"It's a pity! This matter, even without us, is destined to be impossible to succeed!"

Guo Jia then shook his head again.

Obviously, there is no optimism about the original scheme.

"Oh, why does Bonghyo think that?"

Zhao Yu looked at Guo Jia with some curiosity.

He has memories of his past life, so he naturally knows that this thing can't be done.

But why does Guo Jia think so?

Guo Jia immediately spoke: "Don't say anything else, recruiting the border army into King Luoqin and the side of the Qing monarch is a failure in itself;"

"I won't talk about it, in the past few years in Bingzhou, I have also understood, this person is not ambitious, and he is not a person who is willing to submit to others;"

"If he really brings troops to Luoyang, when the time comes, his ambition will only swell even more, and when the time comes, it is difficult to say whether he will listen to the Yuan family;"

"Not to mention Dong Zhuo!"

"I've also studied and understood this person, and this is definitely an ambitious hero;"

"Not to mention a peaceful master, his ambition is probably several times greater than that of Ding Yuandu;"

"The point is, this person is even from Xiliang, his background is not high, and he is also a Xiliang person, but he is not a person who abides by the rules and rules;"

"Once he comes to Luoyang with his troops, it will be impossible to let him leave when the time comes!"

At the same time, with his ambition, I am afraid that he will not let go of this good opportunity to occupy Luoyang and control the world at that time. "

"Tsk! I can only say! Yuan Kui's idea is very good, but it is too naïve?"

"He really thought that anyone would always abide by that unspoken rule among the scholars?"

"Who would be afraid of his name as the fourth and third duke of the Yuan family?"

"Thinking too much!"

In fact, from Yuan's support for Ding Yuan, Dong Zhuo and other border troops, Guo Jia saw that something was wrong.

People are ambitious.

But when people have military power, that ambition will continue to expand.

As a general, I don't like the intrigue in the officialdom.

Prefer to go straight.


Tian Feng on the side also nodded with a sneer: "The Yuan clan has been playing the rules of the Shi clan for too long, because who will always abide by this set?"

"This is looking for death! I will be killed by this sooner or later. "

Blind self-righteousness is unacceptable.

"Not bad!"

Zhao Yu listened and gave a thumbs up to Guo Jia and Tian Feng: "The analysis is reasonable and well-founded! I think so too!"

"Still, that's what we need;"

"Although it is a bit cruel to say this, but otherwise, the world will not be completely chaotic in a short time, and we will not be able to really exert our ambitions to change this rotten world;"

"It's an opportunity to achieve our goal. "

Although this would be a sacrifice for many innocent people, Zhao Yu had no choice.

If you want to achieve your ambitions, you can only do this.

Zhao Yun and the others also nodded solemnly when they heard this.

They are also aware of this, but they do not regret it.

They have seen the changes in Yanmen County over the years.

Practice has proved that the ideas and policies of the lord are correct.

Although it was not ripe for the time before, it could only be implemented conservatively.

But it is this part that has made Yanmen County unprecedentedly developed and prosperous.

Become peaceful and tranquil.

The people there can also live and work in peace and contentment, and their lives are getting better and better.

All of this proves the correctness of the lord.

Therefore, they would rather sacrifice some people to complete the change of dynasty and complete the reform.

Let the Han dynasty glow with new vitality, and give the people a better future world.

The words are divided into two ends,

Yuan Shao hurried to the General's Mansion here, and met Cao Cao on the way.

"Primordial, where are you going in such a hurry?"

Cao Cao asked puzzled.

"It's Mengde!"

When Yuan Shao saw Cao Cao, he immediately beckoned Cao Cao to join him: "Something is wrong! There is news from the palace that the Son of Heaven has been buried in the early hours of yesterday morning!"

"Zhang asked these eunuchs to prepare to support the prince's association to deal with us, come with me to the general's mansion and ask the general to preside over this matter. "

It's better to meet Cao Cao.

Even if he didn't meet it, he would have to find Cao Cao later.

After all, Cao Cao still had thousands of soldiers and horses from the Lieutenant Department of the Military Academy.

In addition, in Yuan Shao's opinion, Cao Cao is a little brother under him, this kind of thing, can't you call the little brother to charge for him?


Cao Cao's face changed drastically when he heard this: "The Son of Heaven is dead? No wonder Zhang Rang asked Jian Shuo to block the palace gate yesterday! Quick! Let's go to the General's Mansion!"

Immediately, the two of them hurried to the General's Mansion, and after the transmission, they saw He Jin.


When Yuan Shaoyi saw He Jin, he directly expressed his intention and explained the situation.


He Jin was also shocked when he heard the news.

When he heard that Zhang Rang and others were plotting to let the prince succeed to the throne, and also imprisoned Empress He and the prince.

"Bastard! Zhang let them dare?"

He was angry.


"Let's go! Hurry up and follow me to Miyagi!

He Jin couldn't wait for a moment, and directly ordered Yuan Shao and Cao Cao, and then gave an order to his younger brother He Miao.

Soon, 20,000 pairs of elites were summoned to the Miyagi side.

