“Thirty cavalry appeared in Dashan Village, and hundreds of Wuhuan cavalry were killed? Really fake? ”

“Of course it’s true, I saw them drive hundreds of war horses back to Dashan Village.

Moreover, each warhorse was tied with a black head. ”

“That must be true.”

“Great, someone finally stood up to deal with these damn aliens.”

“Yes, those beasts, it’s good if they are all dead.”

“Dashan Village has this strength, why don’t we go to Dashan Village?”

“Yes, yes, take refuge in Dashan Village.”

The news spread, and the Han people of Anxian County rejoiced.

And the survivors of the destroyed villages went to Dashan Village in groups of three or five.

Their home is gone, there is nowhere to go.

Now Dashan Village has the strength to kill hundreds of Wuhuan cavalry, which is their best hope for revenge and survival.

For all this, Liu Feng naturally did not know.

At this time, he was inspecting the city wall.

With the help of the Overlord Iron Horse, the speed of wall construction has been greatly improved.

It was completed in a day.

The city wall stretches across the open space in front of the village, ten feet long and two feet high.

A section of horse face with a width was built every other jog.

The so-called horse face is the rectangular pier that protrudes every other section on the city wall.

Because it looks like a horse face from a distance, commonly known as a horse face.

The appearance of the horse face is to interact with the city wall, eliminate the dead spots under the city, and attack the enemy from three sides from top to bottom.

Its general width is three to six feet, and it protrudes from the outer surface of the wall by more than two to three feet.

The spacing is from six zhang to 75 zhang, generally about 21 zhang.

However, the mountain village is too small, and this section of the wall is only ten feet long in total.

Therefore, the interval is one zhang, and the width of the horse’s face is also one zhang, protruding two zhang above the outer surface of the wall.

Outside the city walls, heads hang.

It was the head of the Wuhuan cavalry, and he wanted to let the foreign race know the fate of bullying the Han.

It is even more necessary to let Anxian and even the Han people of Liaodong know.

In the territory of Liaodong’an County, there are also warriors who dare to kill foreign races.

“Old Fang, the city wall is well built!”

Liu Feng was quite satisfied with the design of this section of the city wall.

Standing on the city wall, looking into the distance, there is a sense of pride that suddenly arises.

“Lord, this section of the city wall still has a weak attack attribute.”

The builder standing beside him, Lao Fang, said respectfully.

Liu Feng smiled and said, “Talk carefully.” ”

He could see Lao Fang’s career transfer skills.

But that transfer skill only says that you can randomly add attributes to the city wall.

As for what attributes can be added, only the old party that built it knows best.

Old Fang straightened up and said with great enthusiasm: “Lord, as long as you fight within ten zhang of this section of the city wall, the enemy army will be weakened by 50% of the attack. ”

Weaken attacks by 50%?

Liu Feng’s eyes lit up, this attribute is really good.

As a result, it is even more difficult to break through the mountain village.

Dashan Village is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and if you want to attack Dashan Village, you must break through the city gate.

If you want to attack the city, you will definitely be attacked by 50% weak.

Before the battle began, the enemy had already lost more than half.

“Good, good, very good.”

Liu Feng did not hesitate to praise.

Lao Fang hurriedly and respectfully said, “It all depends on the cultivation of the lord, otherwise I would just be a person who eats and waits for death.” ”

Liu Feng patted Lao Fang’s shoulder and said, “In the future, you will be remembered by the world.” You should build some more buildings and you can make a second transfer, come on, and strive to become a second-change architect as soon as possible. ”

He checked Lao Fang’s attribute panel before and found that after building the city wall, Lao Fang’s level was increased to 50% of level one turn six.

Some more buildings should be built and they can almost be upgraded.

Lao Fang is also full of expectations, I don’t know what kind of surprise the second turn architect will have.

Liu Feng thought for a while and said, “It’s not a matter that the hundreds of war horses brought back before have been kept in the mountains, and you take people to build a stable on the edge of Big Bear Mountain on the left.”

By the way, build another road that leads to the village”


Hearing that there was a task, Lao Fang was overjoyed.

Such tasks are naturally the more the better, so that they can make the second transfer as soon as possible.

After receiving the order, he flew down the city wall and took his few apprentices of architects up the mountain.

Liu Feng shook his head and smiled, and was about to go down the mountain, when his eyes suddenly froze.

In front of Dashan Village, a group of dark shadows are approaching.

“Close the city gates and watch out.”

Those who come don’t know whether they are friends or foes, or it’s better to be careful.

With Liu Feng’s order, the six overlord iron cavalry responsible for guarding the city gate immediately closed the city gate and waited for orders.

Liu Feng stood on the city wall with an inky jade spear in his hand, his expression solemn.

When the black shadow approached, he was surprised to find that it was a group of ragged and tired-looking homeless people.

However, he did not let his guard down.

It cannot be ruled out whether this is a ploy of the enemy.

The displaced people slowly approached the mountain village, and when they saw the brand new city wall, they all froze.

Dashan Village, when did the city wall appear?

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