026 Reality bug?

The cavities of the granite rock mass are littered with a large number of previously excavated granite blocks.

Yun Yi doesn’t even need to do anything

Just walk around and you can easily fill your backpack

But this time he went down to the mine not just to move granite blocks

Otherwise, why would you need to bring forty pickaxes?

The main purpose is still mining!

Explodes more granite blocks

Try to dig all the materials needed to build a house at one time

Yun Yi took out two pickaxes

One on the left and one on the right

Double your efficiency with both hands

Let’s get started!

At this moment, Yun Yi seemed to have transformed into a humanoid shield machine.

Waving hands to create afterimages

Moving forward at an alarming pace

The once hard granite was like a block of tofu in front of him.

It exploded easily after a few hits.

They turned into fist-sized cubes floating in the air.

Yun Yi didn’t care about these blocks

Just keep digging forward

Only the durability of the iron pickaxe is cleared

It can make him slow down his forward movement.

But it’s just a pause

After getting two new pickaxes, he started his emotionless mining journey again.

Finally, as the durability of the last pickaxe was depleted

Yun Yi’s mission to go down to the mine was finally completed.

According to the durability of the forty iron pickaxes, he dug tens of thousands of rock blocks.

Most of them are granite

A small part is other rocks

“After digging so many rocks, it should be enough”

Yun Yi stretched his body, a trace of fatigue rarely seen on his face.

Steve’s body never gets tired.

But after doing repetitive mechanical work for a long time, you will feel a little tired mentally.

Then he returned to the cave entrance

Carrying a backpack of rock blocks, take the water elevator all the way up

There were no accidents this time.

It returned to the ground in just a few seconds.

Put all the rock blocks in the backpack into the box

Return to the cave entrance again

Yun Yi was just about to go down and transport a few more trips. suddenly

A light bulb went off in his head

I thought of a way to fix the card reality bug

“Suppose I don’t put the box into the backpack, but just hold it in my hands, can I carry more rock blocks up at one time?”

In the MC game, except for the Shulker Box, other boxes cannot be put into the backpack together with the items in the box.

But reality is different from games

In the game, Steve can only carry the box by putting it in his backpack.

But in reality, Yun Yi can hold the box directly in his arms.

Just like when Zhao Yun and Zhao Yan moved the box containing the wolf’s corpse.

Try it if you think of it

Yun Yi ran to the box and tried to move it. It didn’t take much effort to move it.

The box is not heavy, about 50 kilograms

An ordinary person can move it

Its biggest problem is its large size.

One box is nearly one cubic meter

Even if Yun Yi has the strength to lift five or six boxes

I can only move two or three boxes at most.

You have to stack it up.

Otherwise it is easy to become unstable

“Maybe I can use ropes to tie the boxes together?” Yun Yi thought.

But I can’t try it now, I can only wait for a chance in the future

One box has 27 spaces, two boxes have 54 spaces, plus the 43 spaces in the backpack, a total of 97 spaces

Assuming that one grid space can hold 64 blocks

That is to say

Can you move 6208 granite blocks by carrying two boxes to the mine in one trip? hiss!

Yun Yi suddenly gasped.

Almost got the greenhouse effect

If I had this ability before traveling through time, wouldn’t I have made a lot of money by opening a transportation company?

Reduce the transportation price

Become a world transport tycoon in minutes

Unfortunately, there is no if

But if everything goes well

Yun Yi only needs to go down twice to move tens of thousands of rock blocks up.

Yun Yi immediately picked up two large boxes and jumped into the water elevator.

Sure enough, it is completely feasible to fix the bug!

The water elevator was not affected at all.

Following the flow of water, he soon reached the ground.

Put the box on the ground

Yun Yi started running around

All kinds of rock blocks that you pass by are automatically collected into your backpack.

Backpack full

He then transferred the groups of rock blocks into the box.

Not long

The 43-block space in the backpack and the 54-block space in the two chests are all filled with rock blocks.

A total of 6208 pieces

Most of them are light red granite.

Although it was loaded with tens of thousands of tons of rock

But the weight of the box did not change at all.

Space storage artifact!

Damn, Newton just did sit-ups in his coffin

Yun Yi sighed

Then, carry the box filled with granite blocks and run along the water elevator twice.

All the tens of thousands of rock blocks that had been dug were transported back to the surface.

Building a house is not easy in reality.

From design drawings, frame structure, to cement pouring, grooving and pipe laying, etc.

Don’t even think about building it in two to three months.

If it is a high-rise building

Before construction, you need to find professionals to assess the earthquake resistance level, wind resistance level, etc.

But Yun Yi doesn’t have to go through so much trouble.

Build it however you want no way

We can only blame the MC for being too awesome and ignoring the rules of real physics.

It’s not an exaggeration to say it’s magic

Especially the various blocks

Once placed, even if the blocks supporting them are knocked off, the blocks will still hang in mid-air in defiance of gravity, as if an invisible force is holding them up.

This is no longer the case that even Newton’s coffin lid can’t be held down.

They were clearly dancing on Newton’s grave.���

And it’s the kind that’s like pulling Newton out of his grave and jumping together!

But this is also good

At least Yunyi doesn’t have to worry about the structural instability of the house he built affecting his safety.


PS: Please give me flowers, evaluation tickets, and monthly tickets!!!

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