At this time, although Dong Zhuo did not make many battle merits in quelling the Yellow Turban Rebellion, because he did not skimp on money and often bribed Zhang Rang and other reds around Emperor Ling of Han, he was still considered prosperous.

In the absence of any battle merits, he has been knighted one after another, and now he has become a general who has broken the ranks.

Although Sun Jian fought bravely, because he was honest and disdainful of bribing eunuchs, he was not too prominent, and at the moment he was still a subordinate general under Zhou Shen.

Zhang Wen, as an old minister of the Great Han who was the same age as Lu Zhi and Huangfu Song, although Liu Feng was a supervisor, did not dare to snub, and immediately met Zhang Wen after arriving in Chang’an and discussed the situation at that time.

And Zhang Wen had long heard of Liu Feng’s prestige, and even he himself was a loyal reader of Longcheng newspapers and periodicals.

Although Zhang Wen was also interested in “Journey to the West”, poetry newspapers and other contents, what really attracted him was the Liaodong Campaign in the first edition of the first issue of Longcheng Newspaper and Periodical.

From those battles, Zhang Wen could feel Liu Feng’s military talent and talent.

At this time, Zhang Wen, who had already been bitter about the attack momentum of the Liangzhou rebels, was very happy about Liu Feng’s arrival.

He believed that Liu Feng would not only be able to quickly command the army to quell the rebellion in Liangzhou, but it was also a good opportunity for him to witness Liu Feng command the battle.

Therefore, even though Liu Feng’s coming to the army as a supervisor would weaken his authority, Zhang Wen did not mind at all, and even expressed a warm welcome to Liu Feng’s arrival.

And Sun Jian had followed Huangfu Song to fight for rebels during the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and he had an old relationship with Liu Feng, and he was also happy to see Liu Feng at this time, and took the initiative to say hello to Liu Feng.

Liu Feng also had a good impression of a bold man like Sun Jian who dared to act and had a clear love and hate, so the two chatted quite enthusiastically.

As for Dong Zhuo, as early as the Yellow Turban Rebellion, because Liu Feng had killed Zhang Jiao and Zhang Bao and other major enemy generals before him, and had repeatedly stolen his own credit, his dissatisfaction with Liu Feng had a long history.

I thought that this pacification of the Liangzhou Rebellion would be another good opportunity to obtain battle merits, but I didn’t expect that I would catch up with Bian Zhang and Han Sui to join the rebels just after they came, resulting in a great increase in the strength of the rebels.

Subsequently, he suffered a series of defeats, and he was unhappy in his heart, but he did not expect that at this time, the imperial court sent Liu Feng as a supervisor to command the battle.

This made Dong Zhuo really angry, and he was very worried that his credit would be stolen by Liu Feng again.

Just when everyone was happy or angry for Liu Feng’s arrival, suddenly a report came from the scout: Bian Zhang, the leader of the Liangzhou rebels, was leading his army east to attack Chen Cang, the gateway to Chang’an.

Receiving this news, in addition to Liu Feng, whether it was Zhang Wen, the commander of the army, or Zhou Shen, Dong Zhuo and Sun Jian, they were all frightened and panicked.

After all, Chen Cang is the gateway for Liangzhou to advance east into Chang’an, and if Chen Cang loses, the Lianzhou rebels have the opportunity to directly wave their troops east and directly attack Chang’an.

Therefore, Dong Zhuo immediately suggested that Zhang Wen send troops to Chen Cang to relieve the siege.

He said: “General Zhang, at this time, the rebels are besieging Chen Cang at this time, and they must be looking forward to finishing the battle.

If they take Chen Cang, Liangzhou to Chang’an will be a smooth road, and there will be no other city buffer in between, only a smooth road.

With the elite of righteousness in Huangzhong, it will be difficult for our army to resist.

Therefore, we must send troops to help Chen Cang before they capture it, and assist Chen Cang’s defenders to repel the alien races. ”

Zhang Wen listened to Dong Zhuo’s words and lowered his head to think seriously.

