At this time, Guo Jia spoke: "Zilong, your worries are not unreasonable, but it's not a big problem, but don't forget, the Scarlet Wool Project has been going on for several years!"

"If you have a serious understanding, you will find that in the past few years, whether it is the Xiongnu, Qiang, Xianbei in central China, Wuhuan, etc., the number of sheep in their tribes has increased more than tenfold compared with a few years ago, and correspondingly, the number of horses, cattle and other livestock has decreased sharply!"

"In this way, their threat is naturally greatly reduced!"

"Plus we still have the Golden Eagle, it is not difficult to control every move of these Hu tribes and the tens of thousands of elite iron horses under the command of the lord, and clean up these northern Hu tribes, hehe!"

The Xiongnu and even Xianbei in the north have long ceased to be regarded as a real threat by them.

You can do it at any time if you want to, and now it only depends on when it's the most cost-effective.

The benefits are the greatest.

Tian Feng also said at this time: "At present, the blood-colored wool plan has only really taken effect for a short time, and we will still clean up the interior of the state, in fact, it is not suitable to start at the same time against the Northern Xiongnu and Xianbei people at this time;"

"Even if you want to do it, it's best to target one side;"

"My suggestion is to take action against the Northern Xiongnu and the Southern Xiongnu, and completely eliminate this race that has been a disaster in the north for hundreds of years;"

"As for Xianbei, we only eliminated the western Xianbei at the beginning, and the Xianbei people also have the central Xianbei Tuoba clan and the eastern Xianbei Kebi Neng Division, and their 09 strength is not smaller than the original Western Xianbei, or even stronger, especially the Kebi Neng Division;"

"Coupled with the fact that they are farther away from us, and the images of the Scarlet Wool Project are smaller and lagging, the pressure to start an all-out war is too great. "

In recent years, the central Xianbei and the Northern Xiongnu have already occupied the grasslands vacated by the western Xianbei because of occasional friction with the territory vacated by the western Xianbei, resulting in a certain increase in their strength.

This is also a matter of no choice, Zhao Yu wants to occupy the territory of Xianbei in the west.

But this is not possible.

Neither the Northern Xiongnu nor the Central or even Eastern Xianbei would agree.

On the steppe, these Hu tribes have more advantages, and if they really occupy there, they will inevitably be besieged by these tribes.

When the time comes, the gains will outweigh the losses.

Therefore, Zhao Yucai did not choose to occupy the territory of Xianbei in the west from the beginning.

And just captured its people and incorporated them into road construction, mining... and other engineering teams to contribute to the construction of Yanmen County.

That's hundreds of thousands of people, and now, although tens of thousands have been lost, there are still more than 40,000 people.

That is to say, Zhao Yu is rich and wealthy, and he is backed by the Zhao Chamber of Commerce, otherwise he really can't afford to support so many people.

But the benefits of having these people are becoming more and more apparent.

The development and construction of Yanmen County is the best example.

And next, after Zhao Yu takes the entire territory of Bingzhou, he will inevitably build roads, open mines, and reclaim land throughout the entire territory of Bingzhou... and many other constructions, people are needed everywhere.

The value of these hundreds of thousands of people will be put to good use.

Zhao Yun listened, nodded, then looked at Zhao Yu and asked, "Senior brother, then are we taking the opportunity to defeat the Northern Huns?"

"Postpone this!"

Zhao Yu shook his head: "Next, we will focus on cleaning and merging the state, the current blood-colored wool plan is still in the mature stage, and it will take time to squeeze the maximum value of it, so that this plan can enter the best stage, it is not appropriate to startle the snake at this time;"

"Otherwise, if we were taken and the Wuhuan people found out that we easily destroyed the Northern Huns, and also discovered the weakening of the Northern Huns by the Scarlet Wool Plan, then the plan would not be able to continue. "

"In the future, for at least a year or so, our main target will be the civil strife of the Great Han, and we need to target other princes;"

"On the northern side, leaving 20,000 soldiers and horses to guard the passes, there is no big problem. "

Over the years, he, the general of the expedition to the north, has not done it in vain.

He has the power to control the military affairs of the four northern counties.

Therefore, he has already carried out further heightening and reinforcement of the reinforced concrete for the passes in Yunzhong, Wuyuan, Shuofang and other counties in the past few years.

Make these barriers even more dangerous.

The Great Wall has been repaired and blocked some of the damaged ancient Great Wall and the passage to the north, so that the safety index of the northern border of Bingzhou has risen in a straight line.

20,000 soldiers and horses were scattered and garrisoned, and it was impossible for the Northern Xiongnu and even the Xianbei people to easily break through these passes.

"However, after we take and annex the state, we will also start a new round of military expansion;"

"There are currently 100,000 first-line troops, which is a lot, but the second-line troops stationed in various passes and important cities are seriously insufficient.

Zhao Yu opened his mouth and said to Tian Feng.


Tian Feng nodded approvingly: "That's what I mean!"

