Gongsun Zan, who had given up on the outside world, began to point his troops at Yuan Shao inside.

Thus, the battle between Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan's old enemy began.

This dozen is... years.

Gongsun Zan is no longer the same... General White Horse, so Zhao Yun and the one-shot Xiang Yong brought by Zhao Yun are very disappointed.

It stands to reason that the Changshan country originally belonged to Jizhou, and Zhao Yun and others went to join Gongsun Zan who was in Youzhou at that time for the sake of Gongsun Zan's heroic name.

"My lord, in front of you is Yun's hometown!"

Zhao Yun, who was riding on the horse, pointed excitedly at the small town that could gradually be seen in the distance.

Liu Yi, who was sitting on the red rabbit horse, also saw it.

In order not to disturb Yuan Shao, Liu Yi did not let the army enter Changshan Kingdom this time.

He just quietly brought eight hundred flying bears and more than one hundred villagers from Changshan, including Zhao Yun.

And the eight hundred flying bears are still there: they do not enter the city far away.

Changshan Kingdom is still Yuan Shao's territory. In a short period of time, he has no plans to start with Yuan Shao again, so Yuan Shao should not be too nervous.

"Zilong has been away from home for several years"

Liu Yi looked at Zhao Yun next to him and asked.

"Since the first defeat of the former general, Yun has not returned to his hometown, and it has been more than three years now!"

I haven't returned home for three years, so Zhao Yun must have missed him very much.

After all, there is still a girl he misses waiting at home.

Liu Yi glanced at the more than [-] people around, all of whom were Zhao Yun's fellow villagers.

Not far behind Zhao Yun, there is another guy with a tiger's head.

"Ziyu has a beloved girl waiting in her hometown"

Liu Yi smiled and looked at Zhao Hu behind Zhao Yun.

When asked by Liu Yi, Zhao Hu immediately scratched his head embarrassedly: "Go back to the lord, I...I am not as good-looking as Big Brother Zilong, and no girl values ​​me."

Zhao Hu lowered his head and said a little embarrassedly.

"Ha ha."

Liu Yi raised his head and smiled: "Don't worry about being a husband without a wife, don't worry, it won't take two years to count the number of wives you have!"

Zhao Hu smiled: "Zi Yu believes that the Lord Zhao Yun, Zhao Hu and others are all from the same village.

And most of them are relatives surnamed Zhao, so it is impossible and impossible to be so united.

Zhao Hu didn't say anything after coming with Zhao Yun.

The word Ziyu was given to Zhao Hu by him.

The implication is like a tiger with wings, meaning.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, [-]% of the people were illiterate.

This also includes Zhao Yun, not to mention Zhao Hu and others.

Therefore, when Zhao Yun and others were with him for a period of time, Liu Yi not only gave them a list of characters, but also taught them to read.

Teaching people to read and literate at this time is the grace of a teacher and a teacher.

Comparable to the grace of fertility.

Therefore, Zhao Yun, Zhao Hu and others are now giving up on Liu Yi.

"Come on, into the city!"

At the same time as Liu Yi waved his hand, more than a hundred people rode their war horses and galloped towards Zhending County in the distance.

When Zhendingcheng discovered Liu Yi's cavalry, the horn suddenly sounded.

The gates that had just opened and closed immediately.

Liu Yi, who saw this scene, was not surprised.

Zhao Yun, who was dressed in silver armor and a white horse, rushed out of the team and came to the city of Zhending.

"I am Zhao Yun, someone who knows me in the city!"

Zhao Yun, who was under the city wall, shouted loudly, holding a bright silver gun.

Under Zhao Yun's shout, the city wall immediately responded.

Some soldiers pointed at Zhao Yun.

"It's Big Brother Zilong, yes, Big Brother Zilong is back!"

Someone on the city wall recognized Zhao Yun.

And Zhao Hu and others also rushed forward.

More and more people are familiar.

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