Time flies by like flowing water.

In the blink of an eye, more than two months have passed since Liu Feng sent invitations to major families.

The long-awaited Dragon City Poetry Festival for literati across the country is also about to kick off.

Liu Feng, with the fame of his champion Hou and the talent of “Nine Superb Poems”, has accumulated unparalleled appeal.

Therefore, many people want to take the opportunity of this Dragon City poetry meeting to see what this so-called Han Dragon will look like.

It is for this reason that almost all major families in the country have sent the best children of their clans to Dragon City.

With the Dragon City Poetry Conference about to begin, the number of representatives of major families across the country arrived in Dragon City in the hundreds.

For the children of the major families who came to admire it, they were not only full of curiosity about Liu Feng, the world-shaking champion, but also very curious about the newly rising city of Dragon City.

After all, as Liu Feng’s name resounded throughout the Han Dynasty, in addition to his phrase “Those who deceive me Han people, I will return it a hundredfold”, Longcheng, a city that developed from a small village, is also very famous.

Because the Great Han Dragon General developed in Dragon City, it was also the first to play the name of “Dragon General” in Dragon City.

Therefore, everyone is full of curiosity about this city.

According to the current rumors circulating in the world, this Dragon City was just a small village a year ago.

There are only a few dozen families and hundreds of people in this village.

Because it is surrounded by mountains on three sides, only one side can communicate with the outside world, so this village is called Dashan Village.

This mountain village is often invaded by the Wuhuan people, and the life of the villagers is very difficult.

But all this changed because of the arrival of a person.

This person is the current champion Hou, Liu Feng.

Guo Jia, Xun Yu, and many children of the family who came to Dragon City in advance were arranged by Liu Feng to live in the residence of Dragon City.

Due to the long distance from Yingchuan to Liaodong, Xun Yu and the others who had traveled a long way were already very tired.

In addition, the poetry meeting will start tomorrow, so Xun Yu decided to take a good rest in the house.

But Guo Jia did not want to nest in the room, so he said to Xun Yu and walked out of the room, ready to take a look at the customs and customs of Dragon City first.

Guo Jia was curious about Dragon City and watched while walking in the city.

To the left of this Dragon City is Big Bear Mountain.

On the way up the mountain stands a sign that reads, “Military Stronghold, No Idlers Enter”, and is guarded by several armed soldiers.

Seeing such a situation, Guo Jia thought: “A deep mountain is so strictly guarded, and it is still a military important place.

The Dragon City Iron Horse under the Great Han Dragon General is so powerful that it must have been trained in the Great Bear Mountain. ”

Thinking through this section, Guo Jia looked to the right again.

On the right side is still a high mountain, listening to the people of Dragon City, this mountain is called Tiger Mountain.

At this moment, Tiger Mountain is much more lively than Big Bear Mountain.

At the foot of Dragon City, Guo Jia could see that many people of Dragon City were building houses on Tiger Mountain.

Obviously, with the continuous influx of people from Liaodong and even the entire Youzhou into Dragon City, the original houses are no longer enough.

So they expanded many houses on this tiger mountain.

But to Guo Jia’s surprise, the people who expanded their houses on Tiger Mountain were very excited, and everyone was full of energy and lively.

You know, in other states and counties, the reclamation of mountains and forests to build houses is organized by taishou and county orders, and the people have to serve the conscription.

Since they are all free of charge to recruit civilians to work, and there are soldiers as overseers.

If you are not serious and lazy, you will be whipped by the overseer, so the people are very resistant to this and dare not speak out.

However, the people who built houses on Tiger Mountain not only did not resist at all, but also laughed.

Even no matter how they worked, no overseers came out to reprimand.

Guo Jia was shocked by this.

But what shocked Guo Jia even more was that not only the workers working on the Tiger Mountain, but also the vendors on the street, the people who bought things, the women working and the children playing on the street, all had very satisfied and happy smiles on their faces.

You know, although it is not said that it is a great chaos in the world today, it is also a traitor in charge of various places.

Emperor Ling of Han sold a large number of officials and knights through the Ten Constant Attendants, resulting in extremely poor quality of officials in other prefectures and counties.

The exploitation of the people reached its peak.

It is precisely because the people’s lives cannot be guaranteed, so the Zhang Jiao Yellow Turban Uprising, as soon as the slogan sounded, millions of people responded.

Although the Yellow Turban Uprising has been suppressed, people everywhere are already living in pain.

Even in Yingchuan, where the literati gathered, there were still hundreds of people who died of freezing and starvation.

But Guo Jia saw a completely different scene in Dragon City than other places.

The heartfelt smile on the faces of the people of Dragon City was something that the rest of the Great Han Thirteen Prefecture would not be able to see.

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, Guo Jia would never have believed that Liaodong, a small Han border city that had been harassed by foreign races for many years, had become the last promised land for the commoners of the entire Han Dynasty.

At this point, Guo Jia has a very high evaluation of Liu Feng, who has not yet met.

At this time, he thought in his heart: “It seems that this champion Hou is not only a genius general with outstanding martial arts, nor is he just a brilliant talent, but also a capable minister who is dedicated to the people.”

In such a short period of time, he was able to change from the head of an unknown mountain village to a great Han dragon general that even Emperor Han Ling had to rely on, and he really had his own extraordinary means.

In time, Liu Feng will surely become the last support of the Han Dynasty. ”

While Guo Jia was wandering around Dragon City, Liu Feng was very surprised to see the children of the family who kept pouring into the city.

Although he sent the Red Blood Dragon Rider to send invitations to every family clan that day, he really didn’t expect the major families to give himself face like this.

These are some of the most powerful young people in the entire Han Dynasty.

Being able to bring together the most talented young generation of almost all the families, such a literary prosperous era has almost never appeared in the four-hundred-year history of the Two Han Dynasty.

These children of the family can be said to be the future of the major families.

Therefore, Liu Feng also felt great pressure.

Although he had sent the Red Blood Dragon Rider to patrol day and night to guard these family members, his heart was still very nervous.

After all, there were too many people, and once something happened in Dragon City, it would be difficult for him to take care of it.

If he really let these children of the family have some three strengths and two weaknesses, then even if he has the invincible force in the world, it is useless.

Not to mention that the world’s clans will denounce it, and even send troops to fight against themselves, even Emperor Hanling will not let him go.

At that time, the Dragon City that he has worked so hard to build, as well as these people, will be dealt a devastating blow.

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