"In the past, there was no more military expansion, firstly, it was unjustifiable, and it was inevitably criticized, so there was no more military expansion;"

"The second is that the young and strong people in my Yanmen County are limited, and a considerable part of the current 100,000 elites are not recruited from the local area;"

"Either we brought it from Runan, or we tried to attract and recruit people from other counties and counties in Bingzhou and even from Jizhou;"

"Since soon, the lord will be able to become the governor of the state, then the problem of soldiers will not be lacking in a short period of time. "

"But after we take and merge the state, I still suggest that we continue to find ways to even expand the scale to recruit and obtain people from Youzhou, Jizhou, Qingzhou and other places;"

"In the future hegemony, background money and food are of course very important, but I think that population is actually the most important;"

"If you don't have enough people, everything else is just a vain. "

If you don't have enough people, you can't get enough tax money, and at the same time, you can't get enough young soldiers.

The impact is multifaceted.

Taking advantage of the fact that the attention of many princes has not yet focused on the population, the population of the states and counties is still relatively rich, and there are quite a lot of displaced people, and it is the most important thing to bring some population to the vast and sparsely populated states.

In the past, the population of Bingzhou was small, in addition to the climatic reasons, but more importantly, it was caused by the frequent raids and raids of the Hu people in the north.

Now, those passes have been heightened and reinforced, and with Zhao Yujun guarding the border fortress, there is no need to worry about the Hu people's attacks.

Even, because of the land policy of Bingzhou and Zhao Yu's emphasis on population and people's livelihood, Bingzhou will be the most peaceful and most suitable place to live and work in peace and contentment in the next ten years. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Guo Jia immediately looked at Tian Feng and said with a wicked smile: "Yuan Hao didn't expect you to look at such an honest and honest person, but the way you get along is so bad!

That's it!

If you get more of your own population, the enemy's population will naturally be smaller, and the war potential will inevitably be affected.

"Go, go!"

When Tian Feng heard this, he glared at Guo Jia angrily: "This is just a normal conspiracy! Why did it become so unbearable in your mouth?"

"I'm actually doing this for the sake of the people and homeless people in these states and counties!"

"Only when they are under the command of the lord can they be more stable and live a better life, don't you think so?"

This is obviously a good deed!

"Hey, hey, that's it!"

Guo Jia smiled and nodded.

This alone cannot be refuted.

"The population policy is really very important! What Yuan Hao just mentioned should be implemented when he goes back!"

"Since those magistrates and princes don't care about the lives of these people, and don't care about their lives, then I care. "

Zhao Yu shook his head, and then said: "In addition, speaking of population, in the future, we will have to find a way to swallow a large part of the population of Luoyang and Sili;"

"Many of the people who can live in this place have skills, and these are exactly what we need. "

Craftsmen of all kinds, craftsmen, are extremely important talents.


Guo Jia and the others were stunned when they heard this. 363

"The population of Luoyang?

Tian Feng didn't wrinkle slightly, and said with some doubts.

But since the Lord has spoken openly, it must have a purpose, and it is impossible to say nonsense.

So, yes, there are some other key points that I didn't think of.

At this time, after Guo Jia made some deductions about the future in combination with the current situation in Luoyang, he looked at Zhao Yu with some surprise and asked, "What does the lord mean, are you not optimistic that Dong Zhuo can firmly occupy Luoyang?"

Tian Feng and Xu Shu listened, and they also reacted, and looked at Zhao Yu one after another.

"Not bad!"

Zhao Yu nodded affirmatively: "Dong Zhuo occupies Luoyang, he will inevitably be hostile to the ministers of the Shi clan in the world, I believe that it will not be long before these Shi clan ministers will recruit soldiers and horses in the local area, become the princes of one party, and then raise a righteous crusade against Dong Zhuo." "

"Dong Zhuo's reckless abolition of the establishment has already trampled the face of the Han family under his feet, and coupled with his background, he will inevitably not be recognized by the ministers of the scholar clan;"

On the contrary, it will only make these scholars extremely repulsive and jealous of him, and he will definitely not be able to tolerate him occupying Luoyang. "

"I conclude that the Dong Alliance will be formed next year, and when the time comes, Dong Zhuo will be defeated;"

"In the end, his best choice can only be to move the capital, retreat to the land of Sanfu in the Guannai, and move the capital to Chang'an;"

"At that time, with Dong Zhuo's personality, it is inevitable to move the population of Luoyang and even Sili;"

"When the time comes, we can intervene, not to mention directly eliminating Dong Zhuo, after all, it is useful to keep him, and it can attract a lot of firepower, but we can eat more than half of the population of more than 2 million in Luoyang and even Sili. "

With this population of more than 2 million, plus the population of Bingzhou itself, the population of Bingzhou can become the middle and upper reaches of the thirteen states of Dahan, rather than the bottom.

With a larger population, he can further deepen his cultivation and state integration, and develop his old nest better.

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