Xiangpingcheng, Liaodong Taishou angrily threw the wine glass: “Damn Liu Feng, in a blink of an eye, he became a clan relative of the Qinzhi Han family, and now even I have to be afraid of him for three points.”

Mr. Gongsun, this is your good idea. ”

Gongsun Du smiled bitterly and said, “Sir, I didn’t calculate the thoughts of that person in the imperial court.”

In order to establish the prestige of the Han family, Liu Feng was actually allowed to enter the Han family tree.

In addition, we are too slow to send troops, I am afraid that it will cause the dissatisfaction of that person.

Therefore, the divine decree directly passed over us and appeared in the mountain village. ”

He was also surprised by Liu Feng’s reward.

And all this is indirectly contributed to by himself.

If Liu Feng had not been given the identity of the captain of Shang’an County, I am afraid that what Dashan Village would have ushered in would not be a holy will, but a Yulin Army.

This made Gongsun Du feel like he was lifting a rock and shooting himself in the foot.

Liaodong Taishou took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: “It’s useless to say this now, let’s think about how to deal with Liu Feng after he comes to take office.”

It is absolutely impossible for me to hand over to him the right to move troops and troops. ”

Gongsun Du smiled and said, “Don’t worry, my lord, then Liu Feng will not come to Xiangping City to take office.” ”

Liaodong Taishou looked up and asked suspiciously, “Why is that?” ”

Gongsun Du said, “Sir, then Liu Feng is a smart man, and he must know that the adult will not give him the right to move troops and troops.

Even so, there was no need for him to come to Xiangping City to take up his post, which was unpleasant.

All he can mobilize is still his mountain village, oh no, it should be called Dragon City now.

All he could mobilize was still the more than a thousand troops in Dragon City.

Although the combat effectiveness is strong, it is not something to fear.

Liaodong is still the Liaodong of adults. ”

Speaking of this, he paused, leaned in the direction of Liaodong Taishou, and said in a low voice: “Moreover, news has come from my people in Luoyang that an apprentice named Tang Zhou in Zhang Jiao has been captured by the imperial court.

Presumably, Zhang Jiao will soon know the news, and he will definitely rebel within this month.

At that time, the imperial court did not have the heart to pay attention to the affairs of Liaodong.

At that time, the direction of Liaodong is not the final word of adults. ”

Liaodong Taishou’s eyes flashed, and he said urgently: “Mr. Gongsun’s words are true?” Is Zhang Jiao really going to rebel? ”

Gongsun Du nodded and said, “If the news is not wrong, Zhang Jiao will definitely rebel.” ”

“Great, after so many years of preparation, I finally waited for this opportunity.”

Liaodong Taishou was excited.

He is an ambitious man, as if he has seen the moment when he is king of the northeastern counties of Youzhou.

But he didn’t find that Gongsun Du, who was sitting under him, had a trace of coldness flashing in his eyes.


And let you run wild, and when you find out everything is made for other people’s wedding clothes, you don’t know what kind of expression it is.

Liu Feng did not know and did not bother with the reaction of Liaodong Taishou and Gongsun Du after learning of the holy decree.

He also selected one of the best lang from the village and went to the hall of transfer with a man who was good at brewing.

A turn of the Physician has a powerful passive skill, and the injuries he heals will gain a strong effect and speed up the improvement of injuries.

A winemaker, with passive skills, the wine he brews has a better taste and purer taste.

There are thousands of people in Dragon City, and injuries are definitely indispensable.

Physicians, are essential.

With a transfer of doctors sitting in the medical center, it can basically solve the ordinary injuries and illnesses of these thousands of people.

Good wine, especially the kind of distilled liquor that Liu Feng had in mind, and all kinds of fruit wine.

In this day and age, it will definitely be very popular.

By selling good wine, you can also earn money and develop Dragon City.

Of course, if you take the grain from Dragon City and sell it, it will definitely sell at a very high price.

But grain is a strategic material in troubled times, and Liu Feng will not sell it at any time.

Therefore, fine wine will become the only commodity sold in Dragon City.

Liu Feng will also build Longcheng Fine Wine into the first brand of Dahan, so that when people mention fine wine, they will think of Longcheng Fine Wine.

Maybe you can also attract some warriors who love to drink through fine wine, wouldn’t it be beautiful.

He is not good at medical skills, but he has some brewing methods stored in his mind.

He taught the brewers the process of making distilled spirits, as well as wine, plum wine, plum wine, plum wine, and many other fruit wines.

With so many ways to brew wine, the winemakers were naturally overjoyed.

Taking the money Liu Feng gave him, he went to the county town to buy fruits and use them to make fruit wine.

At the same time, he also asked the forger Lao Wang to create a set of distilled liquor-related utensils.

The production of fine wine is gradually getting on track.

“Lord, intelligence from Luoyang.”

At this moment, a herald soldier ran to the city lord’s mansion and handed Liu Feng a letter of information.

Liu Feng opened it and saw that it was from the little eunuch who had passed on the decree.

Intelligence said: A Taiping Dao disciple named Tang Zhou reported to the imperial court that Taiping Dao wanted to rebel and confessed to Zhang Jiao’s disciple Ma Yuanyi.

The imperial court was enraged, captured Luoyang Nei Ying Ma Yuanyi, and broke his car apart.

He also wantonly hunted down and killed Taiping Dao believers, connecting more than 1,000 people, and ordered Jizhou to hunt down Zhang Jiao.

Zhang Jiao, a Taiping Taoist, learned that the matter had been revealed and rebelled in Jizhou, claiming to be the general of Tiangong.

His younger brothers, Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao, called themselves the generals of the Duke of the Lands and the Generals of the Rengong.

With the slogan “The sky is dead, the yellow turban should stand”, a huge anti-army was raised.

However, the imperial court did not pay much attention to this, and no one knows how it will develop in the future.

Taiping Dao believers are all over the prefectures and counties, and perhaps there are also around the county captain, so please be careful and thoroughly investigated.

Hope is self-cherishing.

After reading the intelligence, Liu Feng burned it and sighed in a low voice

The Yellow Turban Uprising finally broke out.

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