"Okay, husband, you haven't gone to find Sister Zhen Jiang yet, have you? Go and talk to her too! Calm her down, she must be worried too!"

After staying with Cai Yan for a while, Cai Yan left Zhao Yu's arms and said to him.

"Yan'er, it's my luck to have you in this life!"

Zhao Yu lowered his head and kissed Cai Yan, then left here and went to the office of the Zhao Chamber of Commerce in the General's Mansion to find Zhen Jiang.

Told Zhen Jiang about his upcoming expedition.

"Husband, you have to be careful! I will wait for you to return at home with Sister Yan'er!"

Zhen Jiang agreed that her eyes were full of worry, but perhaps because she often handled the affairs of the Chamber of Commerce, she knew more, and at the same time seemed more mature and stable.

So, I kept these words in my heart.

"Yes, I will!"

Zhao Yu nodded.

After saving with Zhen Jiangwen for a while, he left.

5 days ago,

Here in Wuyuan City,

When Lu Bu returned to the mansion that day, he received the news and the people of the Zhao Chamber of Commerce asked to see him.

He immediately summoned the man and asked, "You came to see me, is there anything wrong with Brother Ziyi?"

He knew this man, and he had delivered the same message on the previous two occasions.

The intelligence guard immediately spoke: "Yes! My son-in-law has received accurate information that the Northern Xiongnu and Xianbei people have now led a large army to the north of Bingzhou;"

""Eight Sixty Zero" Xianbei generals don't have to worry about it, they won't come to Wuyuan, but most of the Northern Xiongnu troops are coming to Wuyuan, Shuofang, and Yunzhong;

"It is expected that in 5 days, we will arrive in Wuyuan and other places and invade our Han land;"

"My son-in-law asked me to convey the news to General Lu, hoping that the general would prepare early so as not to be caught off guard. "


When Lu Bu heard this, his face changed: "The Northern Xiongnu and the Xianbei people have actually been dispatched? Are they preparing for an all-out war with us? How dare they?"

When the intelligence guard heard this, he said helplessly: "Nowadays, there are smoke and uprisings all over the Han Dynasty, which has made them think that my Han is already weak, and these Hu people naturally dare." "

Lu Bu's eyes narrowed slightly when he heard this: "That's right! The one who is really messing around today! If it wasn't for him messing around, how could it be like this?"

When the intelligence guard heard this, he immediately reminded with a smile: "General Lu! Don't talk nonsense, if someone with a heart hears it and goes to Luoyang to join you, then I'm afraid you will be imprisoned!"

This Lu Bu is really a reckless man!

Can you just talk about it?

I know that you don't have any reverence for the Son of Heaven, but it's good to know it in your heart, how can you say it?

Even their son-in-law knows that it is clumsy on the surface.


When Lu Bu heard this, he immediately smiled and waved his hand: "I'm not stupid! You are Ziyi's trustworthy person, otherwise it would not be possible for you to pass on the secret information several times, I can trust it." "

"Ziyi's information this time is very timely, I will go back and tell him, I already know!"

"This time, these wolf cubs will definitely have no return;"

"These five originals are here with me Lu Bu, and they don't want to cross the barrier one step!

Do you really think that he Lu Bu is an ornament?

"It seems that I haven't killed enough over the years, and I haven't been ruthless enough! Otherwise, how dare these wolf cubs come to Wuyuan to offend my prestige?"

Lu Bu thought with murderous intent in his heart.


The intelligence guard immediately responded and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute!"

At this time, Lu Bu raised his hand to stop him, and asked again: "By the way, tell Ziyi, and ask him if he needs support over there?"

"After all, his side should be the main direction of the Xianbei attack, right? Even, I estimate that even the Huns may send troops and horses to attack his side, is it really no problem?"

Obviously, compared to Wuyuan's side, Lu Bu was more worried about Zhao Yu's side.

"I will inform my son-in-law of the general's kindness!"

The intelligence guard was also a little happy when he heard it, but he still said: "However, this enemy should not be difficult for my son-in-law!"

"If it's okay, I'll take my leave!"


When Lu Bu heard this, he didn't say anything more, waved his hand, and let the intelligence guard leave.

"Let's go and talk to Ding Yuan! After all, there are still too few soldiers and horses on my side, and this time, I may need his support;"

"At least, I need him to supply money and food, and I can't afford to lose. "

Thinking so, Lu Bu immediately got up and took some time to come to Ding Yuan's mansion, and informed Ding Yuan of the news that the Northern Xiongnu were about to invade.


Ding Yuan was also taken aback when he heard this, stared at Lu Bu with burning eyes and asked, "Where did you get the news?"

"It's true!"

Lu Bu nodded directly and affirmatively: "This is what I learned from Hu Shang's mouth, and I also sent a sentry to investigate, and it has been confirmed;"

In addition, General Pingbei's side has also confirmed the news. "

"General, I need money and food and soldiers and horses to support me. "

He didn't directly say that he got the news from Zhao Yu.

Because, he already knew that this Ding Yuan was Yuan's person and was used to deal with and contain Zhao Yu.

He and Zhao Yu are good brothers, so they won't help Ding Yuan betray Zhao Yu.

Although his emotional intelligence in this area is not high, he also knows that at this time, it is better not to say that the source is Zhao Yu's side.

"Is that so?"

When Ding Yuan heard this, he immediately believed eight points, and immediately said: "Money and food are not a problem, I can also lead troops to support you;"

"However, Feng Xian, can you be sure of defeating the enemy army this time, and how many people are there on the other side?"

Ding Yuan was obviously still a little worried.

