016 Medicine Doesn’t Exist

Yun Yi asked Zhao Li to give him some aconite

Aconite is a traditional Chinese medicine

Toxic if consumed directly

He originally wanted arsenic

But Zhao Li didn’t have any on hand, so he had to give up.

But the same is true for Aconite

Just let your body enter a state of poisoning.

And Yun Yi is not worried about anything happening to him

First of all, not to mention that there is a milk-clearing state, secondly, talking about toxicity without considering the dosage is just a hooligan

Before confirming safety

He wouldn’t be so stupid as to take a dose that could kill him.

Just eat a little to test the effect of milk.

After getting the aconite

Yun Yi had a large vat filled with milk brought into the house, and then walked in with Zhao Yun and Zhao Li.

There is no rush to treat Tong Yuan

Although Tong Yuan’s current condition is very bad, he will be fine for a while.

He plans to test the effect of milk on himself first

Yun Yi picked up a few pieces of aconite and ate them.

Not a moment

A poisoning status display appeared in the sight

【Poisoning: 11:59:59】

Then the heart representing the blood volume began to slowly decrease

The descent speed is very slow, and it takes several minutes to descend slightly.

It takes about an hour to drop half a heart

He is now level 7, and after upgrading, he has 17 hearts.

12 hours to drop 6 hearts

This means that even if he left the poison alone, he would not be poisoned to death.

Yun Yi picked up the milk bucket slowly

Take a sip

The good thing about reality is that you decide how much you want to drink.

In MC, if you want milk to take effect, you have to drink the whole bucket.

Even though I just took a sip of milk

But milk has shown its effect of clearing the body’s condition

However, it does not completely eliminate the poison, but slightly reduces the duration of the poison state.

Yun Yi continued to drink milk

The poisoning status and blood loss per unit time in the line of sight are visibly reduced

Soon, the poisoning state completely disappeared

He looked at the milk bucket.

Only one litre of milk?

What about the whole bucket of milk I consumed playing games before?

Is it my bad luck?

It seems that MC items can only play their greatest effect in reality.

Afterwards, Yun Yi took a dozen more pieces of aconite

The toxicity of more than a dozen pieces of aconite stacked together is obviously stronger

Not only does the duration of the poisoned state in sight become longer, but the amount of blood lost per unit time also increases.

On average, one heart drops every hour.

If he still does nothing, he could theoretically be poisoned to death.

But he remained calm

Maybe this is the confidence that MC Milk brings to him

This time he did not drink the milk from the milk bucket, but took a bowl of milk from the large jar and drank it.

Sure enough, just like before

The duration of poisoning has been reduced, and the blood loss rate per unit time is gradually slowing down.

Yun Yi continued to scoop milk from the jar and drink it

After drinking about one liter, the poisoning state was completely cleared.

The key is that I can drink a liter of milk without feeling bloated.

Yun Yi fell into deep thought

It seems that even if the milk in the MC is poured out, it still maintains its effect of clearing the body’s positive and negative states.

The effect of the cleansing will vary in proportion to the amount of milk consumed.

After drinking one liter, no matter how strong the poison is, it will be completely eliminated.

I guess the same is true for other positive and negative states of the body.

Yun Yi nodded with satisfaction

My only concern now is whether the disease counts as a negative physical condition.

If not……

Then MC milk is a bit tasteless

After all, poisoning cases are rare.

But if we count

Then MC milk is like a panacea for all diseases

It can bring a little shock to the people in the late Eastern Han Dynasty

Yun Yi scooped a bowl of milk from the jar and asked Zhao Yun to feed it to Tong Yuan.

Zhao Li sat by the bed and took Tong Yuan’s pulse, responsible for observing his condition at any time.

Zhao Yun held the bowl and slowly walked towards Tong Yuan, feeling extremely heavy-hearted.

Although he knew that the gods would never fail

But after all, caring leads to chaos

The person lying on the bed in front of him was his master whom he had worshipped.

It’s hard not to be nervous

Walking to the bed, Zhao Yun gently opened Tong Yuan’s mouth

Then feed the milk through your lips

As Tong Yuan swallowed subconsciously, the milk slowly entered his body.

The hidden disease in the body was slowly healed under the effect of milk, and the originally pale cheeks gradually became rosy.

Only the blood is very pale

But it’s moving in a good direction after all.

“The pulse is gradually stabilizing!” Zhao Li, who was taking Tong Yuan’s pulse, said in surprise.

Yun Yi nodded

It seems that MC milk is also effective against diseases.

That would be a great fortune.

One cup of milk can cure all diseases

Future medical students would probably go crazy if they knew this, right?

I memorized so much medical knowledge, but it’s not as good as drinking a sip of milk

Medicine does not exist!

But the benefits of milk are also obvious. With it, everyone is a miracle doctor.

And Yun Yi no longer has to rack his brains to think about how to produce antibiotics.

Don’t think he is a science student who traveled through time

But he really made antibiotics with his bare hands during the Three Kingdoms period.

He just thinks too much.

Antibiotics are not something you can just rub out with your hands.

Even penicillin and allicin, which can be made by traditional methods

The effect is not satisfactory

It’s better than nothing, and a little better than being infected and dying.

Zhao Yun scooped another bowl from the jar and fed it to Tong Yuan.

Tong Yuan’s complexion became more and more ruddy, not like a dying person at all.

Zhao Li’s expression was even more exaggerated.

With his mouth open and his eyes dull, he kept mumbling:

“Incredible! Incredible!”

“The pulse is steady and strong. Judging from the pulse, Master Tong has fully recovered.”

“Divine means! This is the real divine means!”

Zhao Yun’s hands trembled when he heard this, and his face was filled with excitement.


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