071 There is a sacred monument deep in the Taihang Mountains, a great and wise teacher!

at the same time

Deep in the Taihang Mountains, between the towering mountains

“Bro, I found it.”

A sturdy man in a yellow Taoist robe panted and pointed to the front and said,”The sacred monument……The monument is in front”

As soon as the words fell

The eyes of the people in front of him all lit up.

The original fatigue was swept away instantly

“Come on, take me there.”

The leading Taoist priest in yellow robes holding a nine-section staff said anxiously

The sturdy man nodded and immediately led the group forward.

In a moment

The crowd passed through the dense jungle and came to a place……space

This open space is about several hundred square meters.

There was no big tree to be seen, only tree stumps level with the ground remained.

The ground is not flat

There are deep and shallow potholes everywhere

It seems to have been smashed by something falling from a great height. certainly

What attracted everyone’s attention the most was the tall stone monument at the edge of the open space.

Yes, it’s a stone tablet.

A huge stone monument made entirely of light red granite

More than ten feet high

No top in sight

Everyone stood at the foot of the stone tablet, looking up desperately

Faintly, I can see two balls of light above.

It’s only during the day now

So it’s not real

However, just looking at the size of this stone tablet, it is clear that it is not something that ordinary people can build.

The leading Taoist priest in yellow robes walked forward slowly, holding a nine-section staff.

Arrived at the stone tablet

Reach out and touch the cold stone tablet

After a long while, he sighed:

“This monument is truly a miracle. It is no exaggeration to call it a divine monument.”

Late Eastern Han Dynasty, Taoist priest, yellow robe, nine-section staff

The title of Yellow Robe Taoist is already on the horizon.

That’s right, he is Zhang Jue, the great and wise teacher and the”July 17″ general of the Heavenly God, who shouted”The blue sky is dead, the yellow sky should be established, the year is Jiazi, and the world is auspicious.”

The group of people around him were his two younger brothers Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang, as well as his disciples Ma Yuanyi, Tang Zhou, Zhang Mancheng, etc.

Of course, he hasn’t said this yet.

It will be the Jiazi Year in a year and a half.

Zhang Jiao was from Julu County, Jizhou

It is only a hundred miles away from Changshan County where Zhao Yun is and Taihang Mountain.

This time he preached in the Taihang Mountains

Someone happened to tell him about the sacred monument.


So he brought his younger brother and disciples to investigate.

But they didn’t expect that the rumors about the divine monument were actually true.

Taiping Dao was founded by the three Zhang Jiao brothers

So his two younger brothers also wore yellow Taoist robes like him.

At this time, Zhang Bao stepped forward and said:

“I heard from the locals that this monument was not built by ordinary people, but suddenly appeared one day some time ago.”

“No sign, no sound, no trace”

“I just slept for one night and then suddenly appeared.”

“The key is that at night, there will still be a divine light shining on the top of the monument, which can be clearly seen from dozens of miles away.”

“Everyone’s legend……This divine monument fell from heaven.”

Logically speaking, there is divine guidance.

Should be easy to find

But that’s not the case

This place is deep in the Taihang Mountains, with towering mountains and lush trees everywhere.

In the distance

You can see the divine light on top of the monument directly over the ancient tree.

But once you enter the Taihang Mountains

Countless trees blocked the view, so not only was the divine light visible, but even the sunlight was extremely dim.

So even if they

It took a lot of effort to find the sacred monument.

At this time, the disciple Tang Zhou suddenly asked:

“Master, I would like to ask, are there really gods in this world?”

Are there really gods?

Zhang Jue suddenly fell into deep thought

There is a good saying

The closer you are to God, the clearer the truth about God becomes.

The same is true for Zhang Jiao

Don’t be fooled by the fact that he told his younger brother and disciples that he met Nanhua Laoxian by chance when he went into the mountains to collect herbs, and then he was taught the”Taiping Yaoshu”》

But my family knows my own business.

《He wrote Taiping Yaoshu himself.

Nanhua Laoxian does not exist either.

All of this was actually fabricated by him in order to preach, under the name of gods.

He just said it so many times that not only did the people around him believe it, but he himself almost believed it.

As for those magic

They were basically some tricks he had learned before.

It’s not really magic.

It’s just some unorthodox methods.

It is even simpler if the talisman water can cure all diseases.

Just add red dates, corn and other ingredients into the water and cook it into porridge.

Then extract the essence

The talisman paper is fake

But if we eat and drink enough, most people’s diseases can be cured without treatment.

Of course, many people who come here also know this.

But there is a way to survive if you follow him

Over time, more and more believers were willing to follow him.

