"The meaning is obvious!"

Zhang Rang then said in a yin voice: "It is to restrict Zhao Yu, and the root cause is actually to prevent Your Majesty;"

"After all, no matter what, then Zhao Yu is the general that Your Majesty picked up, isn't it?"

"And he has a heavy army in his hands;"

"Although, Zhao Yu did not do a good job in the matter of targeting the Yuan family at the beginning, which disappointed Your Majesty. "

"But that's because he's alone, his foundation is not strong, and he's just retreating;"

"But his loyalty to His Majesty has not changed, and His Majesty will not deny this, right?"

Liu Hong listened and nodded contemplatively: "Even if he went to Yanmen, his filial piety to me has not decreased, but has increased;"

"Hearing that I am going to rebuild the South Palace, he also provided a lot of precious glazed ware, and his loyalty is indeed no problem!"

"Moreover, he did a good job in dealing with the invasion of the Hu people this time, and as mentioned above, he selected 3,000 good horses and sent someone to send them to me, and it is estimated that he will return in a few days;"

If every courtier had his heart, I wouldn't be the way I am now. "

Speaking of this, Liu Hong felt for a while that he did owe Zhao Yu a little bit before.

This person's ability and loyalty are no problem, but the foundation is a little shallow in "097", and he rashly asked him to deal with the deep-rooted Yuan family, which is indeed a little difficult for him.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Zhang Rang immediately echoed when he heard this: "Therefore, the Yuan clan and the general arranged for Ding Yuan to take charge of the troops to contain and monitor Zhao Yu, in fact, they are guarding against Your Majesty;"

"You know, even if Zhao Yu goes to Yanmen, with his loyalty, if Your Majesty really has a life, will he not die?"

"What are they targeting Zhao Yu?

The Son of Heaven is always staring at Zhao Yu, how can he do if he has an opinion on Zhao Yu?

In Zhang Rang's view, Zhao Yu is clearly his own person, how can he let the Son of Heaven continue to hate, continue to suppress, and continue to push out?

It should be co-opted and strengthened, so that it can contain Yuan and He Jincai.

Zhang has been feeling that the power in their hands is too weak recently, especially in terms of military power.

I've been thinking about how to strengthen this aspect.

Isn't Zhao Yu, who holds military power, a good target?

Since you, the Yuan clan and He Jin, want to suppress and contain Zhao Yu, then I can't let you get your wish.

Sure enough, Liu Hong's face sank when he heard this.

Thinking about it carefully, he felt that what Zhang Rang said was very reasonable, isn't that it?

"It seems that not only should I not suppress Zhao Yu in the future, but I should promote him and continue to let Yuan and He Jin fight with him in the ring. "

Liu Hong thought for a while.

Regardless of whether Zhao Yu was a threat or not, he was put on the side, as long as he didn't transfer it back, it wouldn't threaten him.

On the contrary, Yuan and He Jin, I am afraid that they will regard Zhao Yu as a thorn in their eyes as they grow, like sitting on pins and needles, without him provoking, it is estimated that they will slowly fight.

Thinking of this, Liu Hong immediately spoke: "It seems that this time we have to reward this Zhao Yu well, so that he can recover his power as soon as possible, so that my father thinks?"

It just so happened that Zhao Yu did make a great contribution this time.

The 300,000 Xianbei army plus the nest of the Xianbei people in the west is a great achievement, once confirmed, it is inevitable to worship the marquis.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Zhang Rang listened and immediately responded: "The thunder, rain and dew are all heaven's grace, and this matter still has to be decided by Your Majesty." "


Liu Hong was satisfied with Zhang Rang's attitude and would not make up his mind for him, Liu Hong immediately asked: "How do you think I should reward him so that he can not only prevent him from getting out of control, but also let him intensify the conflict with Yuan and He Jin and fight further?"

He wanted the best of both worlds.

It is true that Zhang Rang's words have made him trust Zhao Yu a lot, but he will not relax his vigilance against Zhao Yu.

Because, what has been learned from the past!

I think that at the beginning, He Jin was still supported by him to balance the ministers of the scholar clan headed by the Yuan family.

The result?

He handed over almost all the military power to He Jin, and appointed him as a general, basically the power is tilted towards the government and the opposition, right?

As a result, how did He Jin repay him?

This idiot actually went directly to the enemy and ran to talk to Yuan's eyebrows.

almost didn't Liu Hong to death.

He really wanted to grab He Jin's collar and ask him loudly: "Do you understand who is your enemy and who is your benefactor?"

"Do you understand who you are to be loyal to, and who gives you power?"

Obviously, He Jin, a stupid butcher, didn't understand it at all.

This also made Liu Hong's strategy of balancing the Shi clan completely unsuccessful, and even went to the worst situation.

Liu Hong lost most of his military power, and his control over the local area dropped sharply, but now he can only give up on himself and lie down completely.


Zhang Rang listened, pondered for a while, and said: "Inevitably, he sits on the frontier, and in terms of civil service, it is enough to have the post of Yanmen Taishou!"

