004 Original underground mine

This time, Yunyi did not use the previous straight up and down mining method, but used the ladder mining method.

After all, this time he is going deep underground

If you accidentally dig into the lava, you may not have enough time to react and fall into the lava.

It’s okay to be a little reckless in the game, but being too reckless in real life can cost you your life

The ladder mining method is also very simple

Digging downward at a 45-degree angle, one level after another like a staircase extending downward continuously. If they encounter the ore they need on the way, they will stop and explore the surrounding area.

As the saying goes, there is no time in the mountains.

It was the same when I went down into the mine. When I looked up, I saw a dark and narrow mine tunnel. The only light came from the torches. I couldn’t feel the passage of time at all.

If Yun Yi hadn’t discovered that all five stone pickaxes in his backpack had exploded while he was digging, he would probably still be immersed in mining.

He looked at the groups of ores in his backpack.

Somewhat helpless

Cobblestone, granite, basalt, andesite, diorite……

Except for the cobblestone, which is a bit useful, the others are���Useless rock mines, they take up too much space in my backpack

No coal or iron ore was seen.

I don’t know if I didn’t dig the right ore layer, or if there is no coal and iron ore here at all.

But Yun Yi is not someone who gives up easily.

Come here

At least you have to fill up the 36-slot backpack before you go.

If coal or iron ore had not been mined by then,

He changed places

A tree that is moved will die, but a person who moves will live. You cannot hang yourself on a tree.

Of course, he still needs to synthesize a few more pickaxes before continuing mining.

Without a pickaxe, the speed of mining by hand will be slower, and even if you mine the ore, it will not explode.

This is MC, each tool has its unique role

For example, ordinary stone pickaxes can mine most ores, but obsidian can only be mined with a diamond pickaxe.

Because there were enough logs prepared before

So Yun Yi directly synthesized more than a dozen stone pickaxes and threw them into his backpack.

He originally wanted to synthesize more stone pickaxes and put them in his backpack for backup.

After all, before a large amount of iron ore is dug out, the stone pickaxe has always been useful.

You can see

Hey, I’m running out of space in my backpack.

Without the Backpack Expansion Module or the Shulker Box, Steve’s backpack only has 36 slots.

Although boxes and barrels also have the effect of Mustard Seed Naxumi

But you can’t carry it with you

Once broken into blocks, the contents of boxes and barrels will also explode.

But don’t be fooled by the fact that there are only thirty-six grids

This space can hold more than just one item. In addition to special items, each space in Steve’s backpack can hold up to 64 identical blocks.

Assume that all the stones are placed

That means you can put up to 2304 boulders, enough to build a small castle.

Yun Yi put away the workbench and continued digging. Every time he dug three layers, he would place a nuclear torch on the wall to illuminate the surroundings.

Torches are running out midway.

He even took out the furnace and burned a dozen pieces of charcoal to make a set of 64 torches before putting them back. jingle

Suddenly, a pleasant and clear voice sounded from the front.

“Is this… experience?”

Yun Yi’s eyes lit up

Having played MC for more than ten years, he was very familiar with this crisp sound. It was 100% the sound of experience dropping.

There are many ways to gain experience in MC

Such as killing creatures, mining, smelting, breeding creatures, etc.

But now this scene

The only thing that can be triggered is mining, and there are not many mines that can drop experience, only coal ore, diamond ore, emerald ore, lapis lazuli ore, nether quartz ore and redstone ore

But no matter which mine it is, he urgently needs it now.

Taking a step forward, Yun Yi suddenly saw five fist-sized pieces of coal floating in the air in the dug-up mine.

“Coal! And there are five of them?”

Generally speaking, unless you use a pickaxe enchanted with Fortune, a piece of coal ore in MC will only produce one piece of coal.

Yun Yi is sure that his stone pickaxe does not have the enchantment of luck.

Eliminate all impossibilities, and the one that remains, no matter how impossible it is, is the truth.

It seems that the explosion rate of coal ore will also be affected by reality.

So what are the specific influencing factors?

Coal content per unit volume?

If it’s true

Doesn’t that mean there’s probably a coal vein nearby?

Yun Yi’s eyes became brighter

Just jerk off!

First go up and pick up the coal and experience points that just exploded, then start digging around this location.

Sure enough, it was consistent with his guess.

There really is a coal vein here, and it is a rich vein.

A pickaxe went down

Black coals were exploding all over the ground, ranging from one or two to six or seven. The darker the coal, the higher the chance of exploding.

It seems so

The explosion rate of coal ore is indeed affected by the coal content per unit volume.

During the excavation process, Yun Yi also discovered a special trick

Shoot with both hands!

That’s right

Unlike the game where you can only use a stone pickaxe to mine, in reality, as long as the strength and frequency are appropriate, you can use both hands, feet and mouth to mine.

Of course, Yun Yi is not crazy to this extent. Using both hands is already his limit, and his efficiency is not low.


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