His influence also spread to most of the states and counties of the Han Dynasty.

As for whether there are real gods in this world

He is inclined to have

It’s just that ordinary people can’t see

Even though he had preached for decades, traveled all over the country, and had left his footprints almost all over the Han Dynasty, he had never seen a real immortal.

But of course he couldn’t say it.

As the leader of the Taiping Dao, if he doesn’t have the confidence

The people below are scattered.

Zhang Jiao straightened his robe and said confidently:

“Of course there are, but the gods are either in heaven or hidden in a paradise, and it is not easy for mortals to see them.”

“Just like this divine monument, do you think it can be built by a mortal?”

Others also stepped forward and reached out to touch the stone tablet that was hundreds of meters tall.

The surface of the stone tablet is not smooth

After all, Yun Yi did not use polished granite when he made it, but ordinary granite blocks.

But the surface is still very smooth

From top to bottom, it seems to have been polished countless times.

If this stone tablet was really cast by a mortal

The human and material resources consumed must be extremely staggering.

They live around here.

How is it possible that you have never heard of it? so…

Could it be that the stone tablet really fell from the sky?

At this time, Ma Yuanyi, who was squatting on the ground, suddenly pointed at the base of the stone tablet and said:

“Look, everyone, the base of the monument is separated from the earth.” ah?

The base is separated from the earth?

What does this mean?

Everyone looked at him in confusion.

Ma Yuanyi did not explain any more, but stretched out his hand to dig under the base.

Quickly brought out a lot of soil

Zhang Liang, who was standing by, finally recovered and stepped forward to grab Ma Yuanyi:

“What are you doing? You are digging up the base of the monument. What if the monument falls down?”

Ma Yuanyi gently pulled his hand away:

“Uncle Zhang Liang, I want to ask you, what kind of posture will a heavy object appear when it is pressed on soft soil?”

Zhang Liang hasn’t reacted yet

Zhang Jiao, who was standing by, came over holding a nine-section staff.

I stepped hard on the soil under my feet:

“Even so, it will be pressed hard into the soil.”

Ma Yuanyi nodded immediately:

“Yes, that’s normal.”

“The monument is several dozen feet high and weighs tens of thousands of pounds.”

“If such a huge object falls to the ground, even if it is just dropped lightly, it will be deeply embedded in the soil.”

Zhang Liang scratched his head:

“So you mean part of the monument is sunken in the mud?”

Ma Yuanyi shook his head:

“No, in fact, what we see is the whole of the monument. Although the monument is heavy, it does not press the soil at all.”

Zhang Liang was still a little confused. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

But his two elder brothers Zhang Jue and Zhang Bao had understood.

Zhang Bao said:

“So what you mean is that this divine monument appears to have fallen to the ground, but is actually flying in the air?”

Ma Yuanyi’s eyes lit up and he nodded heavily:

“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”[]

As soon as the words fell

Everyone’s eyes instantly turned to Zhang Jiao.

Zhang Jiao also frowned slightly

Although Ma Yuanyi suggested that the monument was probably in a”flying” state

But this is somewhat risky.

If it doesn’t fly

If they do this, they may knock down the monument.

But Zhang Jiao took a deep breath

Finally decided to pay!

Everything has risks

But after so many years of preaching all over the country, the number of Taipingdao followers has grown to hundreds of thousands.

He still has never seen a fairy

Now the divine monument descends from the sky

It may contain secrets about the gods.

Looking at the monument in front of me, but doing nothing

He will be unwilling

“Go ahead and dig. I believe you are also curious. Zhang Jue nodded in agreement.

Then, a group of the highest level officials of the Taiping Dao��

They all ran to the bottom of the stone tablet and started digging the soil with their bare hands.

Fortunately, this is deep in the Taihang Mountains.

Moist soil

It is not dried out like the soil outside the mountain.

So they just dug it gently

They dug out the soil.


The soil under the stele is getting less and less

Logically speaking

Such a small amount of soil could not possibly support the stone tablet.

But the stone tablet just stands firm like Mount Tai

At this time

Everyone has already believed what Ma Yuanyi said.

The monument may not be erected on the ground

But suspended in the air

The reason why I felt that the stone tablet was standing on the ground was simply because the base of the stone tablet was in contact with the soil on the ground.

The group did not rest.

Keep digging

Finally, they dug out the last bit of soil from under the stele.

However, the stone tablet did not collapse as they imagined.

But suspended in the air, motionless

In other words, the stone tablet was suspended in the air from beginning to end.

Only now have they truly uncovered the secret.

