After negotiating cooperation and resting for a day, Liu Feng took the Overlord Iron Horse to the south and headed for Julu County.

Along the way, they encountered several waves of small yellow turban teams, and were directly crushed by the overlord iron horse.

Five hours later, Liu Feng arrived at the Han army camp outside Guangzong.

Zhonglang personally sent Lu Zhi out of the camp to greet him.

After everyone was seated, Liu Feng opened his mouth and asked, “General Lu, when I came, I saw that there were court angels leaving, but what happened?” ”

As soon as he arrived at the barracks, he saw a famous eunuch leaving angrily.

The scene of Zuo Feng receiving bribes and Lu being imprisoned came to mind.

Lu Zhi sighed, not knowing how to say it.

The adjutant general sitting at the head of the right said helplessly: “Captain Liu Jun didn’t know something, that Zuo Feng came to inspect the battle on behalf of His Majesty, but openly accepted bribes from General Lu.

After being rejected by General Lu, he left angrily, and I don’t know whether it was a blessing or a curse. ”

Lu Zhi sighed: “My army is still short of military food, where can I get the remaining money for him.” ”

Sure enough, it was Zuo Feng.

Liu Feng spoke, “General Lu is just not admirable, but the subordinate officer in this matter feels that General Lu’s behavior is somewhat inappropriate. ”

Even if you have a good temper, you will not be happy to hear this.

Lu Zhi’s brows frowned slightly: “What does Captain Liu mean by this?” Could it be that he also wanted General Ben to take out military food to bribe a castrate? ”

Liu Feng shook his head and said, “As the saying goes, Yan Wang is easy to mess with, and little ghosts are difficult to entangle.

Since this Zuo Feng openly failed to accept bribes, he would definitely do something unfavorable to General Lu when he was angry.

For example, after returning to Beijing, he framed General Lu for delaying the fighter plane and so on.

At that time, the imperial court was angry, and General Lu was afraid that he would not be able to argue.

Once the army has no commander, Zhang Jiao will definitely take the opportunity to come out, how will it resist at that time?

The most important thing is that Zhang Jiao got out of the predicament and swung west, and he will take Luoyang directly.

At that time, who can stop it?

How does the great general advance?

A butcher, what ability does he have to command the army?

The yellow turban thief drove straight in, straight to the palace, and the Han was in danger. ”

After listening to Liu Feng’s words, Lu Zhi was already scared into a cold sweat.

He got up and looked anxious: “In this way, won’t the old man become a sinner of the great man?” How is this good? ”

The adjutant general also fell silent.

He didn’t expect the consequences to be so serious.

If it is really as Liu Feng said, they will all become eternal sinners.

In order to protect the reputation of themselves and others, but let the big man fall into crisis, how can they feel at ease?

Liu Feng continued, “The only way to do this now is to break through Guangzong and kill Zhang Jiao before the arrival of the imperial court’s holy decree.

At that time, even if General Lu is taken away, the yellow turban thief will not be able to turn over the big wave. ”

“It is not easy to break through Guangzong.”

Lu Zhi and Zongyuan both shook their heads and sighed.

Now Zhang Jiao is huddled in the city, not going out of the city to face the battle at all.

No matter how they call the formation, it is useless.

They seem to have just made up their minds to stick to Guangzong.

If time permits, Lu Zhi is confident that Zhang Jiao will be trapped in Guangzong.

But time waits for no one.

In the past, Lu Zhi may have felt that even if he was imprisoned for refusing to bribe Zuo Feng, it would not matter, but at least he would protect his reputation.

But listening to Liu Feng’s analysis, Lu Zhi was also anxious at this time.

He didn’t want to be a sinner of the ages.

Liu Feng thought for a moment and said, “Did Zhang Jiao send someone to break through?” ”

Lu Zhi nodded and said, “Almost every night, but they were all intercepted by us.” ”

Liu Feng suddenly smiled and said, “If there are yellow turban thieves breaking through tonight, let them go, and always let Zhang Jiao see hope.” ”

“Let them go?”

Lu Zhi said suspiciously, “What if it attracts reinforcements?” ”

Liu Feng said with a smile: “If the reinforcements don’t come, how can Zhang Jiao go out of the city?” ”

Lu Zhi was a famous general of the Great Han after all, and he quickly understood, and laughed loudly: “Captain Liu Jun has a very good plan, so he will act according to this plan.” ”

“General Lu, Captain Liu, what are you playing dumb riddles?”

The deputy general on the side was dazed.

He didn’t hear any brilliant strategy.

Liu Feng and Lu Zhi looked at each other and laughed in unison.

Time passed, and it was late at night.

Zhang Jiao once again sent a team of several thousand people to break through to the east.

Lu Zhi’s main army was stationed outside the west gate of Guangzong City, and there were also ambush troops outside the other three city gates.

During this time, the breakthrough army sent by Zhang Jiao was intercepted by Lu Zhi’s ambush army.

This time, he didn’t hold out any hope either.

However, a moment later, a herald soldier ran excitedly: “Great sage and good teacher, they succeeded, they successfully broke out.” ”


Zhang Jiao Huoran got up and grabbed the herald’s arm, “Are you sure you’re right?” ”

The herald soldier was still excited and inexplicable: “Great sage and good teacher, I’m sure it’s right, they really broke through successfully, and we were saved.” ”

“Good, good, good!”

Zhang Jiao laughed three times and broke out.

As long as the third brother Zhang Liang brought troops to help, he could kill out of the city and destroy Naluzhi.

Then join forces with the third brother and swing Luoyang, and the great cause can be achieved.

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