Zhang Fu said solemnly: "Everyone, what do you think Ding Yuan wants to do?"

Everyone was silent, only Guo Jia said: "My lord, in my opinion, Ding Yuan may want to establish a career in troubled times."

Zhang Fu nodded slightly: "This Ding Yuan may be an ambitious person, but it is not easy to judge what he wants to do at present."

Everyone nodded in agreement. They all knew that in this turbulent era, anything could happen. And for a person like Ding Yuan who holds a large number of troops and has a strong power, he needs to be treated with caution.

However, Zhang Fu did not know at this time that the bad people had not yet spread all over the world, so many news could not be accurately detected. But he was sure that Ding Yuan was most likely supported by the aristocratic family.

Faced with this situation, Zhang Fu knew that he must remain vigilant and be prepared to deal with various possible situations at any time.

Although He Jin also embezzled a lot of money, he certainly would not use it to support Ding Yuan, and the eunuch party was like a pixiu, only taking in money but not spending it.

"My lord, maybe we should adopt Zhicai's strategy now. Now a year has passed, it's time for us to attack!"

Jia Xu, who had been silent all the time, couldn't help but stand up and speak, and even suggested sending troops.

Even Guo Jia was stunned. What happened to Jia Xu today? He suddenly changed his temper. This is a bit too strange.

Hearing Jia Xu's words, Zhang Fu was also slightly stunned, but then he smiled: "Mr. Wenhe, I remember that you advocated steady development before, why do you support taking the initiative now?"

Jia Xu bowed and said: "My lord, the situation has changed now. We can no longer sit and wait for death. Now, Ding Yuan, Lu Zhi, and Zhu Jun have all taken action. If we continue to sit still, we may lose the initiative. And now we have enough strength to give it a try."

Zhang Fu nodded. He knew that Jia Xu was right. It was already 187 years ago. In another two years, Liu Hong would die.

If they want to do something, they must act as soon as possible.

Zhang Fu thought for a while and said: "If so, it's okay!"

Everyone was happy. They didn't expect that the lord actually agreed to Jia Xu's proposal. At this time, Guo Jia on the side looked at Jia Xu with a puzzled look, thinking in his heart, Jia Xu usually advocated steady behavior, why did he suddenly change his nature today? Did he find any opportunity?

Zhang Fu continued, "However, we still need to act cautiously. This time, we must ensure that there is no risk."

Jia Xu said, "Don't worry, my lord. We will plan carefully and will not take risks easily."

Zhang Fu nodded with satisfaction. He knew that Jia Xu was always cautious. Since he dared to make this suggestion, he must have made it clear. So, he turned to Guo Jia and asked, "Fengxiao, what do you think about this?"

Guo Jia pondered for a moment and said, "My lord, I think what Brother Wenhe said is very true. Now, we have enough strength to fight Ding Yuan and others, and if we send troops at this time, we can take Bingzhou by surprise. However, we still need to be fully prepared to avoid accidents."

Anyway, the plan of storing grain, building high walls, and slowly claiming the throne is still being implemented. Now the first step has been completed, and there is no shortage of grain and grass.

As for the second and third steps, Zhang Fu believed that they could be completed soon. As long as the expansion of Ji County was completed, these two steps could be unified into one.

"Then send troops. How do you think we should send troops now? Should we divide them into two routes or focus on one route?"

If we attack Jizhou Lu Zhi now, Qingzhou Zhu Jun will definitely send troops first, and if we attack Bingzhou Ding Yuan, Jizhou Lu Zhi will also send troops first.

If we divide our troops into two routes and attack at the same time, we will have to face Lu Zhi, Zhu Jun and Ding Yuan at the same time.

For a while, Zhang Fu was a little hesitant and could only listen to the suggestions of Guo Jia and Jia Xu.

Guo Jia said: "The situation cannot keep up with the changes, so it is reasonable to take the initiative to send troops now. In fact, it is completely possible to divide the troops into two groups and attack at the same time."

"Based on the combat effectiveness of both sides, Ding Yuan's Bingzhou family is undoubtedly stronger, so the lord should lead the army in person!"

As soon as Guo Jia finished speaking, Jia Xu added: "The lord needs to take Ding Yuan and Bingzhou with the strongest force of our Yellow Turban Army as quickly as possible, and then we can defeat Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun from both sides."

There was a gleam of wisdom in his eyes, as if he had seen the dawn of victory.

"At that time, Jizhou and Qingzhou will also beIt is within reach, but whether to take over these two states still needs to be seriously considered. "Jia Xu continued, his tone serious and cautious.

He knew the complexity and variability of war, and every decision was related to the victory or defeat of the entire battle.

"Now there are enough generals in the Yellow Turban Army, but our current civil officials are completely insufficient, and even Gaozhou is completely governed by Gongsun Du alone."

Jia Xu pointed out the current problems faced by the Yellow Turban Army. The lack of civil officials may affect the subsequent rule and development.

"Therefore, if we take too big a step in a short period of time, it will be disadvantageous to us, so Xu believes that we can only occupy Bingzhou, and when the number of civil officials under the lord is sufficient, we can start an attack on Jizhou and Qingzhou! "

Jia Xu put forward his own suggestions. He hoped that Zhang Fu could steadily advance the war and avoid getting into trouble due to over-expansion.

After Guo Jia and Jia Xu finished their analysis, Zhang Fu also felt that it made sense. The number of civil officials under his command was still too small. Although there were Yan Zhong's students, they only barely replaced a group of county magistrates in Bingzhou.

Their ability was only that of county magistrates. Not to mention the governor, they couldn't even be county governors. Otherwise, Gaozhou would not have allowed Gongsun Du to temporarily serve as county governors with their Gongsun clan.

After listening, Zhang Jue pondered for a moment and nodded in agreement. He understood that Jia Xu's concerns were not unreasonable. Although he was eager to quickly expand his sphere of influence, he could not ignore internal stability and development. Therefore, he decided to adopt Jia Xu's opinion and concentrate on attacking Bingzhou first, and then plan other places when the time was right.

"It seems that the matter of the academy is imminent! "Zhang Fu complained in his heart that only after the academy was established and a few years had passed, he would not be lacking in talents.

Now there are too many military generals and too few civil officials, which is unbalanced. Of course, the civil officials are very capable, such as Xi Zhicai, Mao Jie, Cheng Yu, Guo Jia, Liu Bowen, Xu Wei, Jia Xu, etc.

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