024 Water Elevator

Although his backpack was already full of granite blocks, Yun Yi had no intention of stopping.

After all, the durability of the iron pickaxe is still sufficient.

He planned to use up all the durability of the pickaxe before going up.

As for the granite that can’t be installed

Just throw it on the ground

Come back next time to pick it up

Anyway, those blocks won’t disappear.

Yunyi continues to knock

Every time you use up an iron pickaxe, you will have one more space in your backpack to store granite. finally

The durability of the last iron pickaxe is cleared

The pickaxe instantly disappeared from Yun Yi’s hand.

But he wasn’t surprised at all

After all, dozens of props have been exploded.

It’s become commonplace.

“Okay, time to go up.”

Without a pickaxe, you can’t explode blocks, and there’s no point in continuing to dig.

Yun Yi threw the extra torches in his backpack onto the ground, and then returned to the hole he had dug.

Stand still

While jumping upwards, madly put blocks under your feet

After a while, Yun Yi saw the starry sky above his head from the narrow cave entrance?


No, wasn’t it still daytime when I went down to the mine?

How come it’s night already?

Yun Yi vaguely remembers

It was around afternoon when he and Zhao Yun left Tong Yuan’s house.

Eliminates the time spent on demolition and leveling the ground

So I was underground for at least five or six hours?

Hiss, it’s so terrifying!

I can only say that there is no Jiazi in the mountains, but there is a thousand years in the world.

The time spent mining goes by so damn fast!

Of course Yun Yi himself was also very happy with the digging!

Seeing the granite blocks being dug out

The feeling of relief is indescribable.

And Steve is not tired.

At most, it will reduce the satiety.

Speaking of satiety

Yun Yi then noticed that his satiety level was almost gone.

He carefully recalled the decrease in satiety over the past two days.

The satiety level drops very slowly!

I didn’t expect that the satiety level would become so high after entering reality.

If you move around a little in the game, your satiety will drop rapidly.

But in reality, it takes more than two hours for the satiety level to drop.

When the activity is intense, the satiety will decrease faster.

But it takes about an hour for the satiety level to drop by one level.

As for his current 17-grid satiety

A full refill can last for two days and two nights without food or drink.

Wait until later to get a higher level

It’s like the immortal fasting technique!

Yun Yi smiled happily

Then he ran to the box

Open the box

Take out four pieces of fragrant cooked pork chops

Because his satiety level dropped very slowly, he had been holding back from eating the cooked pork chops.

The only cooked pork chop consumed was given to Zhao Chen as part of an experiment.

Yun Yi looked at the cooked pork chop in his hand, and the rich aroma of meat made him salivate.

If it’s not to save resources

He’s wanted to have a taste.

Yun Yi grabbed the cooked pork chop and took a big bite. tasty!

Although there is no seasoning

But even in its original flavor, it was several times better than any barbecue he had ever eaten.

Yun Yi immediately ate heartily without caring about his image.

After a while

A basin-sized piece of cooked pork chop weighing about 20 kilograms went into his stomach.

And it doesn’t take up any space in your stomach

There are only four more chicken legs representing satiety in sight.

Then Yun Yi took out three cooked pork chops from the box and started eating. soon

After eating three cooked pork chops, the satiety level will increase by 12 bars.

Looking at the full satiety, Yun Yi felt satisfied.

Of course, he can still eat.

But if you eat more, you can only enjoy the taste, but it will not increase your satiety.

Unless there is so much material that we can’t use it all.

Otherwise, Yun Yi would not waste so much

After replenishing the satiety, it’s time to continue paving the ground and building the house.

Yun Yi holds the granite in his hand

A thought

The granite block in his hand disappeared instantly and landed where he wanted it to appear.

If this scene is seen by someone

You will definitely be amazed and call it a miracle

Unfortunately, the villagers of Zhaojia Village are now receiving treatment at Tong Yuan’s home in the southeast corner.

I didn’t notice that such a huge change was happening in the center of the village.

The granite blocks dug from this trip are enough.

After paving the floor, there is still some left.

But there’s not much left

After all, in addition to granite, there is also some soil, gravel and flint in the backpack.

If you want to build the house, you have to go down at least two more times.

Yun Yi put all the remaining items in the backpack into the box

Then open the workbench again

First, use the logs to decompose the planks, then use the planks to synthesize the sticks, and finally put the sticks and iron ingots together to synthesize a bunch of iron pickaxes.

A full forty

After the upgrade, the backpack only has 43 slots in total, which is almost full.

The remaining three grids are not wasted.

Yun Yi took two more buckets and a set of dirt blocks from the box and put them into his backpack.

His original plan was to use the method of knocking and inserting the blocks to go up and down.

But after seeing the bucket in the box

Determined to build a water elevator

MC has many magical properties

For example, Steve can freely control his movements up, down, left, and right in the water.

That’s right

No matter up, down, left or right

This means that even if the water falls from the sky, Steve can fly up into the sky against the current.

Take advantage of this feature

The water elevator appeared

Yun Yi took the bucket and ran to the hole he had just dug.

Just put it

The water in the bucket was instantly emptied, and a water block appeared next to the hole, bubbling up.

The water coming out of the water block gradually spreads around itself.

As soon as it touched the hole, it flowed down along the smooth fracture until it extended to the depths of the ground that could not be seen clearly.

Yun Yi looked at the clear water

I feel a little uncertain

But thinking back to the previous things, they basically conform to the characteristics of MC

No longer worry

Jump down decisively

Of course, for safety reasons, he also has a double insurance in his hand

Another bucket!


PS: Please give me flowers, evaluation tickets, and monthly tickets!!!

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