066 Ambition? From Beihai in the morning to Cangwu in the evening?

Xinghua Village, Xiahou Family Ancestral Hall

Xiahou Xing held three incense sticks in his hand and respectfully inserted them into the incense burner.

Then kowtow and bow

Just after I finished kneeling, a tall and thin man came over:

“Big brother, should we tell the master about this matter of the immortal?”

The tall and thin man is named Xiahou Zhen

Not only Xiahou Xing’s younger brother

He is also the second person in charge of this branch of the Xiahou family.

Xiahou Xing did not answer

Just quietly picked up a clean rag, picked up an ancestral tablet and started wiping it

“Second brother, do you know how our Xiahou family became so successful?”

Xiahou Zhen smiled and said:

“Brother, you are testing me.”

“Our ancestor Xiahou Ying was a friend of Emperor Gaozu when he was young. He later followed Emperor Gaozu in his uprising against the tyranny of Qin and made great military achievements.”

“After the founding of the country, he was named Marquis of Ruyin, which led to the 400-year glory of our Xiahou family.”

Xiahou Xing nodded:

“You are right”

“So what do you think would have happened if our ancestors had been among the many people who followed Emperor Gaozu at that time?”

Xiahou Zhen glanced at the tablet at the highest point of the ancestral hall:

“Brother, isn’t it a bit inappropriate to comment on our ancestors here?”

“It doesn’t matter, our ancestors are magnanimous and will not blame us for such a small matter.”

Xiahou Xing picked up Xiahou Ying’s tablet at the highest point and wiped it carefully.”Just tell me directly.”

Xiahou Zhen nodded:

“Our ancestors’ talents may not even rank among those who assisted Emperor Gaozu…….”

Xiahou Xing also showed an expression of disbelief:

“On domestic affairs, the ancestor is not Xiao He”

“In terms of military command, our ancestors were not as good as Han Xin.”

“In terms of strategy, our ancestors were not as good as Zhang Liang”

“In terms of bravery, our ancestors were not as good as Fan Kuai.”

Xiahou Zhen heard this and whispered:

“Brother, when you say that, it seems as if our ancestors were good for nothing.”

Xiahou Xing laughed out loud:

“I may be lacking in talent, but I want to tell you that the one who is close to the water gets the moon first.”

“Our ancestor Xiahou Ying had been friends with Emperor Gaozu since he was young. When he was young, he was flogged hundreds of times for Emperor Gaozu. After the uprising, he rescued Emperor Hui.”

“Therefore, after the founding of the country, he was rewarded for his merits and was granted the title of Marquis of Ruyin.”

Xiahou Zhen was puzzled:

“But what does this have to do with whether we tell the host or not?”

Xiahou Xing showed an expression that said he was an incorrigible child:

“How do you think our talents rank in the entire Xiahou family?”

After thinking for a while, Xiahou Zhen uttered a few words:


Xiahou Xing sighed and said straight to the point:

“Yes, our talents are average, so we can’t become the right-hand man of the gods just by relying on our talents like Xiao He, Zhang Liang, and Han Xin in the past.”

“As for the close relationship, we are not as good as the Zhao family in being able to let the immortal stay there.”

“If we call the host in again,”

“If the gods were to reward people based on merit before returning to heaven one day, do you think we would be among the top?”

Xiahou Zhen also understood this:

“I’m afraid……Can’t get a number”

Xiahou Xing nodded:

“Yeah, I can’t get a number.”

“And to be honest, do you want to be controlled by the main vein forever?”

Xiahou Zhen fell into deep thought

That’s right, they are a branch of the Xiahou family in Qiao County, Pei County, Xuzhou

But it’s just a branch

Since Emperor Wu of Han implemented the Enfeoffment Order

In order to fight against the unparalleled conspiracy of the Enfeoffment Order, the aristocratic families

Tried every possible way

Their branches are the product of these methods.

Their ancestors are also descendants of the Xiahou family.

But they are basically the second sons

If the Enfeoffment Order is implemented, they do have a little bit of inheritance rights.

But they are pitifully few.

But this will not only make them, the second sons, unsatisfied, but will also continue to dilute the power of the main branch of the Xiahou family.

At this time, they thought of a way

That is, before the previous generation of the heir to the title is about to die

These second sons took the initiative to separate the family

Going far away to open up new branches

Before the division, the main family will give some materials as compensation.

This will minimize the weakening of power.

It’s hard for these descendants of the branch lineage

But this decision was made after consultation among countless elders of the main lineage.

Even if their ancestors were dissatisfied

It doesn’t help

It is precisely because of this

After these branches were separated, although they still maintained some connection with the main vein, they were more of a secret rivalry.

Hopefully one day it will replace the main vein

Now, the opportunity for this branch of the Xiahou family has come….

