032 The Honest Boy Zhao Yun

Yun Yi found a riverbed on the Hutuo River far away from the infinite water blocks.

The riverbed is full of cracks

If there was a shallow pond where he had placed the infinite water block before

This is almost all dry soil.

Only in the center is there a little trickle of water flowing down like a stream.

Yun Yi carried an empty iron bucket to the trickling stream.

Gently scoop

A new bucket is created.

Then he scooped water from the stream several more times, until the bucket was half full.

Buckets have a wide range of uses, and there are many more places where they will be used in the future.

So it’s better to prepare more now.

With Zhao An’s reminder

Yun Yi knew that the sand he wanted was hidden under the cracked mud.

Pull out two shovels

The shovel not only has a speed bonus when digging dirt, but also has a speed bonus when digging sand.

He shoveled the ground twice with both hands.

The cracked soil burst open instantly

Transformed into imaginary blocks of mud

The silt layer is not thick

He had just dug off a layer when he saw the sand underneath.

It’s different from the yellow sand in the game.

The color of sand in reality is yellow with a hint of black

But this does not affect its nature as sand

Yun Yi rubbed his hands excitedly

Dig! Dig!

Two shovels fell on the sand surface and were swung lightly a few times.

The sand exploded into cubes

Yun Yi quickly picked it up and continued digging down

One, two, three…

He won’t think there’s too much sand.

Sand can be melted into glass by throwing it into a furnace

There will be many more places where glass will be used in the future.

In addition to building houses, there are also various medicine bottles

I dug for about twenty minutes.

Yun Yi looked at the twenty piles of sand in his backpack, and then looked at the riverbed of the Hutuo River, which had been hollowed out.

I think I should stop.

He put away his shovel and was about to leave

As a result, when I looked up, I saw that both sides of the river were crowded with people.

“My god, how can the gods shovel sand so fast?”

“Gods have magical powers. Do you think they are the same as us mortals?”

“Look, how come all the sand has disappeared?”

“A mustard seed can contain Mount Sumeru. The gods must have used their hidden powers to take the sand away.”

Everyone on the shore looked at Yun Yi excitedly.

It seems that just seeing this scene makes me feel proud.

Yun Yi smiled and waved to the crowd

The crowd was instantly excited.

It feels like a top star from the future has entered the fan circle

Is this what it feels like to live in the spotlight?

Every move will be watched by countless people

Yun Yi knew that the moment he admitted that he was a god

He will never be able to return to ordinary life.

But he doesn’t regret it

There is always a trade-off.

Although he lost his peaceful and ordinary life, he gained a group of loyal believers.

And it’s the kind of fanatic hardcore

“Everyone, go get busy. I’m leaving.”

The people on the shore nodded, and then all bowed to Yun Yixing.

Amidst the respectful farewells, Yun Yi returned to Zhaojiazhuang.

Back to your own luxurious villa

He ignored the voice-activated lock on the iron door and pushed it open.

Voice-activated locks are for others

He’s Steve, the source of MC rules

Of course it will not be affected by the”lock”

However, Zhao Yun was the only one left in the luxurious villa.

“Hey, where’s your dad?”

Zhao Yun scratched his head and said honestly:

“My dad was so sleepy that he fell asleep while sitting here just now, so I just sent him back to sleep.”

“Did your dad agree?”

Yun Yi widened his eyes strangeness

Given Zhao An’s previous attitude, how could he give up the opportunity to stay and go back to sleep?

Could it be that the sun rises from the west?

Zhao Yun shook his head,”No, what’s wrong?”

Okay, case solved.

It turns out that the honest boy took the initiative

Yun Yi looked at Zhao Yun with a half-smile and patted his shoulder:

“Remember to tell him that I asked you to send him back to sleep.”

“Why?” Zhao Yun was puzzled.

“If you don’t want to eat bamboo shoots fried with meat when you go back, just do as I say.”

“Huh?” Zhao Yun nodded, seeming to understand.

Yun Yi shook his head helplessly

It seems that Zhao Yun is not omnipotent, at least he is not good at dealing with people.

But also

In history, he has refuted Liu Paopao in public several times.

For example, after taking Yizhou, Liu Paopao wanted to give away a lot of land.

But Zhao Yun stood up and said that the world was not yet settled, so rewards could not be given out, and the land should be returned to the people.

Although this is the reason

But it’s okay to talk about it in private

Wouldn’t it be embarrassing for the leader to refute him in public?

And return the land to the people

The people are indeed happy.

But his colleagues who lost the reward will definitely dislike him.

His colleagues are all from aristocratic families.

Need to know

Before the imperial examinations were launched, the aristocratic families were the ones who truly ruled the world.

That is to say, Shu Han did not complete the unification in the end, otherwise Zhao Yun would definitely be blackmailed to death by the Shu Han group’s nobles.

But Yun Yi likes Zhao Yun’s personality.

Kind-hearted, caring about the people, seeking truth from facts

Anyway, he didn’t plan to let Zhao Yun continue to follow Liu Paopao.

Before the Peach Garden Oath of Brotherhood

Maybe we can also pull Guan Yu and Zhang Fei together

As for what Liu Paopao should do without Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun?

What else can I do?

Keep weaving straw sandals

How come Liu Xiu, the ninth generation grandson of Emperor Gaozu of Han, could be a farmer, but Liu Paopao, the descendant of King Jing of Zhongshan, couldn’t weave straw sandals?

There are also many talented people such as Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, Lu Xun, etc.

You can also put it in your pocket

Of course, there is no rush now

Five years of Guanghe

The genius Guo Jia was only twelve years old, the phoenix child Pang Tong was only three years old, and the sleeping dragon Zhuge Liang had just celebrated his first birthday.

Find them all now.

This clearly shows that he is being asked to be the principal of the Three Kingdoms Kindergarten………….

PS: Please give me some flowers, evaluation tickets, and monthly tickets!!

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