Zhu Jun looked at the battle situation around him and secretly groaned in his heart.

He knew that his army was powerless to turn the tide, but as a general of the Han Dynasty, he could not give up easily. He gritted his teeth and continued to command the Qingzhou Army to resist tenaciously.

At this moment, an arrow suddenly shot Zhu Jun's shoulder. He groaned and almost fell off his horse. The soldiers beside him hurriedly supported him and asked with concern: "General, are you okay?"

Zhu Jun gritted his teeth, endured the pain, and waved his hand to indicate that he was fine, but in fact, his injuries were not light and had affected his ability to move.

As time went on, the Qingzhou Army suffered more and more casualties, and the defense line began to collapse. The Taiping Army took the opportunity to launch a general attack and rushed to the Qingzhou Army like a tide. Zhu Jun saw that the situation was over and had no choice but to order a retreat.

On the battlefield, the shouting and killing gradually subsided. The Taiping Army won the victory. Guan Hai, Zhang Mancheng, and Bo Cai smiled at each other with joy in their eyes. They successfully defeated the Qingzhou Army and won an important battle for the Yellow Turban Army.


At the same time, Huang Gai and Cheng Pu withdrew the unconscious Sun Jian to the camp.

After they settled Sun Jian, they sat aside with heavy hearts.

They knew that this battle was a huge blow to Sun Jian. Not only did he lose two close comrades, but he also suffered a disastrous defeat.

Huang Gai sighed and said, "I was really careless this time. I didn't expect the Yellow Turban Army to be so powerful."

Cheng Pu nodded and echoed, "Yes, we underestimated their strength. However, the lord will definitely survive."

The two were silent for a moment, and then discussed the next countermeasures. They decided to send someone to inquire about the enemy's movements and strengthen the defense of the camp. After Sun Jian wakes up, they will make further plans.

After a while, Sun Jian finally woke up. He had a splitting headache and remembered what happened before. He was filled with grief and anger. He sat up suddenly and was about to settle accounts with the Yellow Turban Army.

Huang Gai and Cheng Pu hurriedly stopped him and comforted him: "My lord, you just woke up and your body has not recovered yet. Moreover, we are short of troops now and should not act rashly."

Sun Jian glared at the two and roared: "Do you want me to swallow my anger? How can my brother die in vain?"

Huang Gai and Cheng Pu looked at each other and said in unison: "My lord, don't worry, this account will be settled sooner or later, but now we need to conserve our strength and wait for the opportunity."

Sun Jian pondered for a moment and felt that what they said made sense. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I will endure it for now, but one day, I will make the Yellow Turban Army pay the price!"


Just when Sun Jian was discussing with Cheng Pu and Huang Gai, Zhu Jun had already withdrawn. Of the 20,000 Qingzhou troops, less than 10,000 followed Zhu Jun back, which can be said to be another big defeat.

And he was defeated by Bo Cai, which made Zhu Jun very angry.

The military doctor had just helped him deal with the arrow wound, and Zhu Jun sat there panting, his face was ashen, and his chest was heaving violently. It was obvious that he was holding his breath and had nowhere to vent. He stared at the front with wide eyes, his eyes flashing with anger, as if he was about to spit out fire.

Finally, Zhu Jun could no longer hold back his anger, stood up suddenly, reached out and grabbed the things around him, and smashed them to the ground fiercely.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" A series of crisp sounds echoed in the central army tent, and the soldiers around were all startled.

Zhu Jun smashed things and cursed: "Damn Bo Cai! Damn Yellow Turban Army! How dare you humiliate me like this!"

His voice was full of anger and unwillingness, and every word was filled with deep hatred.

Seeing this, Sun Jian hurried forward to persuade: "Sir, please calm down! This defeat is not your fault, but the Yellow Turban Army is too cunning. We did not expect them to have so many troops and tactical arrangements in advance."

Cheng Pu also quickly echoed: "Yes, sir, this failure is just an accident. Next time we will be fully prepared and will never make the same mistake again!"

Huang Gai comforted: "Sir, victory and defeat are common in the military. You don't have to blame yourself too much. As long as we sum up our experience and lessons, we will be able to defeat the enemy."

However, Zhu Jun didn't listen to these persuasions at all. He continued to smash things angrily, swearing and scolding Bo Cai and the Yellow Turban Army.

Sun Jian and others looked at Zhu Jun helplessly, knowing that he was angry at the moment and needed time to calm down.

They stepped aside silently, waiting for Zhu Jun to calm down.

Zhu Jun continued to vent his anger. He swept all the items on the table to the ground, and then stomped on the broken objects with his feet.

His eyesHis expression revealed a sense of determination and firmness, as if telling everyone that he would never give up easily.

Finally, when he had smashed everything that could be smashed, Zhu Jun finally stopped.

He was panting, his forehead was covered with sweat, and his body was trembling slightly. His eyes gradually calmed down, and the anger on his face gradually faded.

Seeing this, Sun Jian and others stepped forward again and asked softly: "Sir, do you feel better now?"

Zhu Jun took a deep breath and said slowly: "Thank you for your concern. I just lost my composure. However, this failure made me deeply realize the strength and cunning of the Yellow Turban Army. We must re-examine our opponents and formulate a more complete strategic plan."

Sun Jian nodded in agreement: "Your Excellency is right. We can no longer underestimate the enemy. Only by understanding the enemy in depth can we find a way to defeat them."

Zhu Jun nodded slightly, with a flash of determination in his eyes: "Yes, we must learn from this lesson, strengthen intelligence collection, understand the dynamics and combat methods of the Yellow Turban Army, and at the same time, reorganize the army, improve combat effectiveness, and never let similar things happen again."

Everyone expressed their support and promised to go all out to help Zhu Jun regain his strength.

Zhu Jun glanced at everyone with gratitude, and secretly vowed in his heart that he must avenge the previous shame and defeat the Yellow Turban Army led by Bo Cai.


On the other side, Liu Bei had led Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Jian Yong and Shen Pei to the vicinity of the Yellow Turban Army camp, but he did not launch an attack immediately, but ordered the army behind him to rest here for a while.

The soldiers got a chance to rest, and they began to relax their bodies, drink water to quench their thirst, and eat to replenish their physical strength.

Liu Bei knew that a battle required not only courage and wisdom, but also sufficient physical strength and good condition.

Only in this way can we better deal with the enemy's attack. Therefore, he gave everyone an hour to recover their vitality.

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