Liu Feng saw that Zhang Wen seemed to be quite moved by Dong Zhuo’s proposal, and could not help but sigh that although Zhang Wen was an elder in the dynasty, his ability to lead troops to fight was still much worse than that of Huangfu Song.

Perhaps because his arrival changed the original course of history, in the original history, due to the unfavorable war, Zhang Wen had been removed from his post by Emperor Ling of Han at this time.

During the siege of Chen Cang, the imperial court had to use Huangfu Song again.

At that time, it was also Dong Zhuo who suggested sending troops to aid Chen Cang, but Huangfu Song refused, and later it turned out that Huangfu Song’s decision was completely correct.

However, at this time, because of his outstanding military talent, Liu Hong did not depose Zhang Wen, but let himself assist Zhang Wen as a supervisor to suppress the rebellion.

However, Zhang Wen really did not have the ability of Huangfu Song, and he was actually moved by Dong Zhuo’s suggestion.

So Liu Feng had to object before Zhang Wen could agree to Dong Zhuo’s proposal: “General Zhang does not have to waste troops to rescue Chen Cang.

Although there are many rebels and have besieged Chen Cang for many days, how could Chen Cang, as the gateway to Chang’an, be so easily breached?

Not to mention that the rebels are mainly Qiang and Xiaoyue clan’s Huangzhong Yicong foreign cavalry, which is not good at attacking the city, just say that Chen Cang City, the city is strong, easy to defend and difficult to attack, how can it be broken by the foreign cavalry? ”

Before Liu Feng could say anything, Dong Zhuo interrupted angrily: “General Zhang must not listen to Liu Feng’s nonsense.

The location of Chen Cang is extremely important, and if it is breached, the consequences are unimaginable.

Even if he is surrounded at this time, presumably the emperor will already be unable to sit still, if our army does not send troops again, I am afraid that I will repeat the mistakes of Huangfu Song and be directly escorted back to the imperial court for trial. ”

Liu Feng listened to Dong Zhuo’s words, and couldn’t help but laugh: “It turns out that General Dong was afraid that he would be recalled to the imperial court by the emperor and would not be able to make meritorious achievements, so he wanted to send troops to aid Chen Cang.”

However, you can rest assured that Chen Cang will not be easily breached, and we should continue to wait patiently.

The foreign race is not good at attacking cities, plus Li Wenhou and Beigong Boyu have the Han Bian Zhang as the leader, if they can’t attack for a long time, they will definitely think that Bian Zhang contains evil intentions.

When the rebels are demoralized and there is a possibility of infighting, it is the best time to attack. ”

Sun Jian also agreed with Liu Feng’s words, and he also said to Zhang Wen: “General Zhang, his subordinates also think that the strategy of the king of Liaodong is feasible.

The city wall of Chen Cang is high and strong, the defenders in the city are sufficient, and there is enough food and grass, so there must be no problem.

If our army goes to support now, the aliens will find our army as an outlet target if they cannot attack the city, and then our army will inevitably fight another bitter battle.

If you win, you will also lose a lot of men and horses, and if you lose, you will rekindle the morale of the alien race that has fallen for a long time. ”

Zhang Wen listened to Liu Feng and Sun Jian’s advice, pondered for a moment, and said, “The King of Liaodong has been fighting with foreign races for many years, and his understanding of it far exceeds ours.

Since the King of Liaodong said so, he acted according to the plan of the King of Liaodong. ”

Sure enough, half a month later, the rebels could not attack Chen Cang for a long time, and their morale dropped greatly, and Zhang Wen, under Liu Feng’s suggestion, led troops to attack, and finally defeated the rebels.

Subsequently, Liu Feng personally led three thousand red blood dragons to ride among the rebels and kill the thief’s head Bian Zhang.

Seeing that Liu Feng not only killed the thief head to steal the first merit this time, but also completed this achievement after putting forward a completely opposite plan to himself, Dong Zhuo’s resentment towards Liu Feng reached a climax.

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