078 Tit for Tat, Special Second Leader

Hearing that there was still a chance to survive, the five bandits all felt a glimmer of hope.

Even Dian Wei’s face seemed a little more amiable.

“Sir, we must tell you everything we know.”

Dian Wei nodded slightly, squatted in front of the first bandit and asked:

“Which faction are you from? Why are you attacking us?”

The bandit frowned and fell into thought.

However, Dian Wei did not give him a chance to think. He took out a short halberd from his waist and cut off his head with one blow.

The blood spurting from his neck covered Dian Wei’s body.

Under the moonlight, the blood-soaked robe looks even more terrifying.

“Hesitating, are you thinking about how to cheat someone?”

The bandits who had just thought Dian Wei was kind suddenly thought he was hideous.

How is this kind?

It’s clearly a killing god from hell!

Dian Wei smiled coldly

He did it on purpose.

This was done to deter these vicious bandits and to serve as a warning to others. let���We should weigh what we say

Don’t deceive him.

Then he walked to the second bandit and squatted down

The second gangster was frightened and did not dare to hesitate any longer. He said immediately:

“We are the bandits on Xiangtang Mountain”

“Our secret sentries near the road said that there was a group of hungry people, including old people, children, women and children, who had no ability to resist.”

“So we, under the leadership of our great leader, robbed you at night.”

Dian Wei smiled coldly:

“Is it just robbery? Do you think I’m a fool? If I’m not honest, I deserve to be killed!”

Another halberd, the head was separated

When Dian Wei walked in front of the third gangster

The gangster shuddered.

Scared to death

But even though he peed, he still trembled and shouted loudly:

“It’s not robbery, it’s not robbery, it’s murder, I’m going to kill you all”

Dian Wei continued to ask:

“Why kill people?”

The criminal hesitated brush!

A good head rises into the sky

The fourth gangster almost fainted from fright.

But in order to survive

He still forced himself to wake up

“You say”

“Eat people for the sake of eating people!”

The fourth bandit said with all his might,”It’s been a severe drought, and we don’t know how to farm, so we’ve run out of food.”

“The rich are hiding in the castle, and we can’t take it down.”

“The hungry people on the road were poor and had no food for us to steal.”

“So the leader led us to kill people and eat human flesh”

“Excess human flesh can also be used as food reserve”

“We usually send secret guards to observe near the road, and then try to pick the old and weak people to attack, because they are the easiest to bully.”

“Especially since we attacked at night, except for this time, we have never failed.”

As soon as the words fell

The people around heard this and all showed disgust.


It’s just crazy

Although in years of famine there are always people who eat human flesh to survive

But they usually wait until someone dies before they start.

Or eating their own children

Like this group of bandits who openly killed and ate human flesh

Almost none!

“It’s so crazy, so crazy!”

The old man Gao Ping also heard what the bandit said, and angrily stepped forward with his cane and hit the bandit on the head. when!

The gangster was knocked unconscious immediately.

Dian Wei did not stop

It doesn’t matter even if I’m killed

There’s another gangster anyway.

Seeing Dian Wei slowly approaching him, the last gangster couldn’t help but tremble.

He kept repeating:

“I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, I will definitely change for the better in the future, I will definitely be a good person”

Dian Wei laughed, squatted down and asked:

“Again, if you cooperate well, I can consider giving you a way out.”

The gangster nodded:

“I will tell you everything I know.”

Dian Wei asked,”How many people have you robbed and killed so far?”

“……More than 500 people!”said the gangster hiss!

Everyone present took a deep breath.

That’s more than 500 people!

Not more than five hundred chickens!

So scary!

They have completely lost their humanity.

Dian Wei’s eyes widened slightly:

“How many people do you have in total? Who is the leader? Tell us in detail~!”

The gangster nodded repeatedly:

“We have two leaders, more than a hundred men and fifty horses.”

“This time, the sentries discovered you first. Seeing that most of you were old, young, women and children, you had no resistance, so the leader personally brought half of his men and all the war horses to rob and kill you under the cover of night.”

“The second leader took the remaining half of the people to stay in the village to guard”

As soon as he finished speaking, Dian Wei looked at the Gao family.

The Gao family members were not stupid either, and they immediately realized that they were the target of this group of bandits.

If Dian Wei hadn’t helped me, I wouldn’t have eaten that meal of dry food.……

I guess they have all turned into dry bones under the grave now.

Oh no

With the madness of this group of bandits

I guess they won’t even leave their bodies behind, but will become food for the bandits.

