At the city gate, six hundred overlord iron horsemen gathered, and two hundred and ten longbowmen stood with longbows on their backs.

All the villagers of Dashan Village cast their adoring and yearning gazes.

In Dashan Village, it is a supreme honor to be a warrior.

The villagers who have just entered the city have also gathered at the city gate.

It is the only large open space in the village, which can accommodate 3,000 people at the same time.

It was expanded by the architect Lao Fang after the construction of the city wall.

“Bring those five traitors up.”

Liu Feng came with Tai Shici and said to Niu Erwa.


Niu Erwa turned and left, and soon returned with five men.

“What do you mean, my lord?”

The five men pretended to be dazed and angry, “We came to join Dashan Village, since Dashan Village does not welcome us, why did we imprison us?” ”

The newly arrived displaced people looked at Liu Feng one after another, and some remembered that these five people came with them, and they did not know why they were imprisoned.

Liu Feng’s face was calm, and he said lightly: “Say, what did Liaodong Taishou send you for?” ”

The faces of the five changed, and they were exposed without doing anything?

Since it is exposed, there is no need to hide.

One of them said: “We are just on the orders of the Taishou and come to ask the adults to send troops to suppress the foreign riots.” ”


Liu Feng smiled indifferently, “Even if you don’t come, I will send troops.” Your real purpose should be to secretly inquire into the secrets of my mountain village.

Want to know why Oyamamura has produced such powerful warriors? ”

Saying that, he pointed to the five hundred people who had just completed their transfer, and said, “I see them, they are displaced people who came with you, and I trained them into warriors in just two hours.” ”

The five people subconsciously looked at the five hundred people, and the hall of transfer came to mind, and they probably knew why.

That hall of transfer is strange.

Unfortunately, they will never be able to take this secret out.

“If you want to know why, just ask Hades.”

Liu Feng’s jade spear stabbed out one after another, and in an instant, it pierced the throats of the five people.

He turned to look at the other displaced people who had just arrived and said, “If you can join Dashan Village with peace of mind, I warmly welcome you.”

If they have two hearts, they will end. ”

The displaced people hurriedly said, “When I sincerely join Dashan Village, I have no two hearts.” ”

Liu Feng nodded and said, “Very good, someone will arrange what you do, Dashan Village is still expanding, and everyone will contribute to build our own home together.” ”

“Good! We will definitely work on it. ”

The displaced people shouted in unison.

After the displaced people left, Liu Feng looked at Tai Shici again and said, “Ziyi, these longbowmen have an effective range of up to three hundred paces, so they will be under your command.”

If you can teach them some archery and halberds, their combat power will be even stronger.

As for their double halberds, let the old king build them. ”

Three hundred steps?


Of course, effective range is not precise range.

The longbowman has an effective range of three hundred steps, but it may not be able to penetrate the Yang at a hundred paces, these are two concepts.

Moreover, longbowmen are only good at long-range shooting, and their melee combat capabilities are not strong.

At least, compared to the infantry of the Han army, their melee combat ability is too poor.

At present, there is no infantry in Dashan Village, and if someone attacks Dashan Village, the longbowmen will inevitably also take responsibility for close combat.

As long as they can learn a little bit of halberd from Tai Shici, their melee combat ability will be greatly improved.

“Thank the Lord for his trust, and Ciding will protect the mountain village and build them into powerful warriors from near and far.”

Tai Shici said excitedly.

As a military general, who does not want to lead the army to fight.

Although he couldn’t go to suppress foreign races this time, he was satisfied with being able to command such a longbow soldier, even if it was just training them every day.

Liu Feng nodded, and asked the forger Lao Wang to reshape the equipment of the newly transferred Three Hundred Overlord Iron Horse.

The armor reduced weight, but the defense did not change anything, more suitable for cavalry charges.

Weapons increase toughness and are less likely to break.

Of course, the armor of the longbowman will also reduce weight.

But their longbow only increases toughness, and nothing changes in other attributes.

The longbows brought out of the Hall of Transformation are the most suitable forms for each longbowman.

Whether it is length, weight, or pull, it is almost perfect, there is no need to add to it, artificial changes.

Changing properties, no need to reinvent the furnace, is done quickly.

Liu Feng turned on his horse, waved his ink jade gun, and shouted: “Overlord Iron Ride, attack.” ”

Six hundred overlord iron horses, all dark armor, only a pair of eyes exposed.

The same is true of the crotch mount, which looks extremely shocking.


Six hundred overlords rode and galloped away behind Liu Feng.

The visual effects brought by the six hundred iron horse and the three hundred iron horse charge are completely different and more shocking.

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