Just follow closely behind the immortal

His future achievements will never be inferior to those of his ancestor Xiahou Ying.

After all, Emperor Gaozu was just inspired by the gods.

White Snake Uprising

You can become the emperor of Kyushu

But now they have seen the real gods

You can even listen to the fairy music of the gods up close.

Even if he is not as good as Emperor Gaozu, he should not be worse than our ancestor Xiahou Ying.

“”Brother, I understand.” Xiahou Zhen said

Xiahou Xing finally showed a teachable expression:

“To put it bluntly, for the gods, one more or one less main branch of the Xiahou family is not important.”

“But for us, if there is one more main branch of the Xiahou family, we may not even be able to see the gods in the future.”

Xiahou Zhen nodded in agreement.

“Brother, we have to try to get everyone to agree with us.”

Xiahou Xing nodded and said:

“You are right. When the young and strong members of the family come back,���They immediately called all the tribe members to hold a tribe meeting.”

Xiahou Zhen left

Xiahou Xing is still cleaning the ancestral tablets in the ancestral hall

While wiping, he muttered to himself:

“Everyone says I have no ambition”

“But I am also ambitious. I don’t want to be the so-called head of the family anymore. I want to be……Patriarch!”

“Yes, yes, that’s it.”

Yun Yi stands by the pond

While eating the mango brought from Xiahou’s house, he instructed Zhao Yun who was holding the MC fishing rod.

He can fish in the air with a fishing rod

But I don’t know if ordinary people can fish in the void with a fishing rod like him.

Zhao Yun holds the fishing rod tightly with both hands

Staring at the fish float floating on the water

Don’t dare to rest for a moment

When I watched Yun Yi fishing before

He was curious and wanted to try this magical fishing rod that could fish in the void.

Now I finally got it

How can I not be excited?

But he didn’t know if he could be like the immortal.

Void Fishing

The fish float stands quietly on the water

Stay still

But after waiting for about a minute

The fish float is still motionless

Generally speaking

The waiting time for an unenchanted fishing rod is between 5 and 45 seconds.

I waited for a minute but nothing took the bait.

Yun Yi himself must have never encountered such a

But considering that Zhao Yun is different from him

Although he still looks the same as before he traveled through time

But the inner essence has become Steve, the source of MC rules

Zhao Yun is just an ordinary person.

No matter how strong your martial arts skills are, they are fundamentally different from him.

So he waited a little longer.

Another three minutes passed.

The fish float remains motionless

Zhao Yun looked at Yun Yi helplessly:

“My Lord, I can’t fish in the air.”

Yun Yi took the fishing rod

Throw it out

I was lucky this time.

Only five seconds passed

A string of bubbles floated from a distance to the bottom of the fishing float.

The float sinks quickly

Yun Yi suddenly grabbed

He caught a long, thin red salmon.

Zhao Yun stared at the salmon lying motionless on the ground.

Take a deep breath

Sure enough, mortals are mortals

I can never be as good as a god.

Yun Yi looked at the fishing rod in his hand, then at the salmon on the ground.

Fishing rods are fine

That’s Zhao Yun’s problem.

But as a former science student

Yunyi has a strong persistence in scientific research

I wouldn’t give up on further research on fishing rods just because of such a simple test.

Anyway, we have to set a few more variables.

Then. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He also asked Zhao Yu and Zhao Yan to test fishing with fishing rods.

The waiting time for fishing has also been increased to half an hour

However, none of them succeeded

At this point, Yun Yi can basically determine

He is the only one who can use the fishing rod in MC[] certainly

If you just put bait on the MC fishing rod and fish for ordinary fish in the water

Then anyone can

But if you want to fish in the empty water

Only he can do it.

What a pity

If ordinary people can fish in the void like him

Then he can probably take off directly.

Directly synthesize thousands of fishing rods

Thousands of people from Zhaojiazhuang and Xinghua Village were brought here to fish.

With fish, there is no shortage of food

You might even be able to catch a variety of enchanted books, enchanted bows, and enchanted fishing rods in bulk. pity

This huge plan went bankrupt before it even started.

Put away the fishing rod

I didn’t test anything just now.

But the harvest is good

He caught more than two dozen fish, three pufferfish, three pairs of leather boots, and a silk thread.

Yun Yi feels like he has an indissoluble bond with leather boots

Anyway, I often catch it.

But it’s also good

Although I can’t use it myself, I can give it to others as a reward.

After all, no matter how bad it is, it is still MC’s creation

Has the effect of”artifact protects the master”

The half-block armor of leather boots can also reduce a little damage

And let Yun Yi make his own leather boots

It’s actually a very uneconomical thing.

Because leather boots are made of leather

Leather has a very small chance of being caught by a fishing rod.

You can only get it by killing cows or horses.

