Liu Hong thought of a plan and prepared to announce it in the early dynasty.

The next day, after brewing emotions, Liu Hong spoke: “Dear Aiqing, I got a very sad news yesterday.

Yesterday, the angel who sent an envoy to Liaodong returned and told Xu that he had failed to complete the task.

The reason is that the champion Hou Liu Feng is seriously injured and has been in a coma for many days, and I don’t know when he will wake up. ”

When the ministers present listened, they were all shocked, and Lu Zhi hurriedly stood up and asked, “Your Majesty, how could the champion Hou suddenly be injured and unconscious?” ”

Faced with Lu Zhi’s question, Liu Hong made a sad expression and said: “It is said that he was injured when pacifying Goguryeo.

Just because the army was deep into Goguryeo at that time, the champion Hou was afraid that the news of his injury would spread and be used by Goguryeo, which would affect the army’s heart, so he did not speak out.

However, he also delayed the timing of treatment.

On the way back to Liaodong, his injuries worsened because of the hard work of the boat and car, and he fell unconscious just after arriving in Longcheng. ”

Everyone listened to Liu Hong’s words and felt sorry in their hearts.

Due to the poor medical conditions at that time, many ministers feared that Liu Feng’s injuries would deteriorate and his life would be in danger.

Some people can’t help but think of the champion Hou Huo Qubing during the Han Wudi period, the same young general, who also went deep into the hinterland of foreign races to beat foreign races, but he died young at the age of only twenty-four because of illness.

But Lu Zhi, Huangfu Song, Zhu Yan and other people who fought side by side with Liu Feng did not think so.

After all, they had seen Liu Feng’s force with their own eyes, and none of his soldiers had died in battle, as the commander, how could Liu Feng be seriously injured?

The only explanation was that Liu Feng had already guessed the Spirit Emperor’s scheme, so he evaded entering the palace with deception.

But they already admired Liu Feng and did not want this big Han Zhongliang to be framed, so they did not speak up.

As for the great general He Jin, he was just a butcher, and he didn’t think of the reason at all, so he didn’t say anything.

Then Liu Hong continued: “The champion Hou opened up the territory for my great Han, and he is actually a hero, and he wanted to announce his entry into the palace and reward him in person.

However, he was injured and unconscious, so the matter of entering the palace was a chance after he woke up, and he was not in a hurry.

However, the reward could not be delayed, so he announced that the champion Hou opened up the territory for the Great Han and worked hard to make great achievements, so he was specially named the king of Liaodong.

In addition, because he was injured in his war for the country, he felt his loyalty and bravery, and specially gave the champion Hou a marriage to the princess of 10,000 years, and then consummated the marriage when the king of Liaodong woke up. ”

As soon as this edict came out, it shocked the government and the public.

Some people were shocked that Liu Feng was not only crowned king, but also jumped from a distant clan relative to a foreign relative, and he was even more prominent.

But there are still many discerning people who know at a glance that Emperor Hanling promised the Princess of Wannian to the champion Hou for political purposes, hoping to arrange eyeliner around Liu Feng and monitor his every move.

This was enough to show that the Spirit Emperor was already wary of Liu Feng.

At the same time, Liu Feng, Guo Jia and others who were far away in Liaodong were also discussing the next possible countermeasures for Emperor Hanling.

Liu Feng was very happy about deceiving the little eunuch and avoiding entering Luoyang, and instantly felt extremely relaxed.

But Guo Jia is not optimistic.

He said to Liu Feng solemnly: “Master, although we have escaped for the time being, it does not mean that Emperor Han Ling has relaxed his vigilance against you.

We still need to be careful not to fall into the limelight.

This trick can deceive the little eunuch, but it may not be able to deceive Liu Hong.

After all, he has been the emperor of the Great Han for so many years, and he can’t really be that idiotic.

If you think about it carefully, you can think that the trick of fraud is actually quite loopholes.

Not to mention that the lord’s martial arts are strong in the world, there should be no one in Goguryeo who can hurt the lord.

More importantly, Lord Lord, you were seriously injured and unconscious, but none of your soldiers were injured, which does not make sense in any way.

But after all, the little eunuch personally checked, and your coma is real, then even if Liu Hong doubts it in his heart, he will not force the lord to enter the palace.

But since he already feels that the Lord is overpowering, he will definitely think of other ways to curb your development.

At the very least, we must find a way to understand our every move and determine whether the Lord has the intention of rebellion. ”

Liu Feng listened to Guo Jia’s words, and his heart was alert, so he put away his contempt.

Within a few days, a holy decree from the Hanling Emperor Liu Hong arrived in Liaodong, and Liu Feng still pretended to be unconscious, and Tai Shici took the order.

After reading the holy decree, the little eunuch who delivered the decree told Tai Shici and the others that the Wannian Princess would arrive in Liaodong in a few days, so that Liaodong could prepare in advance to greet him.

After the little eunuch left, Tai Shici came to Liu Feng’s room and gave the holy decree to Liu Feng and Guo Jia.

For this throne of the King of Liaodong, although Liu Feng was happy, he didn’t care, he was more like he knew how to deal with the Princess of Wannian Province.

So Liu Feng asked Guo Jia what good way to deal with Princess Wannian was.

In this regard, Guo Jia analyzed: “The lord does not actually have to worry.

The lord’s fraudulent coma has disrupted Liu Hong’s plan to edict the lord into Luoyang and put you under house arrest.

Although the method of house arrest cannot be used, the merits of the lord in opening up the territory for the Great Han are indeed solid, and this point cannot be erased even if Liu Hong is the Son of Heaven.

Therefore, the title of the king of Liaodong, the lord is at ease.

After all, the lord was born into death for the great man, and this is also deserved.

However, the lord should pay attention to the fact that once he becomes the king of Liaodong, he must act more cautiously in the future.

After all, after having the throne, it means that the lord can open his own palace and recruit military generals.

This has the advantage of obtaining more talents, which will help the Lord to attack other alien races in the future.

But this is also an invisible shackle, and everything that the Lord does will be seen by the world.

The slightest bit of unreasonable place will most likely arouse the suspicion of the Spirit Emperor and be considered a rebellion.

As for Liu Hong’s marriage of Princess Wannian to the lord, it was to let Princess Wannian monitor Liu Feng’s every move.

It is equivalent to the eyeliner arranged around the lord, and the lord is crowned king.

Once the lord makes any move that is not conducive to Liu Hong’s rule, Princess Wannian will definitely report to Liu Hong.

However, for the lord, there is no loss for the time being.

The Lord should be the Spirit Emperor who appreciates the Lord’s merits in opening up the territory and rewarding you with a beautiful woman, haha. ”

Liu Feng was originally very worried, but when he heard Guo Jia’s ridicule at this moment, he suddenly felt quite helpless.

Then Guo Jia said: “However, the lord still tries not to let the princess of Wannian know about some things, so as not to let the imperial court know.” ”

Liu Feng thought for a while, then said: “This matter is simple, Benhou will give this task to Cai Yan, and let her stick to the Princess of Wannian every day.” ”

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