Even, according to their behavior characteristics, Yi brother can always formulate a convincing strategy.

Cao Cao even felt that because of the presence of Brother Yi, he seemed to have opened his eyes to the sky...

How each opponent will go, and how they will go next, has already been calculated by Yi Xiaotian first, and the calculation is not bad.

What Cao Cao has to do is to implement the plan and deploy in advance.

This way of playing made him feel very relaxed and comfortable, and even before a battle was fought, he had a feeling of completeness in his heart.


Don't you say golden horn and silver edge grass belly?

Now, all the threats from east, west, south, and north have been resolved by Brother Yi's strategy. His grass belly is not well protected, and he really wants to transform into a golden belly.

and many more…

Cao Cao suddenly thought of something, that's not right, the current brother Yi has already explained the strategies for dealing with the east, west, south, and north, so?What about the rest?There is one more; Zhong Ding, what does it mean?

Thinking of this, Cao Cao raised his brows and asked curiously. ;Brother Yi, after you've talked about the east, west, north and south, why is there only one 'Zhongding' left?Is there anything in it?

Cao Cao's tone was unpleasant, but his words were deep and heavy. It seemed that he had a premonition of this;



You are a genius, remember for a second:

Chapter [-] The Past and Present of Zhang Xiu and Wan Cheng

Settled?This is the easiest.

Yi Xiaotian spread his hands.There is a saying that there is no room for others to sleep on the side of the couch. Whether Cao Cao is looking at Xuzhou in the east or Yuan Shao in the north, all his decisions must be based on a major premise, that is, the stability of the base camp...

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian narrowed his eyes.Now, Cao Cao's base, Xuducheng, is not impregnable. For example, in Wancheng, [-] miles south of Xuducheng, there lives an unfriendly neighbor!

Hearing this, Cao Cao raised his brows sharply.

Brother Yi mentioned Zhang Xiu from Wancheng...

At this point, he coincides with Yi Xiaotian. Wancheng is too close to Xudu. If he keeps it, it will always be a huge threat.

Besides, who would like to have a ferocious tiger lying beside his base camp?

The story of Lv Bu stealing his home, Cao Cao is a little scared when he thinks about it now, he doesn't want to repeat it a second time.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao has already made up his mind. East, west, south, north, and middle, the priority is nothing else. It is precisely this middle decision.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao's eyes narrowed. He was carefully calculating the comparison between his own strength and Wancheng's strength...


But after such a comparison, Cao Cao found a big problem.

He didn't know Zhang Xiu or Wancheng at all, because from the beginning to the end, he had his eyes on the eastern battlefield.

In Wancheng in the southwest, Cao Cao never sent anyone to inquire. How many soldiers did Zhang Xiu have?How many will there be?What is the structure of the city of Wancheng?How is the people's attachment?How could Zhang Xiu even occupy Wancheng?Cao Cao knew nothing about this series of information.

This is a red flag...

The so-called “knowing oneself and knowing the enemy” means that a hundred battles will not be imperiled, but now marching rashly, it is very likely that due to the negligence of intelligence, it will fall into a doomed situation.

Of course, Cao Cao is not ignorant. For example, Zhang Xiu and Liu Biao are allies, Cao Cao knows!

However, speaking of it, this does not seem to be an optimistic piece of information.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao leaned closer to Yi Xiaotian.

Brother Yi, you are the most knowledgeable, how did this embroidery rise?How to occupy Wancheng?How strong is he, is there any tiger general in his hand?Do these Yi brothers know?

Cao Cao threw out his questions line by line.

Of course, it stands to reason that he, as the biggest warlord in the Central Plains, has no knowledge of it. How could Yi Xiaotian, the shopkeeper of a liquor store, know about the past and present of Zhang Xiu and Wan Cheng?

Seeing that Yi Xiaotian was silent, Cao Cao couldn't help shaking his head, thinking to himself, I'm afraid even the well-informed brother Yi can't answer this time, right?

Unexpectedly, Yi Xiaotian stood up slowly. He did not directly answer Cao Cao's words, but instead greeted the restaurant staff and went to get the jar of wine...

This behavior made Cao Cao even more puzzled.

Brother Yi?Did you drink a lot of wine today?If you drink again, I'm afraid you will get drunk... Cao Cao reminded...

Who knows, Yi Xiaotian waved his hand.It’s not that I have to drink it. I’ll tell Brother Huo this story about embroidery and Wancheng later. It’s too long. I’m afraid that I’ll get dry mouth in the process and I’ll have to get a jar of wine to moisten my throat from time to time.


And this kind of operation?

Cao Cao was startled, and then the corners of his mouth split open, and he laughed out loud.

Darling, there is really nothing in this world that Brother Yi doesn't know about.

The good Jiu Niao Chun wine brought another jar. Cao Cao stood on Yi Xiaotian's side and quickly filled his wine bowl...

I also poured a small half bowl here...

After this was over, Cao Cao sat back in his seat and said with a smile.Brother Yi, now that the wine is here, can the story of Wan Cheng and Zhang Xiu be told in detail?

Hearing this, Yi Xiaotian nodded...

As for this piece of embroidery, it makes sense that Brother Hide is not very familiar with it, but there is one person, Brother Hide most of whom has heard of his name!

who?Cao Cao asked curiously.

Dong Zhuo's former subordinate, one of the four generals of Xiliang, was once a fierce man in Rongyang City during the period when the Guandong princes were seeking Dong, who cooperated with Xu Rong to defeat Cao Cao and returned - Zhang Ji!

huh... he...

Hearing Yi Xiaotian's words, Cao Cao suddenly recalled Zhang Ji.

Speaking of which, he has had contact with Zhang Ji.

