013 Air Wall? The Wisdom of the Working People

Infinite water gurgles on the riverbed

But when it reaches seven meters, it stops flowing outwards

It’s like there’s an invisible wall of air blocking it.

Yun Yi touched his chin

It seems that MC rules have a higher priority than real rules.

Real water will flow from high places to low places due to gravity.

But the water in MC can only extend outwards seven blocks at most.

That is seven meters in reality.

If it is more than seven meters, no matter how low the terrain is, the water will not flow over.

Water will continue to flow unless there is a vertical drop of more than one meter.

If a gully with a vertical drop of one meter is dug every seven meters

It can indeed make water extend infinitely

But it’s only feasible over short distances

After all, even if we dig a super drop hole that can hold Mount Everest, the water can only extend for 60 kilometers at most.

Sixty kilometers to the river

It’s just a small river

But for humans

This amount of work is enough to make a sentence that will be passed down to future generations.

Of course, as long as your thinking does not slip, there are always more solutions than problems.

One grid of infinite water cannot be extended, but it is always possible to put a few more grids

Moreover, as long as human influence

Makes the infinite water flow out of the air wall range

MC rules will become invalid

This water will become no different from ordinary water

How will ordinary water be affected?

They are the same

The villagers of Zhaojiazhuang who were watching saw the clear spring gushing out.

I couldn’t help but jump into the Hutuo River

He ran to the infinite water, scooped up a sip and drank it.

Cool and sweet!

It is indeed the magic water created by the gods. It tastes just like the river water.

Maybe it can cure all kinds of diseases and prolong life.

This water is a little strange

There is no spring and no connection to groundwater.

There is nothing but compacted land below

But there is a constant flow of water from here

And it’s clearly a downhill road

The water doesn’t flow down.

As if it was blocked by something, it only flowed within seven meters.

Very strange

Never mind, this is a fairy

If mortals like us can figure it out, then what’s the point of calling us gods?

They didn’t even know what physics and science were.

Although this thing violates the common sense they have known for decades

But when I think about this, it’s the work of gods

I should accept this strange setting.

Anyway, there is water now!

Who cares why?

Long live the gods!

The ancients were just not as productive as later generations, but they were no less intelligent.

The villagers of Zhaojiazhuang soon discovered

Although the flow of infinite water has a range

But as long as the water is transported out of this range

The water will flow down the river as before.

It’s just that the drought lasted too long.

The water was absorbed by the dry soil without leaving a drop before it flowed a few meters.

But it doesn’t matter

Although this little traffic can’t save thousands of households downstream

But it is definitely more than enough to irrigate the farmland in Zhaojiazhuang. soon

The villagers of Zhaojiazhuang worked together to dig a one-foot-wide ditch.

The first section is connected to infinite water, and the last section is connected to the ditch in the field.

This way they no longer have to carry water to irrigate the fields.

Just send a few people to stand at the junction of infinite water and ditch

Scoop infinite water into the ditch

Streams of water will flow into the fields along the ditches

Nourishing crops that are dying of drought

As more and more water flowed into the ditch, the villagers smiled more and more.

They are happy

I am happier than eating meat during Chinese New Year.

Because the crops are alive, they see hope in life

Of course, they all know who brought about all this.

So when they met Yun Yi on the road, they would kneel down in front of him.

Kneel down and worship

Although Yun Yi didn’t understand what they were saying, he could guess that they were words of thanks.

Moreover, bringing life-saving water during a drought is equivalent to saving everyone’s life.

Even if Yun Yi is not a god

The villagers of Zhaojiazhuang were also willing to set up a longevity tablet for him.

What’s more, Yun Yi is a real god?

What’s wrong with bowing and kneeling?

If there were such a powerful deity in the world, we would be willing to kowtow to it every day.

But Yun Yi really can’t adapt

All the way here

He didn’t know how many villagers he helped to kowtow and kneel.

He is afraid to walk on the main road.

It seems that we need to quickly finalize the etiquette between meetings.

Although he wanted to use religious power

But he hoped to bring people together with ideas rather than with a strict feudal hierarchy.

Yun Yi tried to take the small road to avoid the villagers and walked all the way to the center of the village.

Zhao An was organizing people to deal with the dwarf deer and wild wolves hunted by Zhao Yun.

These wild wolves are not big.

The average weight is 50-60 kg, and even the wolf king weighs no more than 100 kg.

Remove bones and inedible parts

Then distribute it to several hundred people in the village

Each person gets less.

But no matter how small a mosquito leg is, it is still meat.

Normally, the villagers of Zhaojiazhuang can only eat a few bites of meat during the Chinese New Year.

Now there is meat to eat

Although not much

But they are already very content.

Seeing Yun Yi coming, Zhao An asked everyone to put down their work immediately.

Bow down and worship

Yun Yi held his forehead with a helpless look on his face and pulled them up one by one.

Then I need paper and pen.

“You don’t need to kneel when you see me. If you want to express your feelings, you can bow.”

Then Yun Yi created the Taoist hand-over ceremony in advance.

After all, the current hand-holding ceremony generally only has two types: holding hands and holding fists.

The Taoist hand-holding ceremony is completely different

Pinching the Ziwu Jue internally and presenting the Tai Chi diagram externally

The left hand embraces the right hand, carrying the yin and embracing the yang, containing the five elements

There is no special effect, it is simply to distinguish it from other hand gestures.

If you insist on talking about the benefits

It can increase collective cohesion and mutual recognition.

By the way, it can also save Yun Yi from having to kneel down and kowtow to others every day.

Although I know that the villagers do this because they admire and respect me

But let a group of people who look older than his father kowtow to him

I always feel weird.

But the gesture of bowing is only a temporary solution, not a permanent one.

In order to face all this calmly, he can only adapt slowly.


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