"With the population of three or four hundred thousand in Yanmen alone, it is impossible for Zhao Yu to sit on it even if he wants to;"

"Your Majesty can promote his military rank and give him more qualifications for recruitment, so that Yuan and He Jin can be more jealous of him and target him more. "

Even if Zhang Rang has a good relationship with Zhao Yu, he is also worried that Zhao Yu will lose control and end up not doing himself. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So, restrictions are a must.

When Liu Hong heard this, he frowned: "But, isn't this even more dangerous? You must know that military power is the foundation of all strength." "

What advice did Zhang Rang make today?

Dramatically disappointed in the past.

Is there something he hasn't figured out?

"No, no!"

When Zhang Rang heard this, he shook his head again and again and explained: "Your Majesty thinks badly! Sometimes more troops do not mean that they are out of control, but they are easier to control!"


Liu Hong was even more confused.

Zhang Rang then explained: "Because, the more troops, the more money and food you need!"

"However, Yanmen County is not a rich county in the Central Plains, he is just a border county that has been plundered by the Hu people all year round, with a population of only three or four hundred thousand, how many young and strong people can be recruited by Zhao Yu?"

"And how much money and food can you provide him with to feed the soldiers?"

"Zhao Yu does have a Zhao Chamber of Commerce under his command that can make a lot of money, but if he needs to supply too many soldiers and horses, then he won't have much spare energy to develop others!"

"Even, because there are too many young people recruited, the entire Yanmen is estimated to have to be abolished;"

"At that time, what will he have left except for tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in his hands?"

"If he dares to have a different heart, His Majesty can easily strike him and crush him from the money and food. "

"A reckless Zhao Yu is not to be afraid of, he can only become a sharp sword in the hands of His Majesty, what does Your Majesty think?"

Not only does Liu Hong not need a Zhao Yu with a solid foundation, but he also doesn't need Zhang Rang!

He needs a flawed, needs to fight his Zhao Yu 0.........

In this way, Zhao Yu can be more obedient and easier to use.

"Wonderful! Let my father's suggestion be wonderful!haha!"

After Liu Hong listened to these explanations, Yaning immediately clapped his hands and praised: "So Zhao Yu, there is really no need to worry!"

Give him the power to recruit 80,000 troops, completely help him hollow out the youth of Yanmen County and even nearby counties, hollow out his wealth, let him guard the frontier wholeheartedly for me, and at the same time deter He Jin from them!

Zhang Rang listened, and immediately praised with a smile: "Your Majesty Shengming!"

Three days later, all the 4,000 war horses sent by Zhao Yu (including 1,000 of Zhang Rang's) arrived in Luoyang and were handed over to Zhang Rang in batches, of which 00 were naturally transferred by Zhang Rang to Liu Hong.

Early the next morning, Liu Hong directly announced Zhao Yu's exploits in suppressing thieves in the court, and then announced: "General Pingbei defeated Xianbei's 300,000 army, eliminated Xianbei in the west, meritorious works, I have made up my mind, promoted him to the general of Zhengbei, ordered him to recruit 80,000 troops, sit in the northern Xinjiang for me, and take charge of the four counties of Yanmen, Yunzhong, Shuofang, and Wuyuan in the north of the state." "


Yuan, He Jin and the others were shocked when they heard this.

"Your Majesty!

Yuan Feng immediately stood up and objected: "Not to mention how ridiculous it is to use 50,000 against 300,000, even if he has some credit, is this promotion too much?"

Originally, the military power in Zhao Yu's hands had already made them jealous.

Now that he continues to promote him, expand the military power in his hands, and let him take charge of the military affairs of the four northern counties of the state, won't Zhao Yu want to completely sit in the state?

Who gave the Son of Heaven a bad idea?

Thinking of this, Yuan Feng couldn't help but glance at Zhang Rang, who was standing next to Liu Hong, and said with hatred in his heart: "It must be a good thing that Zhang Rang did by this eunuch;"

"This Zhao Ziyi is really hateful, he actually blatantly colluded with these eunuchs, it's too possible!"

However, because of Zhao Yu's strange methods, they can't react excessively, and they can't directly make these public to 1.4, completely angering Zhao Yu, so as not to find his unscrupulous counterattack, which is also annoying.

"Not bad!"

At this time, He Jinhe hurriedly stood up and objected: "What Yuan Gong said is reasonable, Your Majesty's promotion of Zhao Yu is too much! Even if you want to be promoted, it is enough to be promoted by one level." "

Liu Hong heard this, but said with a sneer: "This matter has been decided, you don't need to say it anymore!"

"Isn't it a good thing to be jealous?"

"Since General Pingbei can make such a great contribution, if I don't have a big reward, wouldn't that make the people of the world feel cold? Wouldn't it make the people of the world laugh at me, and feel that I am so mediocre that I can't even do basic rewards and punishments?"

"So, you don't need to persuade you in this matter;"

"If you are really jealous, then you can also go to the frontier to kill the enemy or pacify those traitors in the territory of the Great Han, as long as the merit is enough, then I will also be rewarded!"

"That's it! Hmph!

After speaking, Liu Hong got up and waved his sleeves and left quickly.

Only Yuan, He Jin and the others were left standing there with gloomy faces, and they retreated helplessly for a long time.

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