"King Anping, spare your life, spare me, I will never dare!"

Yuan Xi shouted loudly.

"Want to die or live"

Liu Yi pressed the sword with one hand, and the sword left a bloodstain on Yuan Xi's neck, and the blood seeped out from the skin little by little.

"I want to live, I want to live! I want to live!"

Yuan Xi shouted hurriedly.

"Just want to live!"

"Actually, sometimes it's hard to want to die. If you don't obey, this king can guarantee that there are a hundred ways to make your life worse than death."

Liu Yi said in a cold tone.

"I'm obedient, I'm obedient."

Yuan Xi, who had wet his pants, said quickly.

Liu Yi smiled and then let go of Yuan Xi.

For a timid person like Yuan Xi, killing it would be meaningless, and staying behind will make the most of it!              chapter


Yuan Shao's three-way army, Zhang He Gaolan all the way, Qu Yi all the way, and himself have surrounded the whole Yijing all the way.

Gongsun Zan, who was terrified of being beaten, never left Yijing behind the high wall he built.

Even if his subordinates are surrounded outside, they will not leave the city.

This made the surrounding areas of Yi Jing quickly surrender to Yuan Shao's side, and Yuan Shao's army, which was originally only [-], instantly expanded to more than [-].

And Gongsun Zan also stood by with his [-] troops and Yi Jing, who had been built by him in an unusual way.

On the Yijing city wall, they thought that Yuan Shao was besieging the city and Zhao Yun was sent to guard the city wall.

At this time, he and his fellow villagers more than [-] people were sticking to the east side of the city.

"Brother Zilong, Yuan Shao's army of more than [-] people is besieging the city, can Yi Jing be able to defend it?"

Zhao Hu leaned on the battlements and looked at Zhao Yun and asked.

At this time, it was a drizzle in the spring, and Zhao Yun, who was standing on the city, was full of rain.

Zhao Yun shook his head: "It's hard to defend a lonely city for a long time, even if the former generals hoarded a lot of food and grass in the city, but Yi Jing is definitely not impossible... ...... broken five,."

Zhao Hu had a straw stick in his mouth, after quietly looking at no one around, Zhao Hu got close to Zhao Yun and said, "I heard that a few days ago, Gongsun Xu, the son of a bitch, rode Zilong's eldest brother at night. Zhaoyu lion went out of the city to ask for help."

"Some people say that the former general ordered him to go to Zhang Yan in Montenegro to ask for help. If Zhang Yan is willing to come to the rescue, I am afraid that Yi Jing will not break the fifth."

Zhao Hu said in a low voice.

What he said was not... He didn't want Gongsun Zan to be defeated.

In fact, if Zhao Yun hadn't stopped them, they would have already left.

At the beginning, they desperately defended Changping.

Of the more than [-] brothers, only [-] people remained. If King Anping hadn't sent troops to rescue them, I'm afraid not one person would be left.

Moreover, the [-] people in Changping City will also be killed by the Wuhuan swords.

But even if they came back without a reward, they were afraid, and they even received a punishment.

Zhao Yun was demoted from a cavalry colonel to a soldier in the defense of the city.

More than [-] brothers have become the main soldiers.

And Gongsun Xu, that bastard, even snatched the Yezhao jade lion that King Anping gave to their elder brother Zilong.

If Zhao Yun hadn't stopped them, they would have quit long ago.

"Montenegro Zhang Yan"

Zhao Yun frowned after hearing this, then shook his head: ""

"Even if the former general can break through the siege, he is fighting against Yuan Shi."

Zhao Yun glanced at Yuan Shao's army that had already surrounded him in the distance.

"Now that most of Youzhou is under the control of King Anping, the former general is the only city left, and he has lost his heart. Even if Zhang Yan came to help the former general to break through, he would only lose his family in the future, so what's the point?"

Zhao Yun said.

"That's what Brother Zhao Zilong said, in the future Hebei will not be the world of the Yuan family."

Zhao Hu asked from the side.

Zhao Yun shook his head: "Not necessarily."

Speaking of which, Zhao Yun thought of Liu Yi.

"The name of King Anping's virtuous virtue is known all over the world, and all the people around him yearn to be under the rule of King Anping."

"Those who win people's hearts can win the world. Although the Yuan clan occupies Hebei, the real foundation of the Yuan clan is only in Jizhou."

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