"Childe, Luoyang Urgent!"

Zhao Yi suddenly walked in at this time and said.

and handed over a secret letter to Zhao Yu.


Zhao Yu took the secret letter, opened it and read it quickly, and then raised his eyebrows: "Hehe! The Yuan family really doesn't give up! "

"Let's take a look!"

As he spoke, Zhao Yu handed the secret letter to Xun You and the others and asked them to circulate it.

"Lord, there's nothing to do with me here, so I'll retire first!"

Zhen Yan didn't look at the secret letter, he felt that these were not something he could understand, so he immediately got up and said.


Zhao Yu saw it, nodded, and did not force it.

Zhen Yan's personality and ability are indeed not suitable to participate in this kind of thing.

"Husband, then I'll step back first!"

Zhen Jiang also got up and said.

"Okay! Jiang Er has to worry more about the affairs of the spinning mill and the weaving factory! Remember to let the people below do more things, you just give orders!"

Zhao Yu said to Zhen Jiang.


Zhen Jiang nodded, and immediately left with Zhen Yan.

Xun You only then spoke: "The Yuan clan is a good method! This time they are using a dignified and upright scheme, and we may not be able to stop it." "


Xi Zhicai also nodded, and then said: "However, the lord is the general of Pingbei and the marquis of Zhao, although Ding Jianyang is the assassin of the state, it is not as good as the lord to come up;"

"This is especially true in the military;"

"If he's smart, he won't mess around, otherwise, we can teach him a lesson and let him remember it for a long time. "

"It's just a thorn in history, and you still want to turn the world upside down?"

It's not that he looks down on the history of assassination, but the authority of the Han Dynasty is really "220" and not high.

After the future Son of Heaven abolished Shi Limu at the instigation of Liu Yan, the power to become the state pastor will be great.


Zhao Yu was also happy when he heard Xi Zhicai's words: "What Zhicai said is very right!"

"Ding Jianyang still poses no threat to me"

"If he's smart, then be honest, don't come to my Yanmen, otherwise, he will be ruthlessly planted with a big heel, hum!"

When he is so good that he can't be bullied?

Moreover, he still has one more move on Ding Yuan's side.

It was useless before, but if Ding Yuan dared to go against him, then this idle chess piece would be of great use.

"Then don't we have to stop this matter? How will Zhao Si reply?"

Zhao Yi asked.

"Let him not care too much, just continue to keep watching! If Yuan and He Jin have other big moves, they will send a message to me!"

Zhao Yu shook his head and said.


Zhao Yi immediately ordered to retreat and pass the message.

At this time, Tian Feng spoke: "The Son of Heaven really did as the lord expected, and quickly closed the coffin of our cleaning of Yanmen!"

"Moreover, there are no new rewards for the lord;"

"Although I expected it a long time ago, but when I actually saw it, it was still disappointing!"

With such a son of heaven, what future does Dahan have?

has completely lost his money, and he can't even do the basic reward and punishment, what hope can this big man have?

"Hehe! Isn't this expected a long time ago? Yuan Hao, haven't you seen it through?"

Zhao Yu shook his head amusedly.

He didn't have any illusions about the Spirit Emperor from the beginning.

"I've seen it through! It's just a momentary emotion!"

Tian Feng also shook his head and didn't mention it anymore.

Now he just wants to assist Zhao Yu to achieve a great cause, change the world, let the people of the world live a good life, and let the loyal ministers and good generals get their due home.

That's enough.

On this day,

"Hahaha! Ziyi! I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss it so much!

Lu Bu came to Zhao Yu's general's mansion, and as soon as he saw Zhao Yu, he laughed and gave Zhao Yu a bear hug, and then said with emotion.


Zhao Yu also smiled slightly: "I'm just lucky to have today!"

"In the future, we will all be begging for a life here in the state! Let's take more photos of each other in the future!"

He didn't care about Lu Bu's powerlessness, and he didn't feel that there was anything rude about it.

After all, his relationship with Lu Bu was also good friends before, so he couldn't put up a shelf just because his identity changed, right?

At the beginning, he was just a businessman who was powerless, didn't Lu Bu also look down on him at that time?

Lu Bu is actually not really stupid, he is actually tempting.

Seeing that Zhao Yu was still the same as before, and he didn't put up any fights with him, he felt much more comfortable.

I feel that Zhao Yu really treats him as a good brother.


When Lu Bu heard this, he laughed and patted his chest and said, "Don't say anything else, if there is anything useful to me, just mention it, as long as I can do it, I will definitely not postpone it." "

"Speaking of which!"