It takes four pieces of leather to craft a pair of leather boots.

Killing a cow or a horse can only yield two pieces of leather at most….0

So you need to kill two or three cows or horses to make a pair of leather boots.

In ancient times

Cattle and horses are both highly valuable livestock

A cow or a horse is often more valuable than an acre of good farmland.

How luxurious is he?

Can you kill two or three cows and horses just to make a pair of leather boots with very weak protection?


Yun Yi called Zhao Yun, Zhao Yu and Zhao Yan to the pavilion

“Thank you for your hard work. You must be hungry. Let’s eat something first.”

After that, he put the fish he had just caught into the furnace.

The flames rise

But Yun Yi and the others couldn’t feel the heat

Not long

Raw fish is grilled into cooked fish

Take out a few bowls as big as washbasins and place them on the table.

Put the cooked fish in

Then he took out the fruit he had taken from Xiahou’s house from his backpack.

“Eat it”

In fact, normally

It is not recommended to eat fish during famine.

Because the protein content is too high

The energy required to digest a portion of protein often exceeds the energy of the protein itself.

So theoretically, if you only eat fish, even if you eat until you are full every day,

They will also starve to death.

So you have to eat it with

Especially eat more oily water

But these cooked fish are MC creations

Does not follow this rule

Just eat it

It can supplement all the nutrients needed by the human body

The same goes for rabbit meat.

Even rabbit meat is cleaner than fish

Fish meat still has a little bit of fat, but rabbit meat has almost no fat.

This is why rabbit meat tastes good only when it is made into spicy rabbit head.

The flavor of protein itself

With spicy taste and oily aroma

Simply delicious

Thinking of this, Yun Yi almost drooled.

But this Eastern Han Dynasty

Conditions: 100 million spread

There are rabbits and peppers.

Grease is not a big problem

The core is still pepper

Chili peppers are not actually native to China.

It is a specialty of South America.

It was not until the Ming Dynasty that it was introduced to flower growers.

Then he was quickly accepted by the flower grower who had maxed out the farming attribute and transformed into a flower grower.

As for what was used in ancient times to replace spiciness when there were no peppers?

The answer is mustard

Yun Yi has eaten this thing several times.

But I never liked it

No, it’s too pungent

The rush to my head is like drinking a can of strange chili-flavored cola.

Zhao Yun and his friends had eaten cooked fish before.

So not surprised

Another plate of fruit

They haven’t seen

Although they had seen Yun Yi eat it before, they hesitated for a long time and still did not dare to try it.

Yun Yi laughed.

He took out a pickaxe from his backpack and hit the coconut on the table.

Knocked a hole

“This is coconut, it tastes sweet, you can try it”

Zhao Yun took the coconut first

Take a sip

His eyes suddenly lit up


There are many varieties of beverages in later generations, at least 8,000.

But coconut water still has a place3.4

As you can imagine, the taste of coconut water is definitely not bad. certainly

In fact, what impressed them most was the sweetness of coconut.

The ancient sugar-making process was relatively crude.

For a long time, sugar was a luxury.

Even Yuan Shu

As a separatist force in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, the top aristocratic family, the descendants of four generations of three officials

My last wish before I die is just to drink a bowl of honey water.

Can imagine

How great is the impact of sweet coconut water on their taste buds?

“”My Lord, how can coconuts taste so good? Why don’t we grow them here?” Zhao Yun said with emotion.

Yun Yi laughed:

“It’s not that they don’t want to grow it, but this coconut can only survive in Jiaozhou where the weather is humid and hot.”

“Do you think Jizhou meets these conditions?”

Zhao Yun thought about it, nodded and said:

“Yes, our area has severe droughts in summer and severe cold in winter, which is really not suitable for coconuts to survive.”

“But the coconuts are scarce, and I am afraid that I will never be able to enjoy them again after eating them.”

Yun Yi patted his shoulder:

“This is not necessarily the case. I will wait until I develop the light speed horse.”

“I’ll take you on horseback to Jiaozhou to eat freshly picked coconuts”

Zhao Yun was stunned:

“Lightspeed horse? What kind of horse is this?”

Yun Yi grinned and explained:

“A very special kind of horse,���Inherit the special magic power of the previous generation”

“Generation after generation, as fast as light”

“Even if it is tens of thousands of miles, you can go back and forth in one day” hiss!

As soon as the words fell

The people present all stared with their eyes wide open.

It’s hard to even imagine in my mind

Tens of thousands of miles round trip in one day?

Doesn’t it mean that if you ride this kind of horse, you can go to Beihai in the morning and Cangwu in the evening?

He is truly worthy of being called a god!

They have already begun to imagine riding a light-speed horse to see the vast scenery of China in one day.

PS: Please give me flowers, evaluation tickets, and monthly tickets!!!

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