Soon, everyone appeared in front of Dashan Village.

Everyone looked at the wall and was shocked.

Oyama Village?

This is still the village?

I have never heard of a village that built its walls.

Of course, the most shocking thing is the densely packed heads of black people hanging on the city wall.

That is the embodiment of the achievements of Dashan Village, and it is a beacon for the Han people of Liaodong to resist foreign races.


Niu Erwa waved for everyone to stop, and then he galloped to the city with the Overlord Iron Horse and said loudly:

“Lord Qiyu, the Overlord Iron Horse has successfully completed its mission, killing nearly seven hundred enemies, obtaining hundreds of weapons and hundreds of war horses.”

“Very good, stand by.”

Liu Feng nodded.

The Overlord Iron Horse slaughters alien cavalry, and his cumulative number of kills, experience points, and transfer points are all increasing rapidly.

For the result of that battle, he could roughly guess without the Overlord Iron Rider report.


Niu Erwa waved his hand, and the overlord iron horse immediately stood aside, his movements neat, crisp and neat.

After completing the order, Niu Erwa continued: “Lord, there is a young man with strong martial arts among the exiles, named Tai Shici, if he can submit, he will be able to help the lord. ”

Too Shi Ci?

Liu Feng was surprised, he actually appeared here?

However, he did not give special treatment because of Tai Shici’s status: “Let the displaced people come.” ”


Niu Erwa took the order, galloped away, and a moment later slowly came with all the displaced people and stopped under the city wall.

On the city walls, the longbowmen tightened their grips.

Under the city wall, the overlord iron horsemen also tightened their spears.

Once they find something unusual about these displaced people, they will not hesitate to attack.

Seeing this scene, the displaced people became extremely nervous, thinking that Dashan Village was going to kill them.

Tai Shici also tightened his heart and put his hand on the halberd.

At this time, Liu Feng spoke, “Everyone, there are only six hundred people in my Dashan Village. And you, initially estimated to be no less than a thousand, so I have to be cautious. ”

Hearing this, the displaced people immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Tai Shici also relaxed his whole body and nodded secretly.

He very much agreed with Liu Feng’s reaction.

Because the number of displaced people is too much compared to the mountain village.

No one can guarantee that there are no hidden aliens or other enemies inside.

“Dashan Village can take in Han people from anywhere, but if they have malicious informants against Dashan Village, they will show no mercy.”

Liu Feng continued, “I believe that everyone does not want to spoil the tranquility of Dashan Village because of a little treachery.

So, I’ll let you guys into town in batches. ”

Tai Shici came out of the crowd and hugged his fists and said, “Thank you for taking you in, we completely listen to the adults.” ”

“Yes, we all listen to adults.”

The displaced people echoed.

Liu Feng glanced at Tai Shici and nodded, “Okay, please come forward first.” ”

As soon as the words fell, nearly half of them came out one after another from the displaced people.

“Niu Erwa, a group of one hundred, followed the Overlord Iron Ride into the city in batches, and went to the back mountain for training.”

According to past practice, first rule out whether there are adulterers in young adults.

The remaining old women, women and children, even if there are adulterers, are not as harmful as young adults.

Moreover, after the young and middle-aged people complete their transfers, the strength of Dahan Village will be greatly enhanced.

Security, again improved.


Niu Erwa took the order and randomly selected a hundred people to prepare to take into the city.

He originally wanted to count Tai Shi Ci among the hundred places, but Tai Shi Ci refused.

They have already arrived in Dashan Village, and it is the same to enter early and late.

Three hundred overlords and iron horses entered the city with one hundred young adults and entered the Houshan Vocational Transfer Hall.

“Elves, turn them into Overlord Iron Riders.”

Liu Feng said in his mind.

“Yes, master.”

The transfer elf Loli sounded, and after a moment, he said, “Master, all a hundred people have entered the gate of the military transfer. ”

All entered the door of job transfer, indicating that there were no treacherous officers.

After the Overlord Iron Horse returned, he took another hundred people into the city.

After five times, all the young adults entered the city.

The last one hundred and fifteen people.

A total of 515 people, five of whom failed to enter the gate of the transfer of services.

Liu Feng didn’t pay attention to it for the time being, but just let the ten Overlord Iron Riders take care of him.

Of the rest, three hundred were transferred to the Overlord Iron Horse, and two hundred and ten were transferred to the Longbowmen.

Liu Feng looked at the hundreds of old and young women and children outside the city and said, “More than five hundred people have all entered the city before, and it is your time next.”

You do not have to be trained, but you must register.

Where you come from, what your name is, and what your specialties are, you will write them down.

Please consciously line up to register, if anyone makes trouble, the weapons in the hands of my Dashan Village soldiers will not show mercy. ”

The rest of the displaced people hurriedly ran to the city gate to line up, and the teacher Lao Li was already waiting here, and he was still going to register.

“Your name is Tai Shi Ci?”

Liu Feng looked at the young men outside the city who did not follow those young adults into the city, and asked.


The teenager hugged his fists.


Liu Feng smiled and jumped down from the city wall.

Landed with a bang, and without saying a word, he carried the ink jade gun to kill Tai Shici.

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