As the sound of the pipa fell, Liu Feng’s poem was also recited as well.

Compared with the noise outside the Dragon City Academy, the Dragon City Iron Rider and the Dragon Martial Pawn crushing and killing the treacherous, there was a silence in the Academy.

Everyone was shocked by the majestic atmosphere of Liu Feng’s poem and the cruelty on the battlefield expressed in the poem.

Not only Cai Yong and the children of the major families present, but even Gongsun Du and the heads of the Liaodong family who were bent on pulling Liu Feng down from the position of Taishou were also deeply moved by Liu Feng’s poems and pipa songs.

There was no sound in the audience, and even the sound of everyone’s breathing was deliberately controlled, and the leaves could be heard.

Everyone was immersed in the tension of the Chu Overlord falling into an ambush on ten sides and the perfect artistic conception that Liu Feng described with this poem, which was endlessly memorable.

Even no one noticed that both the sound of the lute and the poetry had stopped for a long time.

As the only person in the audience who was still awake and not immersed in it, Liu Feng also looked at everyone with a smile, and did not say anything to break this quiet atmosphere.

After a long time, someone finally opened his eyes.

Guo Jia was the first to stand up, surrendered his hand to Liu Feng in the field, and then said: “The poem of the champion Hou simply describes the cruelty of war for me and other literati who have not yet been on the battlefield.

And the language is beautiful and appropriate, the momentum is majestic, and the champion Hou Zhiwen is really rare in ancient and modern times! ”

With Guo Jia’s first speech, other family members also spoke out one after another to express their feelings about this poem and their admiration for Liu Feng.

Among them, especially Xun Yu’s words, which can best represent the mood of these children of the family:

“Since the champion Hou made an anonymous poem in Luoyang Cai Mansion that day, I and other family members have been impressed by the talent of the champion Hou.

In addition to the poem that circulated that day, there was also “Ambush on Ten Sides” created by the champion Hou.

On that day, this song was played by the champion Hou with Cai’s Jiaowei piano, which has already made people marvel at the eloquence of this song.

Since then, this song “Ambush on Ten Sides” immediately spread throughout the Han Dynasty, and was even used as a ‘military song’ in various places to boost morale.

However, everyone thought that this song of the champion Hou was enough to be ranked as the best piano song in the world, but they did not expect to find out today that everyone in the world was deceived by the champion Hou.

The song “Ambush on Ten Sides” that you played with the pipa today is more than ten times better than the piano song.

If this piece played on the piano can be called one of the best works of the world, then today’s lute music can be said to be the best repertoire of all time.

Yu believes that this lute music will be passed down forever.

As for the poem written by the champion Hou, although it has shocked the world countless times, today’s poem once again refreshes the admiration for the champion Hou.

All of us write poetry, but it’s just empty talk and melancholy.

But Champion Hou’s poem is so appropriate.

Not only the soldiers fought on the battlefield, but also the tragedy of the shroud of Mag, but also substituted our wine treasure cup at this time into the poem.

It can be described as a situation, a scene, and a realm.

All the poems written by the champion Hou have been preached among us children of the family, and I always thought that they were masterpieces that had been brewed for a long time.

Today, I know that the champion Hou composed poems is completely hand-to-hand, and I am really fortunate to witness the champion Hou improvising this famous story on the spot.

As Fengxiao said, the champion Hou Zhiwencai is really rare in ancient and modern times! ”

Xun Yu opened his mouth, which resonated with all the children of the family at the scene.

Liu Feng knew that these poems and songs were all masterpieces written by later generations of famous artists and achieved after thousands of years of precipitation, and he was just quoted directly because people today do not know.

But this kind of thing Liu Feng would never say it, but he felt a little guilty in his heart, and was about to say a few modest words, but was interrupted by Cai Yong.

Cai Yong smiled at Liu Feng and said, “What Wen Ruo said not only represents the children of the family sitting here, but also the thoughts of the old man.

Tianlinxian nephew does not need to be humble.

According to the custom, the old man will comment on the masterpieces of the virtuous nephew next.

This song “Ambush on Ten Sides” is played with a pipa, and the momentum is stronger, but today we are a poetry club, so the old man will not comment much, we will mainly look at this poem.

The first two sentences ‘grape wine luminous cup, want to drink pipa immediately urge’ is exactly the sentence of the situation.

These two verses describe the wonderful wine of our poetry poured into the glow-in-the-dark glass of the virtuous nephew, which is more beautiful and more appetizing.

And when the glass was raised and was about to drink, with the imposing lute song, such a sound seemed to urge people to immediately go to the front.

Of course, this is only the superficial meaning of these two poems.

But if you think about it deeply, how is this not describing the cold and harsh environment of the border land, and the tense and turbulent conquest life, which makes it difficult for the border soldiers to get a happy wine banquet.

With passionate brushstrokes, sonorous tones, and dazzling words, the virtuous nephew set the first sentence of this opening chapter, as if suddenly opening the curtain, showing a grand banquet full of color, dazzling and fragrant wine in front of people’s eyes.

The word ‘want to drink’ at the beginning of the second sentence renders the extraordinary alluring charm of this wine and food feast, showing the bold and cheerful character of the soldiers.

Then, just when everyone ‘wanted to drink’, the band played the lute, and the wine banquet began, and the rapid and cheerful melody, as if urging the soldiers to raise a glass and drink, made the already warm atmosphere suddenly boil.

The next two sentences ‘Drunken lying on the battlefield Jun Mo smiled, and several people fought in ancient times’ are the finishing touch of the entire poem.

If you are drunk and fall drunk on the battlefield, then please don’t laugh, you know that since ancient times, those who went out to the battlefield, how many people can come back?

This last rhetorical question makes this poem ambitious.

This last sentence is obviously an exaggeration, it is not to promote the horror of war, nor to express disgust for the horse career, nor to lament the insecurity of life.

Let us go back to the scene of the feast: listening to the cheerful, agitated sound of the lute, the soldiers were really excited, and you drank it with me, and after a painful drink, they were slightly drunk.

Maybe someone wants to put a cup and stop drinking, and then someone in the seat shouts: What are you afraid of, get drunk, even if you are drunk on the battlefield, please don’t laugh.

‘How many people fought in ancient times’, didn’t we put life and death aside earlier?

Let’s think about the scene when the 150,000 Goguryeo army attacked Liaodong not long ago.

It was also your wise nephew who turned the tide, completely annihilated the enemy army, and took 3,000 dragon city iron horses deep into the hinterland of Goguryeo, raided the Goguryeo royal city, and killed the Goguryeo king.

Perhaps at that time, the champion Hou also had such a determination in his heart.

Even though he knew that this trip might be a trip or not, he still went without hesitation.

Maybe at that time, you thought of your eldest husband fighting on the battlefield and being a shroud of Mag, but this arrogance was touching.

It is the luck of my great Han to produce another champion, the luck of me and other literati, and the luck of the people of the world! ”

Cai Yong’s words resonated with everyone present.

Then, under the leadership of Xun Yu, Guo Jia, Hua Xin and others, all the children of the family stood up one after another and bowed deeply to Liu Feng.

At this time, Cai Yong also silently sighed in his heart that Liu Feng’s achievements in poetry were the pinnacle, and this poem would surely become another superb poem.

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