As a state assassin and a cavalry captain, he knew that he couldn't run away this time.

"General rest assured! As long as there is sufficient money and food, plus 20,000 soldiers and horses in your hands and me, it is enough to deal with all situations!"

Lu Bu patted his chest with confidence and said.

To tell the truth, 20,000 soldiers and horses! He had never fought such a rich battle in his life.

"In this way, it couldn't be better! This time it depends on Fengxian's bravery!" (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"As long as I can win, I will definitely ask Your Majesty for Fengxian afterwards, and when the time comes, the reward will definitely not be a problem!"

Ding Yuan encouraged.

Not only Lu Bu, but he himself will be the big boss at that time!

It's just that the state assassin and the lieutenant can't satisfy him.

He wanted more.


Lu Bu immediately responded.

What he was waiting for was Ding Yuan's words!

This side of the Underworld Castle

Early the next morning, Zhao Yu took Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong and others, led 20,000 flame battalions, 5,000 Zhao family troops and 500 personal guard battalions to set off towards Pingcheng.

It only took 1 day to arrive in Heijo.

was welcomed into the city by Zhang Liao and Qin Lang.

"Wen Yuan! What is the current situation, where is the enemy?"

As soon as Zhao Yu entered the city, after entering the City Lord's Mansion, he asked Zhang Liao.

Zhao Qi's side had already arrived here with an escort of ordnance three days ago.

At the same time, it is convenient to use golden eagles and birds to monitor the movements of the Northern Xiongnu army and the Xianbei army here.

"Back to the lord!"

Zhang Liao immediately bowed his hand and said: "At present, the Northern Xiongnu army has gone straight to the three counties of Wuyuan, Shuofang, and Yunzhong, and the main force has not come to our side, only a small number of sentry horses have been sent here to watch;"

"The last general estimates that they should have reached some agreement with the Xianbei people, and each chose the main direction of attack;"

"At the same time, they don't trust each other, and the Huns are obviously preparing to be bearish;"

"If the Xianbei people's attack doesn't go well, they may not be able to attack the Xianbei people;"

"The same Xianbei people have similar plans here0........."


Zhao Yu nodded noncommittally: "These are all in my expectation, next up, how many troops are there in Xianbei?"

Zhang Liao immediately continued to say: "The Xianbei people dispatched 300,000 soldiers this time, of which about 100,000 are elite, and the rest are temporary troops composed of subordinates, and their combat power is much worse than that of elites. "

"In addition, the Xianbei people also brought hundreds of thousands of ordinary people to follow up dozens of miles away from the main force this time;"

"These tribesmen have carried a large number of cattle, sheep and horses, which are the existence of logistics, and there is no need to be afraid, what we need to consider is the 300,000 main force. "

300,000 sounds like a lot, but considering the difficulty of attacking the fortress and the width of the passage outside the Pingcheng Pass, Zhao Yu and the others did not panic at all.


Zhao Yu just nodded calmly, got up and said, "Take me to Chengguan to see how the repair and strengthening have been in the past few months;"

"Also, on the way, tell me how the layout is going on in Qiangyin City. "

As he spoke, Zhao Yu took the lead and walked towards the outside of the City Lord's Mansion.

Zhang Liao and the others hurriedly followed, and then, Zhang Liao introduced the situation on the side of Qiangyin City.

"At present, with the help of the intelligence guards, 8 underground passages leading to the hidden places outside the city have been successfully constructed with cement, and each passage can accommodate 3 people side by side;"

"The exits of the passages in the city are also arranged in an extremely secret manner, and it is basically impossible to be discovered. "


Then, Zhang Liang took Zhao Yu to understand the situation of Pingcheng Pass.

Seeing that this was more than ten meters taller, and even the thickness had increased by two meters, Zhao Yu nodded with satisfaction.

"Lord, this fortress has not only been heightened and thickened, but within a kilometer outside the pass, several divided low walls have been poured with cement and steel bars, which can greatly limit the number of soldiers under the enemy's passage to the city at the same time;"

"In this way, we can further threaten the enemy in terms of numbers, so that we can deal with them more calmly. "

"These are all arranged according to the advice of the intelligence guard brothers. "

Zhang Liao introduced.

After a few months of contact, his brother was quite impressed by the guards.

He is the reason why Ming 5.4 Zhao Yu was invincible when he faced the Yellow Turban Army.

This intelligence guard definitely played a key role!

"General Wenyuan is overrated!"

At this time, Zhao Qi spoke: "It is not our idea to build a reinforced concrete low wall outside the gate to limit the width of the passage, but the suggestion of the lord. "


Zhang Liao looked at Zhao Yu with some surprise and astonishment: "This is actually the lord's suggestion?"

"Not bad!"

Zhao Yu leaned on the women's wall with one hand, looked down at the situation below, and said with a slight upturn of the corners of his mouth: "This is indeed my suggestion;"

"Because, I know very well, in the next few years, we will not be able to expand our army on a large scale;"

"In the event of an invasion by the Hu people, then we will definitely be at a disadvantage in terms of the number of soldiers and horses;"

"How to reverse the disadvantage in this situation and turn the disadvantage into an advantage is something we need to think about;"

"Whether it is the arrangement of this low wall and the city, or the Zhao Clan's repeater crossbow, divine arm crossbow, and catapult, they are all built to increase our advantage. "

"That's right,"

Speaking of this, Zhao Yu looked at Zhang Liao and said, "The Zhao Clan's crossbow, divine arm crossbow, and new catapult have all been transported for a few days, right?"

"Have you practiced and familiarized yourself with these ordnance these days?"

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