When Dong Zhuo first entered the capital, Cao Cao had a conversation with Zhang Ji, and he felt that this man was a fierce champion.

Rongyang was defeated, Cao Cao was defeated by Xu Rong and Zhang Ji, and his old bottom was exhausted, which further deepened Cao Cao's judgment of Zhang Ji's bravery.

But...he is with Wancheng and Zhang Xiu again?what is the relationship?

Cao Cao just thought of this, and Yi Xiaotian's next sentence directly explained his confusion.This Wancheng Zhang Xiu is precisely Zhang Ji's nephew.

Yi Xiaotian was a little surprised to see Cao Cao, and immediately added.Speaking of which, Zhang Xiu has been under the care of his uncle Zhang Ji since he was a child, especially his aunt, Mrs. Zou, who treats him as if she were her own...

Speaking of which, when the emperor returned to the east, Zhang Ji also participated in it. Because of disagreements with Dong Cheng and Yang Feng, the two sides fought a lot. Zhang Ji wanted to hijack the emperor, but his fists were no match for the four, so he went south in despair. fled.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Ji encountered the same problem as when Cao Cao started at Wei Mo. He had no food!With a simple mind and well-developed limbs, he naturally would not have thought of the practice of planting fields, so he began to loot a county...

However, where can there be food in the counties and counties in the Sili area?As a result, he had no choice but to turn his attention to Jingzhou!Turn to the nine counties of Jingxiang, which have plenty of food and grass!Just in the process of attacking Xiangyang City, Zhang Ji was shot by random arrows, and his nephew Zhang Xiu took his place and returned to Wancheng with his sister-in-law.

Yi Xiaotian didn't speak very fast, and explained every detail, while Cao Cao listened very carefully...

Brother Yi said, there are many substantive content, not to mention that there is no relevant information, even if there is, it is not something that can be proven in the information.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao admired Yi Xiaotian even more.

and many more…

Suddenly, Cao Cao seemed to think of something, and immediately interrupted.

Brother Yi, isn't that right?If according to what you said, Zhang Ji attacked Liu Biao?They died in Liu Biao's hands, so shouldn't the two of them be mortal enemies?But the only information shows that they are allies, and Liu Biao has repeatedly subsidized Zhang Xiu's grain and military resources. This does not look like they have attacked each other and are inseparable?

Cao Cao is a wise man...

After a little thought, he noticed the contradiction in Yi Xiaotian's words. Instead of refuting it directly, he interrupted the reminder.

Because, based on his understanding of Yi Xiaotian, Brother Yi never utters lies, and most of them are tricky!

Sure enough, Yi Xiaotian nodded and raised his hand slightly, as if praising Cao Cao.

Brother lie, don't believe it, Liu Biao and Zhang Xiu really have an inseparable hatred.

Yi Xiaotian smiled slightly, then narrowed his eyes.

But now, they can let go of their hatred and become allies and live in peace with each other... And the reason for all this, don't panic, let me tell you in detail, this is about a woman, a beautiful person. woman!

You are a genius, remember for a second:

Chapter [-]: Abusing his wife for a while, chasing his wife in the crematorium


Cao Cao repeated Yi Xiaotian's words. To be honest, he didn't believe that a woman could resolve the feud of killing his uncle in this troubled world where life was like grass.

"Yes, it's a woman..."

Yi Xiaotian nodded. "Brother, Zhang Ji died under the city of Xiangyang, and Zhang Xiu took over his followers, but what was before him was not only the issue of burying his uncle, but also the survival of his followers. Those who followed them came here. Xiliang Xiaoqi, all of them are still hungry, and if they don't solve the food problem, they will be mutiny. Besides, Liu Biao must be on guard at all times. In this situation, if Liu Biao takes advantage of the danger and launches an attack, the consequences will be unimaginable. It's gone!"

Hearing this, Cao Cao nodded, the predicament in front of Zhang Xiu's eyes is very difficult, internal and external troubles, if you are not careful, you will completely die!

But?Who is not difficult in this troubled world?

Didn't he, Cao Cao, also encountered such a predicament at the beginning. If he hadn't met Yi Xiaotian and had a suggestion from Brother Yi, would it be a cool song waiting for him now?

Thinking of this, Cao Cao patted his chest. No doubt, he was lucky, and Zhang Xiu was unfortunate!

"Brother Yi, are you saying that this stall has internal and external troubles? It's Zhang Xiu's aunt, Mrs. Zou, who persuaded Zhang Xiu to let go of her grudge against Liu Biao? Pray for food and grass, and ask for peace and strike?"

Cao Cao asked curiously...

Brother Yi's words have already made it very clear.

In that kind of predicament, apart from abandoning the old hatred and seeking peace and fighting, there is only one outcome waiting for Zhang Xiu - complete demise, and at this time, it seems that only this aunt who regards Zhang Xiu as her own has this energy.

"Brother Hide looks like he understands women very well!" Yi Xiaotian smiled slightly. "As Brother Concealer said, it was Mrs. Zou who persuaded Zhang Xiu to abandon her grudges and ask for peace!"

Having said that, Cao Cao was really curious about this Madam Zou.

Knowing the general situation, taking into account the overall situation, and being able to put her husband's grievances behind her at the crunch time, and doing this, can already be regarded as a woman who does not let her men down.

Of course, what Cao Cao doesn't know is that the premise of having a good impression of a woman is to be curious about this woman... Now Cao Cao has a strong interest in this Madam Zou.


and many more…

Suddenly, Cao Cao thought of something else.

This is not right, Zhang Xiu wants to make peace with Liu Biao and stop the army, this is not wishful thinking, Liu Biao is so generous?Wouldn't they take advantage of people's dangers, but could let them go completely?

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