"My lord, we have rested for a night now, it's almost time!" Gongsun Du felt that it was time to continue to send troops to sweep the city. It would be unnecessary to continue to rest now.

Zhang Fu nodded and said, "Well, why not split the troops into two groups? Shengji and Wenrong, you two will lead the county soldiers and Wuhuan cavalry to sweep the city and advance slowly."

"The rest of you will follow me to attack the inner city of Goguryeo's capital, so that we can capture Goguryeo faster!"

Zhang Fu had already had an idea when he entered the city. At first, he didn't expect that Goguryeo's troops would be so weak, so he brought so many troops.

Now it seems that the combat effectiveness is too poor, so there is no such defense. The main goal is a quick attack to destroy Goguryeo as quickly as possible.

"Yes, my lord!" The generals accepted the order in unison, and Gongsun Du was the most excited. He had been planning for so long, and now he can finally lead the army to participate in it personally.


Then Zhang Fu led Cheng Yu, Gongsun Zan, Yan Gang, Tian Kai and three thousand white horse volunteers to go straight to Guonei City. They did not stop along the way, so they arrived at Guonei City in a few days.

Zhang Fu looked at the gate of Guonei City and smiled immediately. It seemed that the news had not yet reached the capital of Goguryeo.

Cheng Yu smiled and said, "My lord, why don't we just charge over there? Although the soldiers are a little tired, they are full of fighting spirit. And now this is a good opportunity. They are not prepared for us to capture Guonei City with minimal casualties!"

Cheng Yu also estimated this distance. As long as the lord rushed fast enough, he could rush into the city and control the gate before it closed.

Of course, even if you choose to rest for two or three hours before attacking the city, it is the same. After all, the lord can break the gate by force, but the cost of rebuilding the gate is not small.

Therefore, if you can avoid it, you should avoid it. The remaining money can be used in other places to improve the strength of the Yellow Turban Army.

Zhang Fu nodded. He understood what Cheng Yu meant, so he immediately rushed out with his sword, very fast.

When they rushed to the city gate, the Goguryeo soldiers had not yet reacted. There were too many people riding in and out of the city every day, so they did not have any defense.

It was not until Zhang Fu drew his sword and killed them that the soldiers in the city reacted, but it was too late. Zhang Fu had already rushed into the city.

"Haha!" Zhang Fu laughed and started a unilateral killing. Before the White Horse Volunteers rushed into the city, the soldiers at the city gate were solved by Zhang Fu alone.

As for the soldiers on the city wall, there were not many. After all, there was no need to go up without a war. There were only a few dozen people at most, and all chose to surrender.

"Lord!" Gongsun Zan found that there seemed to be nothing for him as soon as he entered the city.

Zhang Fu said: "You should divide your troops into three groups to control the other three city gates to prevent them from escaping. Zhongde will leave this place to you!"

Then the three thousand white horse volunteers were divided into four teams. Gongsun Zan, Tian Kai, and Yan Gang each led eight hundred white horse volunteers to capture the city gates, and the remaining six hundred white horse volunteers, five hundred of whom followed Cheng Yu to stay here.

The last hundred white horse volunteers followed Zhang Fu and rushed directly to the palace of Goguryeo.

The journey was originally very fast. After all, no people dared to block the way with such murderous aura. Anyone who saw Zhang Fu made way.

Some even closed the doors and windows directly, fearing that they would break into their homes and rob them in the next second.

Originally, the full-scale raid was unimpeded until they encountered the dandies of Goguryeo, and they were a group of dandies with poor brains.

"Who dares to charge at me on horseback? Are you going to die? Do you know who my father is?"

"If you dismount now, you may still have a complete body, otherwise you will be torn into pieces!"

"Hahaha, I don't know which country's people are so arrogant. There are about a hundred people in this team, and they all ride horses. But no matter how high your status is in other countries, you have to lie down when you come to Goguryeo!"

Those dandies sentenced Zhang Fu to death one by one. Zhang Fu thought that their brains might not be working well, and they didn't even feel the murderous aura on him.

Of course, that's all. He even ignored the blood on his body. It was just stained. These dandies are hopeless.

Zhang Fu also used the system to check. None of them reached the third rate or above. They were all second-rate stuff.

Zhang Fu didn't intend to argue with them, and immediately ordered: "Kill, don't spare any!"

The White Horse Yicong received the order and rushedThey went up, and when those dudes were still shouting, there were already heads rolling.

Until the last moment of their lives, they didn't understand why they died. They were the top existences in Goguryeo.

Zhang Fu didn't care about that. After killing them, he continued to set off with the White Horse Yicong. As for the bodies of those dudes, they just lay there, and no one dared to go up to them.

Goguryeo Palace.

Goguryeo King Bogu was still playing with his concubines there, and he heard the sound of fighting outside the palace. He immediately put on his clothes and went out to take a look.

It didn't matter if he took a look, but Bogu was so scared that he collapsed on the ground. There were corpses all over the ground, and they were all the corpses of his palace guards.

The one hundred people who had not fallen in the field all rode their horses and stared at him covetously, which frightened him so much that his legs were soft and he couldn't stand up at all.

[Ding, scanning is complete!


Military Strength: 15

Commander: 18

Intelligence: 74

Politics: 71

Magic Weapon: None

Magic Horse: None]

Zhang Fu looked at the king of Goguryeo and found that his attributes were acceptable, but it was nothing in the entire Central Plains. There were a lot of third-rate talents in the Central Plains.

Zhang Fu ignored Bogu, but waved his hand directly, and the white horse Yicong behind him scattered and rushed in different directions.

Then there were sounds of fighting and begging for mercy in different places. In less than two quarters of an hour, only Bogu, a local of Goguryeo, was left in the entire Goguryeo palace.

Even Bogu's descendants and concubines were all ruthlessly hacked to death by the white horse Yicong.

Zhang Fu was not Boss Cao. He could guess the identities of these concubines. They were definitely the daughters of nobles. Such people were the most troublesome, so they naturally could not be kept.

After all, he wanted to get rid of those nobles. If he kept them, he would leave a potential enemy behind. Zhang Fu would not allow such trouble to exist.

As for Bogu's descendants, it was even more impossible for them to survive. If one of them survived, it would only give those old stubborn people in Goguryeo hope of restoring Goguryeo.

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