“Miracle, this is definitely a miracle”

“It turns out there are gods in this world”

“This divine monument is more than a thousand times more powerful than the so-called miracles we have seen before.”

Seeing this scene, everyone present was stunned..

Even Zhang Jiao beside him

My hands couldn’t help but tremble slightly

It turns out that the reason I haven’t seen a fairy for so many years is not because fairies don’t exist, but because fate has not arrived.

He reached out and touched the sacred tablet again. so……

Is it because my destiny has come true that I can encounter the Monument of the God Descended from Heaven now?

Everyone looked and looked, touched and touched

But still unbelievable

Finally, Zhang Jue said:

“The monument is right here, it won’t move, and it won’t disappear.”

“I guess everyone must be tired after walking all the way, let’s set up the tent quickly.”

Everyone nodded.

He decisively took out the tent from the bag behind him and set it up.

Finally, two tents were set up.

A house inhabited by the three brothers Zhang Jue, Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang

The other one was for their disciples to live in.

Although the tent is not big, fortunately the number of disciples coming this time is not too large.

Less than ten

Barely able to live

Inside Zhang Jiao’s tent

Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang took out some black pills:

“Let’s eat something, everyone.”

In fact, this is not a pill, but a dry food pill made from various grains.

Although it is small, it has a great effect in replenishing physical strength.

The three of them ate the dry food pills and drank a few sips of water.

At this time, Zhang Bao suddenly spoke:

“Brother, have you really thought about it? Are we really going to do that?……”

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Jiao fell silent.

What Zhang Bao said was actually a rebellion

It’s just that this matter is still in the planning stage.

Apart from the three brothers, even the closest disciples have not been told

Zhang Liang also nodded and interrupted:

“Yes, why do we have to do that? If we don’t do it right, we will lose our heads.”

Because they only educated from beginning to end and did not show any intention of rebellion

Therefore, the Taiping Dao at this time is not a demonic Dao.

It is the right path recognized by all parties.

Not only did the county officials treat them with great courtesy, but even the emperor’s ministers at the center of the Han Dynasty had their followers.

It can be said that as long as they are not sincere in opposing the Han government

Enjoy a lifetime of wealth and glory easily

Even wherever he goes, he is always a guest of honor.

And everyone treats him with courtesy.

The influence of the three brothers in the Han Dynasty is so exaggerated.

However, Zhang Jue sighed, looked into the distance, shook his head and asked:

“Second brother, third brother, you have followed me around the country to preach for so many years. How are the people’s lives?”

Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang were silent for a while, then said:

“Very bad”

“In the past, people could barely make ends meet, but since the reigns of Emperors Huan and Ling, they trusted eunuchs and distanced themselves from wise officials. They sold official positions and imposed taxes one after another. Coupled with the successive years of floods, droughts and locust plagues, the people in the world could no longer make ends meet.”

Zhang Jiao nodded:

“Yes, the phrase”people’s livelihood is in dire straits” is just four simple words, but for ordinary people, it means one living person after another falls to the ground and can never stand up again.”

“How much slaughter and death have we witnessed along the way?���Famine? Disease?”

“Do the people deserve this?”

The three brothers were actually born into a humble family.

So when I see what the people are experiencing, I can empathize with them.

This is why they have already achieved success.

With hundreds of thousands of followers, you can enjoy wealth and glory just by lying down.

But he still traveled all over the country, working hard to preach.

Because I couldn’t bear to see the people suffer like this.

But they have no way to solve the problem from the root.

So I can only ask the gods for everything.

To comfort the suffering hearts of the people

Although all this is only a temporary solution, not a permanent one

But wherever they go

The originally lifeless people will also ignite a glimmer of hope

Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang remained silent

Zhang Jiao continued:

“In fact, we have always known that the root cause of all this was the Han Dynasty, which constantly oppressed the people.”

“Therefore, only by overthrowing this mountain can we truly save the people of the world.”

Zhang Bao clenched his fist:

“Brother, we all know what you said, but how can we easily overthrow the 400-year history of the Han Dynasty?”

Zhang Jue laughed:

“Why should you boost others’ ambitions and destroy your own prestige?”

“Since no one dares to walk the road ahead, let us go forward alone!”

“What’s more, we have hundreds of thousands of followers all over the world. If everyone unites, it is possible to overthrow the tyranny of the Han Dynasty and rebuild a new dynasty.”

“And think about the outside���If the Han Dynasty was still prosperous, how could the heavens send down a sacred stele? And why did the Han Dynasty court not find it, but we found it first?”

“The heavens must also be dissatisfied with what the big man did.”

“The destiny of the Han Dynasty is about to perish!”

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