“Dian Wei, we will not repeat our thanks. If you are needed in the future, our Gao family will follow you to the death.”

Dian Wei waved his hand:

“It doesn’t matter. When you see injustice, you should help them. What’s more, they are a group of vicious bandits.”

Afterwards, Dian Wei continued to ask the bandits:

“Where do you war horses come from?”

These bandits are riding the finest Hequ horses.

Any horse can be exchanged for several acres of top-quality farmland.

Just a bunch of bandits

Where do so many excellent war horses come from?

And judging from their previous charge, it probably wouldn’t take long for these bandits to learn how to ride horses.

Driving skills are obviously unskilled

The last bandit said quickly:

“These war horses were obtained through lobbying by our second leader of the mountain.”

Can you get it through lobbying?

Everyone present was puzzled.

Gao Ping stepped forward and asked Dian Wei:

“Warrior Dian Wei, may I ask you a few questions?”

Dian Wei nodded:

“No problem, just ask.”

Gao Ping squatted down slowly with his cane and asked:

“You said you have two leaders. What are their names?”

The bandit said:

“Our chief is called Wang Yue, but we don’t know the name of the second chief.”

Seeing Dian Wei’s eyes wide open, he looked as if he was going to swallow him.

He quickly explained:

“We really don’t know the name of the second leader. When we see him, we just call him the second leader.”

Gao Ping asked again:

“Do you still remember the image of your second leader?”

The bandit nodded:

“I remember, our second leader was more than eight feet tall, with a sturdy build, but he always wore a robe and a crown, and looked like a scholar. He was probably in his thirties or forties.”

Gao Ping frowned slightly, then asked:

“Do you remember any other clues?”

The bandit quickly searched his memory and said:

“I remember big���The leader is always very respectful when he sees the second leader.”

“Sometimes the second leader is called Mr.”

“Also, the second leader is often not in the village, and always comes back after being away for a while.”

“Oh, by the way, the second leader also had a beautiful beard, I remember it very clearly”

A man with a beautiful beard, in his thirties or forties, with a sturdy build but with the demeanor of a scholar?

After hearing this, Gao Ping frowned.

Logically speaking

If a person with such distinctive characteristics is famous, he should have heard of it.

However, he didn’t remember this person.

It seems……This person shouldn’t be famous.

Well, who among those with any reputation would do such a wicked thing as eating human flesh?

Dian Wei stepped forward and asked:

“Chief Gaoping, did you find out anything?”

Gao Ping shook his head:

“No, but from his description, the second leader is either from a wealthy family or a descendant of a poor family.”

“But why is this morality so lacking? To even suggest using human flesh as food?” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Dian Wei also doesn’t understand

Even a descendant of a farming family like him would not do such a thing as cannibalism.

Then, he squatted down and looked at the bandit coldly:

“It seems you are of no use.”

The bandit was startled and said quickly:

“It is useful, it is useful. Sir, you are asking these questions because you want revenge, right?”

“I can show you the way.”

“Our village is not small. If you go in by yourself, you may not be able to find the right way.”

His strong desire to survive made his mind extremely active.

“Okay, I’ll trust you for once.”

Dian Wei looked at him in surprise, and then whispered in his ear,”But if I find out that you are deceiving me, I will cut you into pieces and cut off your flesh piece by piece with a knife.”

The bandit almost fainted when he heard Dian Wei’s words.

He knows

With the character of this killing god

If you dare to say it, then you must dare to do it.

Then, Dian Wei walked up to the bandit who had just been knocked unconscious by Gao Ping.

“If that’s the case, then you’re useless.” brush!

With one strike of the halberd, the head of the person was separated

Dian Wei thinks he is still kind-hearted[]

He actually chopped off his head

Let them die without any pain.

In fact, this heinous bandit

Even if I am cut into pieces, it is not excessive.

The fourth bandit’s blood spurted out from his neck like a fountain, splashing more than three meters high.

Some even fell on the last bandit.

He touched the blood on his face

I was terrified.

His current thought is that he can live a little longer.

And didn’t this God of Killing say that before?

If we cooperate well, we can leave a way out.

He is now relying on this sentence to survive.

Suddenly, Dian Wei remembered

As the bandits were escaping, I seemed to have killed a leader with a inch-long halberd.

Afterwards, he and the Gao family gathered all the corpses of the bandits together.

However, because Dian Wei had previously performed a violent beheading

Nearly half of the bodies of these bandits were separated from their heads and could hardly be put together.