"He Jin! Without His Majesty's will, you actually dare to transfer troops without authorization, and dare to lead troops to storm the palace, do you want to rebel?"

Jian Shuo saw He Jin coming with his troops, and immediately asked in a loud voice.

At the same time, he also asked people to inform Zhang Rang's people about the situation here, so that they could find a way. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He was also panicked!

At present, there are only a few thousand people in his hands, and the rest of the eight schools in the West Garden, except for the people and horses in Zhao Zhong's hands who are with him, he can't move the rest.

If He Jin was really determined to attack the city, he wouldn't be able to hold it for long.

"You fart!"

When He Jin heard Jian Shuo beating him upside down, he immediately exploded in anger, and scolded directly: "Jian Shuo, you eunuch, don't think I don't know, Your Majesty has already died, you are so bold, you dare to block the palace city, and you don't mourn, you really want to rebel, right?"

"Quickly open the palace gate and let us in, otherwise, don't blame us for being polite. "

Today, he said that he would go in and have a look, at least to ensure the safety of his sister and nephew.

At the same time, you have to make sure that your nephew can become the new king.

In this way, he can go further.

"Don't think!"

Jian Shuo suddenly shouted with a gloomy face: "Don't mess around here! Your Majesty is just critically ill, you dare to slander Your Majesty's funeral? You are so bold!"

"Fuck your shit! You still want to quibble? Come on! Siege the city for me!!"

He Jin didn't like these twists and turns, and was so angry that he immediately ordered to start the siege.


Many generals and colonels were a little hesitant when they heard this.

This is an attack on Miyagi!

If you're not careful, you're going to lose your head.

Yuan Shao saw it, glanced at Cao Cao, and glanced at each other.

The next moment, Yuan Shao shouted violently: "What are you doing in a daze? Jian Shuo is plotting against you! Plotting against you! Kill me with me!!"


Cao Cao also drew his sword and gave the order, and directly took the lead in attacking the city.

With them in the lead, other soldiers and horses also began to attack.

"Fight back!

Jian Shuo on the city tower saw it and hurriedly ordered a counterattack.

For a time, the Great War unfolded in front of the palace.

The movement here has attracted the attention of countless people.

Many ministers also quickly learned what was going on.

"What? The Son of Heaven has already died? Zhang let these eunuchs secretly mourn and want to plot against him?"


"However, the general actually directly dispatched troops to order an attack on Miyagi, how can this not be justified?"

"! When has this been, and is it still like this? Do you want to sit back and watch the eunuchs plot rebellion?"

"That's not bad! You're not going to be a eunuch, are you?"

"No, no, I'm definitely not..."


These people are talking about it.


Zhao Yu and the others also found a good position to watch the play at this time.

Obviously, I didn't expect He Jin to directly lead troops to attack Miyagi!"

Zhao Yu touched his chin and said a little speechless.

Guo Jia was speechless when he heard this: "What do these guys think? Isn't this kind of thing inevitable? I thought they were prepared!"

Emotional Zhang makes them so naïve!

At this time in the palace,

"What should we do? What should we do? He Jin, this butcher, doesn't talk about martial virtues, and actually leads his troops to attack Miyagi directly, how dare he?"

Zhao Zhong screamed in a bit of panic.


Zhang Rang frowned when he heard this, and scolded: "He Jin is just a stupid butcher, what can't he do?"

"The top priority is to find a way to let him withdraw first, otherwise, with Jian Shuo's little soldiers and horses, it is impossible to hold it;"

"If we really let He attack into Miyagi, then none of us will want to run. "

He was very disappointed in Zhao Zhong, and at the critical moment, he knew that he was screaming and panicking.

Without two opinions, what is the use of such a person?

"And what do you say you should do?"

Zhao Zhong asked from the mouth of the six gods.

Others also looked at Zhang Rang.

Zhang Rang immediately spoke: "Now, we can only find a way to stabilize He Jin first, let him withdraw first, and then we will find a way to get rid of him." "

Zhao Zhong didn't wrinkle when he heard this: "The key is how to get him to withdraw from the army?"

Zhang Rang continued: "Let's go and ask Empress He first! Stabilize her, we took the initiative to admit our mistakes, saying that we are willing to support and support the prince to become the new monarch;"

Then let her order He Jin to retreat, she is He Jin's sister, He Jin will listen. "

As long as they slow down, they will be able to find a way to get rid of He Jin.

When the time comes, it's not that they can't really make the prince the new king.

Without the threat of He Jin, it doesn't matter who it is.

Anyway, the two princes are young and can't do without them.


Zhao Zhong and the others nodded when they heard this.

Immediately, a group of them ran to ask Queen He for guilt and cried.

said that they were just afraid that He Jin would deal with them and kill them directly, so they had to take this decision to confine Queen He.

Now they know that they are wrong, and they say that even if the prince ascends the throne and wants to balance the power of the court, their help is indispensable.

Otherwise, he will not be able to sit on the throne at all.

Look at He Jin who dares to storm the palace gate now, I don't know how rampant it will be in the future.

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