"It's over, we have to report Da Shanyu as soon as possible, the Huns may attack us from behind!"

Zhang Mou hurriedly walked down the mountain with the guards.

For such important information, every minute and second is dangerous.

In addition to the plains in the south of the three mountains.

Eighty thousand cavalry charged forward.

There were [-] cavalrymen split from the flanks, they were bow cavalry, and they wanted to harass the Yan army cavalry from the flank.

And the Yan army was not to be outdone, and the six thousand Wuhuan elites ran from the flanks and took out their infinitely powerful treasure-carved bows.

The cavalry archers of this era were not like the Mongolian cavalry of later generations, they could not catch up, and they shot and shot accurately.

Wuhuan people do not have high bridge saddles and double stirrups.

The little stirrup that helped mount the horse couldn't hang the Wuhuan people at all.

The cavalry archers want to shoot, either stop the salvo, or shoot randomly on the horse.

Without double stirrups and a Takahashi saddle, it is impossible to stabilize the body, and the bow and arrow cannot be shot accurately.

In addition to these... There are very few elite archers, and the shooting in the running is not salvo, it is really impossible for one person to shoot.


A commander of Wuhuan archers on the flank gave an order, and the thousands of archers under his command fired a volley of arrows.

However, due to the huge gap between the heads, there were not many bows and cavalry in front of the Yan army.

Even if a few arrows came, they were all castrated and could not penetrate the armor of the Yan army's bow and cavalry at all.

On the other hand, the bows and cavalry of the Yan army did not shoot in salvos, but fought separately.

As they got closer, many Wuhuan people immediately saw that the enemy in front of them was actually a Wuhuan! Not only did they wear Wuhuan armor, but their facial features were also very similar to them.

However, the Wuhuan cavalry of the Yan army turned around and attacked with an arrow.

Yan Jun's bow cavalry has a high bridge saddle and double stirrups, with a stable stature and amazing riding and archery abilities. Every arrow can accurately hit a Wuhuan bow cavalry! "Whoo-"

An arrow broke through the air and shot a Wuhuan leader to death.

Seeing that their leader was shot dead, and the enemy's cavalry and shooting were so strong that they were no opponent at all, the cavalry archers under the Wuhuan leader began to retreat.

"What is not allowed to withdraw, come back!"

The leader of the Wuhuan, who led the [-] cavalry archers on the left wing, was furious, but he did not supervise the cavalry team, so he could not prevent the defeat of this cavalry archer.

He was burning with anger, and just wanted to wait for the battle to end, and then go back to clean up the Wuhuan bow and cavalry that had left without authorization.

But he soon discovered that not only this one, many Wuhuan archers were beginning to rout.

These....Wuhuan people are martial, and their leaders are generally fierce generals who are outstanding in martial arts, and who are excellent in riding and shooting.

Because of this, in every battle, the leaders of the small tribes take the lead in charging.

As for the Yan army's archers and cavalrymen, shooting miscellaneous soldiers is the second most important thing. The most important thing they take care of is... the Wuhuan leaders! For a time, the Wuhuan leaders who were in front fell off their horses one after another, and soon thousands of archers and cavalry retreated.

After most of the archers collapsed, the Wuhuan leader who was in charge of the archers could only order to retreat.

They didn't want to die under the arrows of the Yan army's bow and cavalry.

"The enemy archers have retreated."

Taishi Ci smiled lightly, more confident in his chest.

"All troops charge!"

Ten thousand Xiongnu iron cavalry, carrying the potential of opening the sky and breaking the earth, rolled in and rushed towards the Wuhuan cavalry.

Taishi Ci and Wisdom Tooth took the lead, Taishi Ci held a long spear, two short halberds on his back, and ten halberds stuck in his waist.


Taishi Ci pulled out a halberd and threw a halberd, and a Wuhuan cavalry fell in response.

Not to be outdone, Wisdom Tooth put a spear on the warhorse, bent a bow and mounted an arrow, and shot an arrow through the head of a Wuhuan cavalry.

Behind them, the trampling of [-] elite heavy cavalry was like an earthquake, making the [-] cavalry in front of them tremble.

"This... turns out to be heavy cavalry!"

"Isn't this a Huns cavalry, how could it appear here?"

"Could it be that the Huns and the Yan Kingdom are allied?"

"Even the horses have such thick armor, can we really deal with such cavalry?"

The Wuhuan people kept beating drums in their hearts, and before they fought, they already showed their timidity.

They are numerous and powerful, but no one wants to die. The enemy is so elite, even if they can win, they don't know how many people will die.

Most of them are herdsmen and have no determination to fight to the death.

.................Please order, fully order! ................................ ...... Kan Wu "Our army is several times larger than theirs, so why be afraid, rush!"

The commander of the [-] cavalry was Dujin, who had been sent to attack the top of the mountain by Nanlou.

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