For everything in the outside world, Liu Feng did not pay too much attention.

After destroying the Liaodong alien race, he returned to Dashan Village with the Overlord Iron Horse.

“Lord, Ci did not live up to the expectations of the Lord and guarded the mountain village.”

In the village chief’s courtyard, Tai Shici respectfully reported to Liu Feng everything that Dashan Village had experienced during this time.

Liu Feng nodded and said with a smile: “Ziyi is a handsome talent with both culture and martial arts, and it is indeed overkill to let you guard a large mountain village.” ”

Tai Shici hurriedly hugged his fists and said, “Lord Lord, Ci is no more than a commoner, and it is Ci Ci’s luck to be trusted by Lord Gong.”

Although Dashan Village is small, the warriors of Dashan Village are rare kings in the world.

He will grow stronger and stronger, and he will be able to shake the world. ”

This is not too Shi Ci’s exaggeration.

Whether it is the Overlord Iron Horse, the Longbow Soldier or the Wei Wupai, the combat power is terrifyingly strong.

In time, it will be famous all over the world.

Liu Feng smiled and said, “Let’s talk about the current development of Dashan Village.” ”


Tai Shici took the order, organized the language, and said, “Lord, now Dashan Village is entering a stage of rapid development.

With the help of thousands of displaced people, the mountain was quarried, and the speed of residential construction was doubled.

Today, Dashan Village has 1,000 houses, enough to house these thousands of displaced people.

All were built from the Tiger Mountain on the right.

On the right, near the back mountain and the village chief’s yard, there is a dark sentry pavilion, which is inhabited by dark sentinels.

They can send the information returned by the secret sentry system to the master in time.

There are also three barracks, located on the Big Bear Mountain on the left.

Each barracks could accommodate 3,000 men for the Overlord Iron Horsemen, Longbowmen, and Wei Wuxian to garrison.

There are fifty stables, each of which can hold 100 war horses, and construction is still continuing.

There is also a horse training ground, located deep in the Big Bear Mountain, with an area of tens of miles in radius, which can be used for war horses to gallop.

Today, Dashan Village has 3,000 ownerless war horses.

There is also a seed breeding base, located deep in the Big Bear Mountain, where several super farmers in the village cultivate super seeds.

There is one study hall, which can accommodate 1,000 students.

A forging workshop for forge master Lao Wang to create equipment.

There is one medical center, and there are no doctors staying at the moment.

A military canteen, a place where soldiers from Dashan Village eat.

There is one brewery, and no winemakers are staying at the moment.

In addition, Dashan Village has 300 Wei warriors, 800 long archers, and 1,000 Overlord Iron Horsemen, a total of 2,100 warriors.

There are also a hundred secret sentries, taking turns to guard the entrances of the major caves, as well as the transmission of intelligence.

By the way, the first harvest was carried out at the grain base in the village three days ago.

The harvested grain is enough to feed thousands of people in Dahan Village for a year.

There are also 5,000 villagers in the village, old and young women and children, and 3,000 laborers.

In addition to doing some farm work, quarrying in the mountains, building houses, raising horses and feeding horses.

As well as those who helped in workshops such as the forge, Ci thought that he could also train a thousand warriors. ”

If it is an ordinary village, or even a city, the strength of the army can reach up to one-tenth of the population.

But Oyamamura is different.

The villagers of Dashan Village fled for their lives from various parts of Liaodong.

The vast majority are young adults with a labor force.

Moreover, the grain produced by the grain base in Dashan Village not only produces extremely high yields, but also contains much higher nutrients than ordinary grains.

An adult, eating rice cooked from ordinary grain, needs at least one pound or so a day.

A soldier has to eat seven or eight taels for a meal alone, so that the nutrition can keep up.

At the end of the day, it is two or three catties.

But the food produced by the food base, three or two a day is enough to meet the nutritional needs of adults.

Even the soldiers of the mountain village only need less than a pound of grain a day.

The grain produced by the grain base is more than enough to feed the villagers in Dashan Village.

In addition, the large number of troops, the cost of equipment maintenance is high.

But the equipment in Dashan Village was all personally created by the forger Lao Wang.

These equipment may not be much different from the defense of ordinary equipment, but there is a hidden feature.

As long as there is no human damage, these equipment will not be damaged due to too long.

That is, as long as there is no war, these equipment do not need to be repaired.

Therefore, Tai Shi Cicai suggested that Liu Feng train another thousand soldiers from these 3,000 laborers.

After Tai Shici’s narration, Liu Feng can be regarded as having a relatively intuitive understanding of the current Dashan Village.

He nodded and said, “I will train all these three thousand laborers into soldiers, go out with the army during wartime, and work in agriculture and other things during non-war times.” ”

Tai Shici’s eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: “This idea of the lord is very wonderful, outsiders never imagined that all the labor force in my mountain village are powerful warriors.” ”

Liu Feng smiled and said, “However, there are thousands of people in Dashan Village at present, and it is somewhat inappropriate to call it Dashan Village. ”


Tai Shici nodded with empathy.

Which village has thousands of people, it’s time to change the name.

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