Liu Feng naturally does not eat raw meat, it is too disgusting.

He asked people to go to the dense forest to find a large pile of dead branches and rotten leaves, and used the method of drilling wood to make fire, and lit the fire.

Dian Wei’s eyes widened, and he said incredulously: “The general is a true god, this can also make fire?” ”

“Drilling wood for fire, the skills passed down by the ancestors, but no one has taught you.”

Liu Feng cut a piece of meat from the tiger’s carcass, removed the skin, put it on the fire with a wet stick, looked at Dian Wei, and said with a smile, “How about it, do you still think raw meat is delicious now?” ”

Dian Wei looked at the roast meat that had begun to bubble up, and then looked at the bloody raw meat in his hand, quickly threw it away, and said with a smile: “There is barbecue, who still eats raw meat.” ”

After that, he also cut off a piece and learned Liu Feng’s movements and roasted it.

Liu Feng smiled slightly, turned to Niu Erwa and said, “You bring some people to roast the meat, and after roasting, distribute it to everyone to eat.”

Such a big tiger, enough for us to eat. ”


Niu Erwa took the order and brought dozens of people to participate in the barbecue.

After more than an hour, the huge tiger was eaten by everyone.

Liu Feng and Overlord Tieqi ate two-thirds, and the remaining one-third was eaten by Dian Wei alone.

Only a thousand people ate two-thirds, and Dian Wei alone ate more than five hundred people.

All the Overlord Iron Riders looked at Dian Wei with the eyes of monsters.

I’m afraid that the big tiger they ate didn’t eat as much as Dianweido.

Dian Wei scratched his head and smiled a little embarrassed: “I ate a little too much, see the smile.” ”

Everyone was speechless, this is called eating a little… Many?

Liu Feng spoke, “If a strong man has this divine power, can he have the ambition to serve the country?”

I was about to go south into Yuzhou to help General Huangfu and General Zhu completely defeat the Yellow Turban.

Strong man, would you like to come with me? ”

Dian Wei touched his head and asked, “Following you, can I eat enough?” ”

Liu Feng was stunned for a moment and nodded, “Of course!” ”

“Then I’ll follow you.”

Dian Wei nodded quickly, his expression as if he was afraid that Liu Feng would repent.

At that moment, Liu Feng almost wanted to repent.

How do you feel like you’re losing?

Recruited a large rice bucket?

But thinking about Dianwei’s strength, it seems that it is not a loss.

Liu Feng patted the dust on his body and got up and said, “Then let’s go, end the battle early, and return to Liaodong early.” ”


Overlord Iron turned over on his horse and waited for it.

Liu Feng looked at Dian Wei and said, “Do you want to ride with me?” ”

They are in a hurry, and naturally it is impossible to march slowly.

Dian Wei looked at Liu Feng’s war horse and shook his head: “No need, it’s too heavy, the war horse can’t carry my body, I’d better run with my feet.”

Rest assured, you won’t be delayed. ”

Liu Feng thought for a while and nodded, “Okay, you try to keep up, if you can’t keep up, go to Changshe City by yourself.” ”

After all, it is a fierce man who has chased the tiger for three days and three nights, and the speed of running will not be slow.

Otherwise, the tiger would have escaped long ago.


Dian Wei answered.


Liu Feng turned on his horse and galloped away with the Overlord Iron Horse.

Dian Wei carried his halberds and chased after him with his legs open.

Its speed is not much slower than that of a war horse.

Seeing this, Liu Feng was once again surprised by Dian Wei’s physical fitness.

This guy is simply Wei Wuxian’s perfect candidate for leadership.

With Wei Wuxian fully armed, he can also become more and more popular.

Its weight-bearing march is also very fast.

Needless to say, Dian Wei has infinite divine power, perverted physical strength, and the speed of running on his feet is far beyond ordinary people.

He and Wei Wuxian are simply a perfect match.

With a calculation in mind, Liu Feng asked the Overlord Iron Rider to slow down appropriately.

Fortunately, it is in Yanzhou Chenliu County, adjacent to Yingchuan County in Yuzhou.

It didn’t take long to enter Yingchuan.

At this time, Changshe City was under siege by an army of 30,000 led by Peng Tuo.

Since the siege of Changshe, Bocai would send troops to attack every day or two, draining the living strength of the officers and soldiers.

Although Zhang Jiao was killed at this time, the news had not yet reached Changshe.

Bo Cai naturally did not know that the great sage he admired was dead, and he still faithfully carried out his task.

“Yizhen, if it goes on like this, we won’t be able to resist it for long.”

Zhu Yan looked at the battle outside the city, and his face was extremely solemn.

During this time, they had already damaged too many troops, and there was not much food in the city.

The people sent to break through the siege for help have not yet returned, and I am afraid that they are also fierce.

“Even if you fight to the last person, you will never let the yellow turban thief have a good time.”

Huangfu Song said in a deep voice.

If there are really no reinforcements, they can only fight to the death.

If the Yellow Turban Thieves want to invade Changshe City, they must first step over their corpses.

Zhu Ru nodded, and his eyes became extremely firm.

“The two generals look quickly, there is a riot in the rear of the Yellow Turban Army.”

At this moment, Sima Sun Jian, Zhu Yan’s Zuo Army, suddenly pointed to the battlefield in the distance and said.

The two looked up and saw the chaotic formation behind the Yellow Turban Army.

Reinforcements, coming?

Huangfu Song and Zhu Yan looked at each other, and both saw hope in each other’s eyes.

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