At this time, Lu Bu suddenly changed his words and said: "I tried to use the suggestion you gave me last time! I feel that it has worked! That Ding Yuan is also tempted! But he hasn't moved yet, what's the situation?"

"It feels like it's procrastinating. "

This is actually one of the reasons why he came to Zhao Yu.

The other reason, of course, is that I came to Zhao Yu to catch up.


Zhao Yu listened, raised his eyebrows, and then smiled knowingly: "You don't have to worry about this matter! I guess it's only a few days, and he will definitely give you an answer;"

"At the same time, you get what you want. "

Isn't that a coincidence?

The Yuan clan wanted to use Ding Yuan to contain Zhao Yu.

And if Ding Yuan wants to do this, then he must win over some Wuyuan, Shuofang, and Xihe led by Lu Bu... and other border troops, otherwise, the so-called containment is just empty talk.

Now, hasn't the Yuan clan already started to run around for Ding Yuan's request?

The bulk of this benefit will eventually fall on Lu Bu.

It can be regarded as Lu Bu's luck and caught up, otherwise he would have to wait.

Immediately, Zhao Yu briefly told Yuan that the Yuan family wanted to use Ding Yuan to contain him, and Ding Yuan asked the Yuan family for help, wanting to get the official position of Lu Bu and other border generals, and told Lu Bu about it.

Omit those who can't be said.


Lu Bu was immediately surprised when he heard this: "There is still such a thing?

"However, this old thing is actually someone from the Yuan clan of the Rausch Zi Yuan, and is he still going to deal with Ziyi?"

"Let's see if I agree!"

Zhao Yu was so righteous to him, how could he be ungrateful?

In the end, the current Lu Bu is not the future slave with the third surname, who has endured many years of beatings and has become a bottomless Lu Bu.

At present, he is still quite righteous.


Zhao Yu listened, but shook his head with a smile and said, "I told Brother Feng Xian about this, but I didn't want you to turn against Ding Yuan!"

"I hope you don't let Ding Yuan know that you know this clear inside story!"

"When the time comes, you and I can completely cooperate with each other inside and outside, and just make a show for Ding Yuan and Yuan!"

"In this way, Yuan and Ding Yuan will not think of other ways to target me and calculate me;"

"And I won't have anything to lose, don't you think?"

In the next few years, he still wants to be a low-key person and do things in a high-profile manner. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

You can't stimulate the Yuan family and the Son of Heaven too much.

"Huh, is that okay?"

Lu Bu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he nodded in response: "Then this matter will be up to you!"

"By the way, do you know what position Ding Yuan will give me?"

Lu Bu's heart was itching, and he was very curious about this matter.

He had been waiting for this day for a long time.

"According to my previous plan, it is estimated that it is either a riding general, or another Sima!"

"No matter what, it will be a big improvement for you, and you will initially get rid of the status of a border general, and there will be further possibilities in the future. "

Zhao Yu estimated for a moment and spoke.

If he remembers correctly, in his previous life, Ding Yuan was appointed as a cavalry captain.

If he wants to subdue Lu Bu, he has to give him a suitable position.

The current Lu Bu is not the Lu Bu in history, who can be tricked by him to become his adopted son, and then sent away with a civil official position in the main book, depriving Lu Bu of the military power in his hands.

And the position above the captain of the cavalry is impossible, it can only be these two.

"Is it a cavalry general or a cavalry lieutenant? It seems that they are all positions with a rank of a thousand stones? That's good!"

Lu Bu's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Just be satisfied with yourself! Remember not to leak it out for the time being, so as not to cause unnecessary changes!"

Zhao Yu reminded with a smile.


Lu Bu also smiled: "Come! I'll toast you!"

This matter is thanks to Zhao Yu.


Zhao Yu also smiled and touched a glass with Lu Bu.

"By the way, why don't you see Wen Yuan? Didn't you hear that he had already defected to you?"

Lu Bu couldn't help but ask at this time.

He had been to Ma Yi when he came here, so he naturally knew about it, but after he came to the Yin Pavilion, he first went to Zhang Liao's mansion to find Zhang Liao, but Zhang Liao was obviously not there.


Zhao Yu listened, and said with some doubts: "Didn't Wen Yuan tell you? He was sent by me to guard Pingcheng!"

"I received secret news that after the autumn harvest, the Northern Xiongnu and Xianbei people may jointly attack, and I have to prepare early. "

"Speaking of which, I was about to warn you!"

