“General Rengong is dead?”

The Yellow Turban soldiers who were fighting against thousands of officers and soldiers and a thousand Overlord Iron Horse were all frozen.

In the Yellow Turban Army, the prestige of General Rengong was second only to that of the Tiangong general Zhang Jiao and the Digong general Zhang Bao.

His death was a huge blow to the Yellow Turban Army.

“General Rengong is dead, run!”

A moment later, the Yellow Turban Army instantly fried the pan.

Without any intention of fighting, they scattered and fled.

“Overlord iron horse left and right separated, to the left and right escape, kill without amnesty.”

With Liu Feng’s order, the Thousand Overlord Iron Horse divided into two groups and went to the left and right.

All the yellow turbans that fled to both sides were killed.

Liu Feng, on the other hand, chased and killed from the middle with thousands of officers and soldiers.

The left, center, and right three roads are blocked, and there is only one road ahead for the yellow turban to escape.

And this road leads directly to the east gate of Guangzong.

The guards of the eastern gate of Guangzong will see the arrival of a dense army in the distance.

In the moonlight, you can clearly see that the soldiers are wrapped in yellow scarves, obviously all of their own.

General Digong is here?

The guard general was overjoyed and quickly sent someone to inform the Tiangong general Zhang Jiao.

Zhang Jiao soon appeared on the wall of the East Gate, looking at the distance, but his face became a little ugly.

“Great Sage and Good Master, isn’t it outside the city that General Rengong is reinforcing the army?”

When the guard saw Zhang Jiao’s ugly look, his heart suddenly froze, and he asked in a low voice.

Zhang Jiao said in a deep voice: “It should be the army of the third brother, but their formation is chaotic, and it doesn’t look like they are coming to support us at all, but they seem to be running for their lives.” ”


The guard’s eyes widened, and he said incredulously: “Could it be that General Rengong was defeated by the Han army?” ”

Zhang Jiao took a deep breath and said, “Specifically, we will know later, pass on the order, and prepare for battle.” ”


Guard the general and quickly convey the order.

The Yellow Turban Army guarding the east gate quickly assembled, stood in strict formation, and was ready to go out at any time.

Soon, the Yellow Turban Army in the distance appeared outside the city.

The chaotic formation and flustered look all proved Zhang Jiao’s guess.

This Yellow Turban Army fled for its lives.

“Great Sage and Good Master, General Rengong was killed, help.”

The Yellow Turbans also saw Zhang Jiao, as if they saw a savior.

In their hearts, the Great Sage is omnipotent.

When they see the Great Sage, they are saved.

Zhang Jiao clenched his fists sharply, and his eyes turned red: “Third brother, dead?” ”

“Great Sage, help.”

Seeing that Zhang Jiao was indifferent, the yellow turban soldiers under the city shouted again.

Only then did Zhang Jiao come to his senses, deep into the mouth of the stream, and said, “Open…”

Just about to let people open the city gate and let the yellow turban soldiers enter the city.

Suddenly, the ground shook and rumbled.

He looked up, but saw a black cavalry galloping in the distance.

After that, thousands of officers and soldiers slowly approached.

Just such a few people, just kill the third brother in the 30,000 army?

Zhang Jiao frowned.

That cavalry was fierce and extremely fast.

Rush into the Yellow Turban camp and kill people when they see them.

They wielded spears, one shot at a time, and no one could stop them.

At this time, if the city gate is opened and the yellow turban soldiers enter the city, I am afraid that the cavalry will take advantage of the void.

That’s troublesome.

If you don’t open the city gates, these yellow turban soldiers are afraid that they will be slaughtered by that cavalry.

I don’t know what they went through, these Yellow Turbans were full of fear of the cavalry and simply did not have the courage to fight them.

And at this time, the cavalry mixed into the Yellow Turban camp, and he did not even dare to let the archers attack, for fear of hurting his own people.

What to do?

Is the gate open or not?

Zhang Jiao was caught in a dilemma.

The overlord iron horse rushed to kill, rushing back and forth on the battlefield, as if entering a no-man’s land.

The mournful screams resounded in the night sky, making people disturbed.

While killing the enemy, Liu Feng said loudly: “Zhang Jiao, a great sage and good teacher, General Tiangong, claims to have rescued all living beings, why don’t you dare to save all the soldiers under your command?” ”

This time, he not only wanted to break through Guangzong, but also make Zhang Jiao discredited.

Zhang Jiao clenched his fists and smashed them on the city wall, his eyes almost spitting fire.

He knew that this was the other party’s provocation, but he still couldn’t help but be angry.

“Great Sage and Good Master, let me lead the troops out of the city to fight.”

The East Gate Guard said with a roar.

He can tolerate any insults he receives, but he can’t tolerate someone being so disrespectful to the Great Teacher.

Zhang Jiao did not speak, still staring at the battlefield outside the city.

More and more Yellow Turban soldiers died under the slaughter of that cavalry, and although the Yellow Turban soldiers were numerous, they were like Mianyang encountering fierce tigers, and there was no way to fight back.

“Haha, the Great Sage is just that.”

Liu Feng looked up to the sky and laughed, “For your own safety, regardless of the life and death of the soldiers under your command, it is ridiculous that such a person still works for your life.” ”

The Yellow Turban soldiers outside the city were extremely uncomfortable and terrified.

The uncomfortable thing is that the great sage and good teacher they respected could not save him from death.

The fear is that the terrifying iron horse next to him is rushing back and forth to kill, maybe the next person to die is himself.

Their emotions are on the verge of collapse.

Not only that, but even the momentum of the yellow turban guards in the city was greatly affected.

Outside the city were their former companions, but now they could only watch them being slaughtered and could not do anything.

This made them feel very guilty and guilty, and the momentum of the entire yellow turban plummeted.

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