“Whoever offends my great man, kill them all?”

The City Lord of Haicheng repeated Liu Feng’s words repeatedly, feeling Liu Feng’s determination, and also knew that there would be no way back today.

In the ashes, he sat on the ground.

And Dian Wei, Tai Shici, and the 10,000 Liaodong army all listened to Liu Feng’s domineering words, and they were all in high spirits.

They involuntarily raised their weapons and shouted, “Whoever violates my great man, kill them all!” Whoever offends my great man, kill them all! ”

For a while, the momentum was like a rainbow.

Liu Feng saw that the morale of his generals had reached its peak, so without further ado, he directly ordered an army of 200,000 slaves to launch a strong attack on the royal city.

In the army of 200,000 slaves, only a very small part of those who could understand Chinese.

So they didn’t know what the Han soldiers meant by what they shouted.

However, in the face of Liu Feng’s order to attack the city, they did not dare to disobey it in the slightest.

Because they could feel that at this time, the generals and soldiers of the Han army had reached the most spirited state, and if they disobeyed, they were afraid that they would be immediately hacked to death by the 10,000 army.

Therefore, they all rushed to the royal city without hesitation.

The defenders of the royal city saw the opponent attacking and immediately began to organize defense.

The archers stood at the head of the city and began to take turns firing arrows, and for a while the rain of arrows was like a flying locust passing through, densely packed and covering the sky.

However, in the face of this rain of arrows, none of the 200,000 slave army retreated.

Some of them raised their shields to resist, and those who did not have shields either waved their weapons to pull their bows and arrows away, or directly used their arms as shields to protect their heads.

Even if you have a few arrows in your body, as long as you haven’t fallen, you won’t stop moving forward.

What’s more, even if you fall, you have to struggle to get up and move on.

If you really can’t stand up, even if you climb, you have to climb to the city wall.

Moreover, this is not an isolated phenomenon, almost all the slave armies are charging towards the royal city in this way.

Even, some slaves who were hit by arrows, knowing that they were seriously injured and could not survive, climbed under the city wall with their last breath.

More and more people fell forever under the city walls, but the moment they closed their eyes, their expressions were full of relief smiles.

Everyone thinks that if they die, they can put their bodies under the walls and help those who come after them to rise to the next level.

As long as the continuous upward stacking, the last people who come up can step on their bodies directly up the city wall without resorting to rope ladders.

And the reason why these slaves desperately wanted to help the Han army break through the royal city was not just to exchange their performance for the safety of their wives and children.

All the more because, under Liu Feng’s several months of training, obeying orders has become their instinct.

This obedience, similar to the brainwashing of later pyramid schemes, constantly controlled the minds of these slave armies.

Finally, after countless slave armies died in battle, someone finally climbed on the city wall.

The first had just been killed by the defenders of the royal city, and the second and third climbed up.

Then more and more armies of slaves climbed up.

When they came to the city wall, they were more fearless than when charging below.

In the face of the blades slashed by the defenders, they did not even dodge, raised their hands to block the fatal blow, and then slashed at each other at the same time.

Faced with this life-for-life fighting style, the defenders of the royal city were miserable.

In most cases, it takes two or even three people to kill a slave.

The fierce and frenzied attack of the 200,000 slave army completely shocked the noble leaders of Goguryeo.

They had never imagined before that the soldiers of Goguryeo could be so terrifying and possess such powerful combat power.

But in addition to the shock, the leaders of these nobles were more angry and puzzled.

After all, although these slave armies are now their own enemies, they were all their own armies not long ago.

His own army has now become a lethal weapon in the hands of the enemy, and is used to hack and kill his own men.

In addition to anger, extreme doubts have been circling in their minds.

After all, they used to be their own troops, and they knew what their original combat effectiveness was like.

It was precisely because these slaves were at the middle and lower levels of combat effectiveness among their soldiers that they left them in their lair.

What is the reason that makes them, who were originally extremely weak in combat, become so crazy?

What exactly did they experience during the months they were captured by the Han army?

However, these puzzles and doubts, the nobles of Goguryeo will never know.

In addition to shock, puzzlement and anger, the nobles of Goguryeo had only helplessness in their hearts.

If the army guarding the royal city could also have such strong combat power and determination to win, why would they not be able to repel the army of the Great Han.

If these slave armies can still obey their orders now, then it will not be difficult to eliminate the Liaodong army in front of them.

Even if he directly captured Luoyang, the capital of the Great Han, it was not impossible.

If they also had the means to train them, let alone the Great Han, the whole world would become the territory of Goguryeo.

However, the reality was that these slave armies could not have followed the orders of the Goguryeo nobility, and they would never have been able to train such an army.

All he could do was command the guards of the royal city and do his best to resist.

Fortunately, although the slave army attacked very frantically, the Goguryeo royal city also gathered all the troops under the major nobles, and it had reached 400,000 people.

Although the combat effectiveness is not as good as the slave army, but the number is more, coupled with the support of the city wall, every slave army that climbs up has lost most of its physical strength.

In addition, almost everyone who climbed up was injured, so the royal city guards could also resist.

The two sides fought fiercely, corpses piled up, blood flowed like rivers, and the entire battlefield was like a purgatory on earth.

Seeing that the battle was becoming more and more anxious, Liu Feng decided not to delay any further.

So, he picked up the ink jade spear and rode towards the city gate.

The lord of Haicheng City on the royal city saw the commander of the Han army rushing to his side alone, and remembered the killing move he had unleashed when he blocked him outside Haicheng that day, and his heart suddenly jumped.

So he hurriedly ordered the archers around him to shoot all the bows and arrows in his hand towards Liu Feng.

However, these rains of arrows were easily removed by Liu Feng.

Even if there are a few missing, they can’t break the specially modified armor on his body.

In the blink of an eye, Liu Feng arrived under the city wall.

Using the kinetic energy of the war horse’s charge, coupled with the weight of the ink jade gun and the terrifying power of his body, Liu Feng smashed the ink jade gun towards the city gate.

Only listening to the explosion of “boom”, the gate of the Goguryeo royal city was actually smashed by Liu Feng’s shot.

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