This news may be happy to others, thanks to the smoke coming out of their ancestral graves, but for Liu Feng, he doesn't care at all. In his native world, he is the emperor, how could he care about the throne given to him by others?.

His indifferent attitude made the four famous catchers admire him very much. This is a true celebrity, a great person who does not care about the so-called fame and fortune, but only has an innocent heart.

It didn't take long for the four famous arrests to spread the news, attracting the admiration of people all over the world. This made Liu Feng feel speechless. He just didn't care about this thing. How could it become everyone in the world when it reached other people's mouths? What about being a model?

But no matter what happened, the next thing he had to do was to eliminate the entire Fuso to prevent some things from getting worse.

Although the task in hand has been completed, he is not in a hurry to go back, but continues the expedition to Fusang with his army.

These people will bring trouble to the world in the future. He does not want a group of people who do not belong to them to appear on the land of China in the future.

This man would cause harm to his fellow man. So he planned to nip this damage in the bud.

Let all the troops under your command prepare firecrackers, and prepare moisture-proof measures to avoid the firecrackers becoming damp and unable to be used on the way to Fuso by boat.

And how could those people from Fusang have ever seen what a fire gun is?

Their first reaction when they saw the arrival of the Ming army was to fight back, but they only had the proud samurai swords in their hands and no other weapons. Even if some people fired their bows and arrows, it would be impossible for the Ming fleet to defeat them in a row. There is no way to prevent it.

The Ming Dynasty's fleet was like a monolithic armored ship.

It is very hard. Even if you slash with all your strength with a samurai sword, you can only cut a white mark, and even an iron plate cannot be cut through.

In Fuso, metal is a scarce resource, so what they have is very backward, and there is no way to fight against the Ming Dynasty's fleet.

The Ming army didn't even get off the boat, so they stood on the boat and fired arrows and fired firecrackers.

These Fuso people were beaten to the point where they were unable to fight back. In less than an hour, there was no one alive on the shore. All the Fuso people fell to the ground, and their blood soaked into the sea and stained the sea surface red.

The Ming army saw that there were no living people on the shore, so they disembarked at this time. Everyone gathered into dozens of squares, and the firecrackers in their hands were prepared early. There were other people behind them who were responsible for carrying gunpowder and following Enter.

From the beginning, they had no intention of talking slowly with the Fuso people. They just called without saying a word and wanted to wipe out all the people here without leaving a single person alive.

Of course, Liu Feng issued this order.

He just wants to kill everyone in Fuso, so as to avoid what will happen in the future and avoid the disaster that his compatriots will suffer.

The people on this island country do not deserve to live at all. If they are killed, it is only because they are not worthy and have no qualifications to continue living in this world.

For the Ming army, military orders are like mountains. They only need to obey the orders and don't need to think about anything else. So seeing the bloody storm in front of them, they continue to move forward unwaveringly, whether they are babies or babies. The women's screams could not stop them.

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