But it’s not a big problem

As long as the brain is still there

Then pull the robber over for identification

The bandits were pressed down and walked over one hideous corpse after another. suddenly

He pointed at a man whose back was deeply pierced by an inch-long halberd and said:

“This is him, this is our leader”

The Gao family all looked at Dian Wei in surprise.

They didn’t expect

Dian Wei, who looks big and strong, is so skilled in throwing small halberds.

Dian Wei was not too surprised

This is all expected

Now that the big boss has been killed, there is only one second boss and some small fry left.

Gao Ping stepped forward and said:

“Warrior Dian Wei, are you planning to go up the mountain to seek revenge tonight?”

Dian Wei nodded:

“‘After eating the horse meat, I will lead the bandits to Xiangtang Mountain”

“Haha, I must take revenge for hurting my brother Dianwei.”

“Why, are you here to advise me?”

Gao Ping shook his head:

“No, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, that’s how it should be”

“But their initial target is our Gao family after all, so I want to send a few people to follow you, Dian Wei, to seek revenge.”

Dian Wei waved his hand:

“No need, Chu Yan and I are enough”

“Although they have a lot of people, he���It is because of the convenience of fast horses that they have a slight advantage.”

“But the mountains are my home turf”

“Besides, many of your people are injured. What if they leave with me and bandits come again?”

Gao Ping also thought of this situation

Take a deep breath

At this time, Gao Shun suddenly jumped out and said:

“Grandpa, let me go with Brother Dianwei and the others.”

“Don’t worry, with my strength, even if I can’t defeat you, I can still run away.”

Gao Ping thought for a while and nodded.

“The horse meat is ready, come and eat it!”

The Gao family, who were roasting horse meat, shouted

Dian Wei patted Gao Shun on the shoulder:

“Let’s go eat meat. Only when you are full and satisfied can you have the strength to kill people.”


Gao Shun smiled cheerfully and followed Dian Wei towards the bonfire.

Xiangtangshan Village Lobby

A middle-aged man, more than eight feet tall, with a beautiful beard and slender cheeks, twists his beard.

Looking into the distance

“It’s strange. It should be foolproof, so why do I feel so uneasy?”

However, at this moment

Several bandits rushed in in panic.

“Second leader, no……Not good”

The second leader of the village said in a gentle voice:

“Don’t be in a hurry, take your time to tell me what’s wrong.”

One of the robbers said:

“Failed, this robbery failed, there were a few ruthless characters among the group of old and young women and children”

“We can’t beat them at all.”

“Even the big boss was killed.”

As soon as the words fell, the second leader’s eyes widened, his face full of disbelief:

“What? Wang Yue…..The big leader is dead?”

The bandit on the opposite side nodded:

“Yes, we saw it all.”(Zhao Mahao)

“We had no advantage after the battle, and even lost several brothers and horses in a row.”

“The leader saw that the situation was not right and decisively told us to retreat.”

“The retreat itself was a success”

“But even though we had already run quite far, the leader was still killed by a killer from the opposite side with a hidden weapon.”

After saying this, all the bandits gasped.

A look of lingering fear

They actually hid a little fact.

Even though the chieftain was stabbed by a inch-long halberd and fell off his horse

But he didn’t die immediately

But they were already scared.

Afraid that he would also be shot by the halberd

So no one turned back to rescue them, but all fled without looking back.


Their leader eventually died of excessive blood loss.

After listening to them, the second leader frowned.

Then he quickly relaxed and comforted the people in front of him:

“We are all saddened by the death of the great leader, but this is not your fault”

“Life and death are unpredictable. No one expected this situation today.”

“Everyone, please accept my condolences.”

“You guys must have worked hard on this trip today.”

“How about this, you go back, change your clothes and rest early, and when you wake up tomorrow morning, go to the mountain stronghold warehouse to get some gold each, how about that?”

The currency used in the Han Dynasty was mostly gold and copper coins

Silver is only used on a small scale

After the Sui and Tang Dynasties,

At this time, one gold is worth a lot of money. One gold can be exchanged for 10,000 copper coins.

An ordinary family can’t save that much money even in a year.

The bandits had no suspicion of him.

I just feel that the second leader is really considerate and kind.

“Thank you, Second Chief. We will go back and rest now.”

“Go ahead.” said the second leader.

Afterwards, several bandits left the Shanzhai lobby.

However, they had just left

The second leader, who had been smiling cheerfully, suddenly became serious.

PS: Please give me flowers, evaluation tickets, and monthly tickets!!!

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