"The Wuyuan where you are located is also an important border town, if the Northern Xiongnu and Xianbei people come to attack, you will inevitably be harassed and invaded there, you must be vigilant and prepare in advance to deal with it;"

"Don't be in a hurry to deal with it then, it's not good to suffer a loss0........."

He didn't want Lu Bu to really have a problem, when Wuyuan and other places were lost, it would not be good for the Northern Xiongnu and Xianbei people to really attack the hinterland of Bingzhou.

At that time, he will have more places to defend and take care of.

"Is there such a thing?"

Lu Bu was also shocked when he heard this, and then said angrily: "These dog things are really annoying, endless;"

"However, in the past, they were all kinds of attacks, and they ran away if they couldn't beat them, and the scale was not large, which made people unhappy!"

"This time, they actually dare to invade on a large scale, then I should have a good deal with them, and just use their heads to celebrate my promotion, hum!"

"I can't say, maybe I'll be able to go one step further then!

He's ambitious!

Just a cavalry general or another Sima Ke is not enough for his ambition and appetite.

What's the matter, he has to catch up with his good brother Zhao Yu first, isn't it?

Otherwise, how else would he mix?

"You just have to know what you know!"

Zhao Yu also smiled and nodded: "I believe you are prepared, those Hu people should not be your opponents." "

Anyway, when the time comes, Lu Bu will need Ding Yuan's soldiers and horses to support him, right?

Just right.

So, in fact, Ding Yuan is a good person?

"Haha! That's!"

Lu Bu was very happy to hear Xi.

This is an affirmation from Zhao Yu!

He likes to listen.

"Speaking of which,"

Suddenly, Lu Bu stared at Zhao Yu with burning eyes, and even touched one of Zhao Yu's arms, pinched the bones and said, "When did your kid have such a terrifying body of bones?"

"Moreover, even the strength has been raised to the early stage of the Yi Marrow Realm?"

"How do I remember that more than a year ago, you were just a guy in the Skin Refining Realm, right?

It's like a different person.

If he wasn't sure that the person in front of him was the Zhao Yu he knew before, he would have wondered if he had been tricked.

"Haha! do you see that?"

Zhao Yu listened, and immediately laughed loudly: "I'm still wondering when you will find out!"

When Lu Bu heard this, he immediately rolled his eyes: "Are you blind to me?" I noticed it at the beginning! I just wanted to ask about other things, but I didn't have time to ask;

"Tell me, what's going on?"

"If you don't want to say it, you don't have to say it!"

Zhao Yu listened, spread his hands and said: "It's just that with a little adventure, the roots and bones have been transformed, the brain has also been opened, and the understanding has become better!"

"Then, you also know that I am not short of money, and if I use more treasure medicine, my strength will come up quickly!"

"Of course, the strength I have now has to do with the fact that I worshipped a famous teacher. "

"You know, it's the Northland spear prodigy I told you. "

The real reason is that he can't tell 4.3 Lu Bu.

At least, it was impossible for us to become his diehards.

But with Lu Bu's character, it is extremely difficult to get him to serve him, let alone make him his diehard.

Therefore, Lu Bu is destined to have a hard time knowing the truth.

Still, it's good for him not to know.

If he really knew that there were anti-heaven magic skills such as the Yijin Sutra and the Pulp Washing Sutra, but he couldn't get it, he would probably be crazy, right?

As for the system?

That was Zhao Yu's biggest secret, and no one could tell it.

Not even parents and relatives.

It's not that they don't trust them, but that the reason why secrets are secrets is because few people know about them.

But if a second person knows about it, it is impossible for this secret to be kept secret forever, and there is a possibility that it will be leaked.

Even the Taiping Heavenly Book can have such divine refining techniques and Taoist techniques, Zhao Yu feels that this Three Kingdoms World may not be so simple, and there are still some things that he is far from discovering.

It's always right to be careful.

"What an adventure! You're very lucky! I'm envious!"

Lu Bu couldn't help but smash it.

He had just taken a cursory look at the bones when he touched them, and Zhao Yu's bones were probably surpassing him.

Specifically, he was a little vague through his clothes, but he still had a general feeling.

Regarding Zhao Yu's way of throwing money to cultivate, Lu Bu was even more disgusted: "You kid is really a big dog! Spend money on cultivation, and you can do it!"

"As for the spear prodigy Yuan! I know! Master mentioned it to me, and besides, a few years ago, he also brought a little apprentice of his own to meet me;"

"That kid's talent is probably no less than yours! It's very powerful, it should be your senior brother, right?"

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