army felt extremely aggrieved and depressed.

Such a battle is really unpleasant.

“Rush over!”

Now, the only thing the Wei army can do is to rush over under the attack of this crossbow.

Only close combat can make the bed crossbow of the Longhan Empire useless.

Under the fierce and death-defying dash of the Wei State sailors, many warships were lucky enough to avoid the crossbow attack and approached the fleet of the Longhan Empire.

They want to build bridges, rush on the warships of the Longhan Empire, and engage in hand-to-hand combat with the troops of the Longhan Empire.

Only by piercing the weapons in his hands into the bodies of the soldiers of the Longhan Empire can he vent the grievances and anger in their hearts.

However, at this moment, in front and on both sides of the battleship of the Longhan Empire, sharp blades suddenly drilled out.

At this moment, the warship suddenly increased its speed and rammed towards the warship of the Wei Kingdom.

At the same time, the crossbow on the warship continued to attack the Wei warships farther away.

The warships of the Longhan Empire, under the control of the captain and a group of helmsmen, sailed past the edge of the Wei warships.

The sharp blade on the side of the warship easily cut through the hull of the Wei warship.

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