002 To get rich, first cut down trees

As the saying goes, if you want to get rich, first cut down trees.

There is not much else in the deep mountains and old forests, but there are many trees

Yun Yi rushed to the ancient tree with a fist raised

Let’s get started!

Boom boom boom… It doesn’t hurt at all when my clenched fist hits the wood. This should be the protection of MC rules.

I hammered it about a dozen times.

A section of the trunk under the towering ancient tree suddenly broke, and then a fist-sized illusory cube of logs exploded.

Maybe there is no support

The 20-meter-tall ancient tree suddenly fell down, staggering and falling towards Yun Yi.

Oh shit, sudden attack!

Big tree, you don’t have martial ethics

Fortunately, the tree didn’t fall very fast, and Yun Yi found the right moment and took two steps to the side to avoid it.

But looking at the tree falling down

Yun Yi is thoughtful

In the MC world, trees and stones will float in the air instead of falling down after the lower layer is removed.

So the fall of this tree should be affected by the rules of reality, right?

So when will an item be affected by real-world rules and when will it be affected by MC rules?

Oh, it’s so complicated. I need to grow my brain.

Yun Yi rubbed his head

Never mind, I’ll study it slowly later

The falling of the ancient tree did not affect the cube-shaped log block that exploded. Yun Yi took two steps forward and picked it up and put it into his backpack.

Then he set his sights on the fallen tree.

Hey, keep going.

Boom boom boom……

Yun Yi transformed into the tireless Steve, hammering the ancient tree again and again. Every seven or eight seconds, a section of the ancient tree’s trunk would disappear, and then a phantom cube of logs would pop out of the ground at the same time.

After a while

He plucked down all the ancient trees that were more than 20 meters high.

But he didn’t harvest 20 logs, and with the previous one, he only harvested 5 logs. so……

The number of logs that can be pulled out of a tree should not be related to its height, but to its volume?

With speculation in mind, Yun Yi ran to the ancient tree next door and continued to play boom!

Another old tree fell

Yun Yi, who was well prepared, jumped to the side in advance and waited for the ancient tree to land steadily before continuing to pull the remaining branches.

It took less than a minute

There are six more logs in the backpack.

He confirmed his guess

The number of logs that can be pulled out of a tree has nothing to do with the height of the tree, but only with its volume.

Because this tree is obviously taller and thicker than the previous one, it also produces one more log than the previous one.

Then he had another idea.

If the knocked out logs are piled high

Then if we remove the logs on the bottom layer, will the remaining logs float in the air according to MC rules?

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth

Yun Yi decisively took out the logs from his backpack and placed them on the ground.

The moment of landing

The log was like a growth enhancer, and it suddenly changed from the size of a fist to a standard cube with a length, width and height of one meter.

He put four logs on top of this log

Then remove the bottom layer

A phenomenon that violates the laws of physics occurred. The remaining three logs were indeed floating steadily in the air.

Even if Yun Yi sat on it, it would not move.

Hahaha, MC rules are invincible!

Newton’s coffin lid can no longer be held down.

In an instant, countless ways to build the city in the sky flashed through his mind.

Suddenly, the motivation to pull the tree became stronger.

Run to the third tree and continue masturbating

This time he was lucky. In addition to the regular logs, he was lucky enough to get a sapling and an apple.

Saplings are not rare

In MC, every time you pull a tree, there is a certain probability of dropping

But apples only have a chance to drop when you dig up oak trees. Eating them can restore two hunger points or combine with gold ingots to synthesize golden apples

But the strange thing is

The trees he was pulling were obviously not oak trees.

Yunyi doesn’t know what kind of tree it is. After all, there are many more tree species in reality than in the MC world.

Could it be……

In this world, if you rub a tree, there is a certain probability that an apple will drop?

If that’s the case, that would be great.

Mom doesn’t have to worry about me not being able to synthesize the golden apple anymore

Then he found another vacant space.

Plant the newly emerged saplings

He was very curious whether the saplings that fell from the tree would follow the rules of reality or MC when they grew up.

Unfortunately, he doesn’t have any bone meal at the moment.

Otherwise, it is more convenient to test the ripening directly

After that, Yun Yi did not continue to chop trees. He planned to synthesize the workbench first.

The workbench is the foundation of MC

The basic crafting bar that comes with the backpack can only craft up to four grids, but the workbench can support up to nine grids.

Open the backpack crafting column and put a piece of log in

One log can be crafted into four planks

Four planks can be crafted into a crafting table

Yun Yi used ten logs to make forty wooden boards, and then used four of them to make a workbench and placed it on the ground.

Two planks can be crafted into a stick

Yun Yi synthesized ten of them in one go.

To craft a wooden pickaxe you need three planks and two sticks.

Yun Yi only synthesized one

After all, as we all know, the durability of a wooden pickaxe is only three bars. Once the three bars are used up, it is time to put it into the furnace to burn the last bit of value.

With a wooden pickaxe in hand, the world is mine

Yunyi directly uses the real man mining method

Digging straight up and down

But the real world is different from the MC world

The soil in the MC world is generally only two or three layers, but the soil in the real world is generally more than ten meters.

In some plateau areas, the soil can even be hundreds of meters thick.

After pulling out a dozen pieces of soil with my hands

Yun Yi finally touched the rock area

Quickly change to a wooden pickaxe and dig in all directions, mainly to drain all the durability of the wooden pickaxe.

After a while

The durability of the wooden pickaxe in my hand is only a little bit left.

There are also fifty-eight more cobblestones in the backpack.

MC Trivia

A full-durability pickaxe and a low-durability pickaxe take the same amount of time to burn in a furnace.

All are the same

So Yun Yi did not stay underground any longer.

Instead, he jumped up and put mud under his feet.

After a while, I returned to the ground


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