"My Yan army has always ordered and banned, but these black sheep have come out!"

"What's more, robbing people, that's what thieves do, and thieves know not to kill, but they even enter the house to kill! Even thieves are worse!"

"My lord, they acted like this, because the management of the last commander is not strict, and I ask the lord to convict!"

"Of course I want to punish you, don't you think you can still get away with it!"

Liu Yi pointed at Gao Lan and scolded him. There were hundreds of thousands of people in Yecheng gathered outside the Dianjian stage. Hearing Liu Yi's words, there was an uproar.

"The thieves are like a comb, and the soldiers are like a grate. I didn't expect that the King of Yan would punish the soldiers who plundered the people!"

"It's more than a soldier. I'm afraid that the generals in the stands will all be punished by King Yan."

"Don't think too much, then Liu Yi is just pretending, besides... those soldiers, who else will be punished As for that family, do you think Liu Yi will not be able to compensate?"

The person who spoke was a scholar from Yecheng, with a very high status, especially dared to speak up, and even the rulers dared not touch them easily.

And especially in Hebei, under the command of Yuan Shao, the head of the clan, especially the madmen.

Among the people, he criticized Yuan Shao, Liu Yi, and even his Majesty.

Anyway... they didn't dare to criticize him. Seeing a few Yan Army soldiers in front of him turned around and glared at him, the scholar didn't care, but continued to speak.

"Why, in broad daylight, you won't even tell the truth that your lord has soldiers, but the soldiers can't stop the mouth of the world!"

The soldier's face was angry, and he certainly wanted to kill the person who slandered Liu Yi and then hurry up.

But as soon as he tightened the spear in his hand, the colonel beside him pinched his shoulders and stopped him.

"The nobles can't be...killed. If you kill them, your life will not be guaranteed."

"With a big head and a big scar, it's a big deal. I'm going to kill this nonsense thief!"

"Stop, don't you want the lord to be punished by the world's scholars?"

The colonel said quickly, and the soldier thought about it for a long time before holding back.

"Hey, aren't you going to kill me? You dare not, then keep your mouth shut!"

The scholar mocked the soldier, showing his teeth and claws.

The other people around him also took a step away from him, and they hated it too.

These ...... scholars, but, as ordinary people, they can't provoke them, and they can only retreat.

The scholar was taunting, but suddenly found three soldiers leaning towards him.

"What are you doing in broad daylight, do you want to kill the people of Yecheng, you..."

"Shut up you!"

A soldier put a rough cloth in the mouth of the scholar, and then the other two soldiers tied him up immediately.

"We didn't dare to kill you, but you slandered the lord, and the lord came to judge you, so we had to tie you up and hand it over to the lord!"

Seeing the soldier's movements, the colonel nodded in satisfaction.

He also wanted to kill this guy who slandered Liu Yi quickly, but he was well-informed and knew that scholars could not kill.

If you can't kill it, then tie it up.

When the other people saw the soldiers in Youzhou, they also applauded secretly. These ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… People's nonsense, the people turn their attention to the point Jiangtai.

In front of the commanding stage, Liu Yi said loudly: "These four 44 thieves, kill for life, Gao Lan, you will execute the execution yourself."

Gao Lan nodded, stood up, and walked behind a person holding the decapitation knife.

"My lord, my lord, spare your life!"

Four 44 were tied into zongzi, and the Youzhou elites who were kneeling on the ground hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Forgive the people who were killed by you, and beg you for mercy too."

Liu Yi asked in a cold voice, the four of them bowed their heads and said nothing.

"When they begged you for mercy, did you forgive them?"


━━━━ Chapter 0200


"My lord, my lord, spare your life, we don't dare any more!"


Soon, Gao Lan slashed three times in a row, and the voices of the three disappeared completely.

Four people were beheaded, and Liu Yi said loudly to the people.

"The four of them are all my Youzhou elites. They went into battle to kill the enemy without frowning, and made great contributions to our Yan Guoli."

"But they became thieves, murdered fathers and brothers, and robbed people and property."

"Such people are ashamed of what the people of Youzhou have done to them, and they don't deserve to be a soldier! I killed them today, not to kill the chickens to warn the monkeys, but to let you see."

"The moment you choose to be thieves, you are no longer my Youzhou soldiers."

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