When the million-strong army of Xianbei went south, the 100,000 Buyeo army in the north of Goguryeo County also marched to Goguryeo County under the leadership of Buyeo King Qiu Tai.

The people of Woju, near Goguryeo County, also led tens of thousands of troops to attack.

The 300,000-strong army of the southern Xiongnu in the north of Liangzhou, under the leadership of Shan Yufuluo, came to Liangzhou in a mighty way.

At the time of the departure of the alien armies, the Longhan Empire had already received the war report.

Chen Feng summoned hundreds of civil and military officials and said, “A million Xianbei army, a hundred thousand Buyu army, tens of thousands of Woyu people, 300,000 southern Xiongnu, a total of nearly 1.5 million troops attacked our Longhan Empire.

Everyone Aiqing, what is the best plan to destroy these alien races at the lowest cost? ”

Zuo Xiang Guo Jia was in charge of the military of the Longhan Empire, and this aspect was naturally within his authority.

When Chen Feng’s words fell, he took the lead in coming out of the crowd and saluted Chen Feng and said, “Your Majesty, my Longhan Empire is unprecedentedly strong in dealing with foreign races.

The joint attack of foreign races was expected by the ministers and others.

This time, my Longhan Empire’s grain harvest has attracted foreign races, but it is just an introduction.

All foreign races know that once our Longhan Empire unifies the Central Plains, there is only one end waiting for them, and that is to exterminate the race.

Therefore, sooner or later, they will unite and want to crush our Longhan Empire, so that there is a glimmer of life.

Moreover, our Longhan Empire may face not only the 1.5 million alien coalition forces in the north, but also the Shu Wei coalition army in the south.

My Longhan Empire is powerful, and the Wei and Shu Kingdoms are suppressed to the point where they can’t breathe.

They have long wanted to fight back against my Longhan Empire, but they have never found an opportunity.

This time the 1.5 million foreign coalition troops invaded our Longhan Empire, which is a golden opportunity for the two countries of Shu and Wei.

Therefore, they will definitely take this opportunity to lead troops to the Northern Expedition. ”

“That’s what Zuo Xiang said.”

Chen Feng nodded and said to Wen Wubaiguan: “I believe that Zhong Qing has already felt that this is the biggest danger to my Longhan Empire since its establishment.

In the past, the Central Plains can be unified, and the foreign races in the north can be wiped out.

However, if this danger is overcome, the Longhan Empire will become history, and the dreams of protecting the Han people will also come to naught.

I hope everyone will do their best to protect the empire and kill the enemy. ”

“Please rest assured, Your Majesty, the ministers will swear to defend the empire to the death.”

All the officials roared in unison, full of momentum.

Chen Feng suddenly smiled and said, “Don’t be so serious, in fact, the left phase and the right phase have already mentioned it to Xuan.”

In this regard, Xu has already made sufficient preparations.

Let you discuss not how to fend off the attack of the enemy coalition, but how to use this opportunity to annihilate them in one fell swoop. ”

In the past three months, in addition to paying attention to the assessment tasks of Zhong Xiu and others, Chen Feng also carried out an expansion of each ace army.

First of all, Chen Feng transferred back 30,000 Huangfeng battalions in various places, and then asked the commanders of the Huangfeng battalions in various places to select elite soldiers from the state soldiers, county soldiers and county soldiers to expand into the Huangfeng battalion.

And transferred back to Luoyang’s Huangfeng camp, Chen Feng fused different diluted versions of genes for them.

Among them, the Dragon God expanded Zhao Yun’s Cloud Dragon Ride to 50,000 people.

The Northern and Southern God Generals, Huang Zhong and Dian Wei’s Death Bow Rider and Heavy Armor Divine Power Battalion, expanded to 30,000 people respectively.

Lü Bu’s wolf riding expanded to 10,000 people, and from soldiers to war horses, they all fused diluted wolf genes and possessed extraordinary speed and endurance.

Yan Liang’s Xuanjia sword ride, Wen Qiu’s Xuanjia spear horse, Zhang Jaw’s swift wind light horse, Zhang Liao’s blue armor iron horse, Gao Shun’s trap camp, Tai Shici’s double halberd bow horse, Gan Ning’s killer whale king horse, etc., all rose to 10,000.

Moreover, Zhang Liao and Gao Shun’s armies have also fused diluted ant genes, and their combat effectiveness has become more powerful.

In addition, Zhang Yan’s Black Mountain Army, Chen Feng did not integrate genes, but used the method of Taiping Qiao Technique, and refined 10,000 of them into Yellow Turban Lux in more than a year.

Zuo Xiang Guo Jia said: “Your Majesty, you have been appointed commander of Youzhou Mu, and dispatched the Xuanjia Lancers of Hezhou and the Black Mountain Army of Jizhou to Youzhou to support.”

Then transfer all the Yellow Wind Battalion from all over the country to Youzhou, so that it can block the million-strong army of Xianbei. ”


Chen Feng nodded, and the word fell, and someone had prepared a holy will to stand by.

Right Xiang Xun Yu replied: “You can send another person with a masterful strategy to Goguryeo County to organize the people of Goguryeo County to form an army to resist the attack of the Woguryeo people.” ”

The people of Goguryeo County who oversaw the cultivation of food by foreign women were all gene fusionists who had fused the genes of diluted war horses.

Moreover, at regular intervals, Liaodong generals would go to Goguryeo County to conduct unified training for these gene fusionists.

Their current state is similar to that of the so-called militia, supervising the cultivation of food for foreign women in peacetime, taking up weapons in wartime, and becoming fighters who kill the enemy.

They are all gene fusionists, and with a little training, their combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of ordinary armies.


Chen Feng nodded, looked at the hundred officials and asked, “Everyone Ai Qing, who can take on this task?” ”

After a moment of silence, Cai Yong, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, said, “Your Majesty, although Sima Lang, the left attendant of the Ministry of Rites, is young, his strategy and wisdom are very comparable, and he can take on this task. ”

Chen Feng heard this and said, “What Cai Aiqing said is that Sima Lang is the silver dragon scouting flower of the first imperial examination, and he can get a high score of ninety points in the final assessment task, and his ability is naturally trustworthy.

Even so, he appointed Sima Lang, the left attendant of the Ministry of Ceremonies, as a general of the Eastern Campaign, responsible for resisting and annihilating the Woji army. ”

Those who intend to make the holy will immediately record Chen Feng’s order to ensure that the holy will is available at any time.

Zuo Xiang Guo Jia continued: “Your Majesty, you can order Yan Liang, the commander of the Hezhou Dragon Commandery, and the commander of the Hezhou Makitian Feng, leading 10,000 Xuanjia Dao Horses and 30,000 Hezhou troops to the north.

Enter the Xianbei hinterland, attack the Xianbei old nest, and cut off the food and grass behind it.

Union prefecture, guarded by Hao Zhao, is enough. ”


Chen Feng nodded, and the holy decree was quickly formulated.

Guo Jia arrived again: “Then order the Southern God to make Huang Zhong the commander, and lead 30,000 death bows to ride into Liangzhou to resist the attack of the Southern Xiongnu.”

Liangzhou Mu Ma Teng served as his deputy commander and assisted Huang Zhong in resisting and destroying the Southern Xiongnu army.

Ling Liangzhou soldier Cao engaged in Pound and guarded the southern border of Liangzhou, assisted by Zhong Xiu, the right attendant of the Ministry of Rites, to prevent the attack of the Shu army. ”


Chen Feng still spit out a word, obviously trusting Guo Jia’s plan very much.

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