When the order from the high-ranking Goguryeo aristocracy to destroy the Han army at all costs came, the Goguryeo coalition army outside the bone city was in a dilemma.

On the one hand, some people believe that the Goguryeo defenders in the bone city are not only of the same ethnic group as themselves, but also that a few days ago they were colleagues and comrades-in-arms.

The reason why they are now standing on the city wall to block their army from entering the city must be threatened by the Han army.

After all, the Han army has entered the bone city and completely controlled their life and death.

Under the pressure of life and death, they had to stand on the opposite side of themselves.

Moreover, in the process of the fall of Bone City, the Han army had already slaughtered many Goguryeo soldiers.

Although they succumbed to the coercion of the Han army at this time, it must not be their intention.

Therefore, in order to kill the Han dragon to obtain the throne, the Goguryeo royal family did not care about the life and death of their own people, which was unacceptable to them.

However, some people believe that although the defenders of the bone city are Goguryeo, they have betrayed their own people.

Even though a few days earlier they were their own colleagues, they were already on the opposite side of Goguryeo from the moment they submitted to the Han army.

Since they can raise their arms to their former comrades in order to survive, then they are enemies, and we should not have any scruples.

Moreover, the recovery of Bone City and the reckless slaughter of the defenders of Bone City were also the orders of the high-ranking members of the royal family.

If he was concerned about the comrades of the defenders of Bone City, he would have no way to explain to the royal family.

Since the feelings of scruples will die, why not kill them directly?

The number of people holding both views is similar, and neither can convince the other.

In the end, it was suggested that since they were coerced by the Han army to help the Han army defend the city, then we could rebel against them when attacking the bone city.

As everyone said, since they are also Goguryeo, they must be one heart with themselves.

If they were assured during the siege that as long as they no longer helped the Han army defend the city, but assisted the allied forces in attacking the Han army in the city and causing chaos, then after capturing the bone city, they would intercede with the royal family on their behalf.

The royal family thought that they had meritorious in destroying the Han army, and they would not be held accountable for submitting to the Han army.

As soon as this proposal was spoken, it was immediately approved by everyone.

So the Goguryeo coalition army had a plan and began a new round of offensives.

Liu Feng knew that after the last attack, the Goguryeo coalition army already knew that the Goguryeo defenders in the bone city had betrayed the royal family.

Therefore, this attack will definitely not show mercy, and the battle will be very fierce.

Therefore, Liu Feng ordered the dragon warriors and longbowmen to hide in the rear first, so that the Goguryeo slaves could fight each other first.

According to the plan, the 50,000 Goguryeo coalition troops outside the city shouted neatly to the Hou army in the city before attacking the city:

“Fellow soldiers in Bone City, we know that your attack on us now must have been forced.

It is the cunning Han people who threaten you, but in fact, you do not want to submit to the Han in your hearts.

The good news is that the royal families, which had been in the civil war before, have now reached a unified level.

Whoever can destroy the Han army and kill the Great Han Dragon General is the new King of Goguryeo.

This must be good news for you.

We assure you that as long as you no longer stop us from storming the city, we will not expose your betrayal to the new king of the future.

And as long as you are willing to turn your weapons at those hateful Han people, and cooperate with us inside and out, then you will also be heroes who defeated the Han people after the city is destroyed.

In this way, you are equivalent to helping the new king to be crowned.

But if you are still greedy and afraid of death, and want to point your weapons at your former comrades-in-arms, we will never show mercy.

Your actions have completely betrayed Goguryeo.

Goguryeo doesn’t need traitors, we’ll send you to hell with our own hands.

Whether you want to be a traitor or a hero, you choose. ”

The leader of the Goguryeo coalition believed that every Goguryeo warrior was fearless of death, and it was not difficult to make a choice.

He even laughed at Liu Feng a little, the so-called Great Han Dragon General, would actually give the captives weapons to defend the city, what a big mistake.

In fact, the defenders of Bone City really didn’t need to hesitate too much to make a choice about the two options he had given.

Because they have no choice.

The dragon warriors and the longbowmen were watching from behind, and once they relaxed, their parents, wives and children would inevitably suffer.

Outside the city are former colleagues, and inside the city are their own relatives.

If you let your colleagues into the city, your relatives will be slaughtered.

For the sake of their loved ones and to survive, the Bone City guards could only take up weapons again to fight back.

They knew very well that this attack was a complete traitor and there would be no turning back.

But they had no other choice.

Outside the city, I thought that my words would definitely make the Goguryeo coalition army of the defenders of the bone city change their minds, and they were very surprised to see that the defenders of the bone city still chose to stand on the side of the Han army.

Originally, they were all ready to join forces with these defenders to retake the city.

But reality slapped them hard in the face.

This time, everyone felt betrayal for the choice of the defenders of the ancient city.

So they were so angry that no one missed any comradeship anymore.

Now the positions of both sides are very clear.

There was no fluke, all those on the walls were enemies.

Therefore, one side carried the anger of the betrayal of his comrades, and the other with the determination to break the city and die, and the battle on both sides was extremely fierce at the beginning.

The sounds of fighting were endless, and blood was spilled all over the city walls.

The Goguryeo army vowed to eradicate the traitors and recover the bone city, and the Goguryeo guards in the city vowed to hold the bone city so that their relatives would not be slaughtered and that they would not be executed.

Both sides have the conviction that there can be no going back.

For a time, the smoke from the raging fire of the war filled the entire city.

The big banner of the bone city that was hunting in the wind was already broken and ragged, and it seemed that it would fall at any time.

Under the city towers, there were dead bodies lying on the ground, blood flowing, but no one cleaned up, and the thick smell of blood and sweat mixed with each other, filled the air, pungent and unpleasant.

The war, but it continues.

The loud screams were terrifying, and the people who listened were thrilled.

The sturdy figures of the Goguryeo soldiers under the city rose and fell like waves, and in their mouths, they issued a shout that shook the heavens and the earth.

This kind of shout, contagious and motivating each other, faded many inexplicable fears in the heart.

Arrows flew wildly in the air, dragging a rain of arrows like locusts crossing the clear sky, and I saw continuous soldiers falling to the ground with arrows.

As soon as the soldiers of Goguryeo climbed the city wall, they were immediately greeted by several defenders of the bone city with blades in their hands, and they were outnumbered.

Both sides fought with all their might, and the battle was more brutal than imagination.

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