If it weren't for this Yang Feng, he would have ended up like this?

Maybe he has already gone to Zhao Yu on his back, and now he is even more promoted and rich.

After all, he had also understood that Zhao Yu's conditions for recruiting troops were very good.

In addition, Zhao Yujun heard that the rewards and punishments are clear, and he only looks at his ability, and he is unbearable for his identity background.

Xu Huang felt that with his ability, he would have gone earlier, and he might have been a general at this time, right?

All of this was ruined by Yang Feng, the dog thief.

Fortunately, Zhao Yu has great ability and knowledge of people, so he didn't know how to know him for a long time, and sent spies to find and contact him, which gave him the opportunity to join Zhao Yu.

Xu Huang said that he couldn't let go of this opportunity.


When Yang Feng heard this, he saw Xu Huang's face with resentment, and his face immediately turned red~, and he was speechless for a while.

He regretted it very much at this time, if he had known that Xu Huang would have hated him all the time because of this, he would have cut Xu Huang directly if he said anything, and he would never reuse Xu Huang.

It's a pity, now - regret is too late.

"Haha! I'm very satisfied with this gift!"

At this time, Zhao Yu smiled at Xu Huang, then pulled out the Heavenly Sword on his waist and walked towards Yang Feng.

Yang Feng's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly struggled to beg Zhao Yu for mercy: "Lord Zhou Mu! Lord Zhou Mu! spare your life! Please give me a way to live, give me a chance! I am willing to be loyal to you, General!"

Zhao Yu saw this Yang Feng's greedy appearance and was afraid of death, and immediately smiled disdainfully, and he didn't even bother to talk to Yang Feng, and directly swung his sword and slashed Yang Feng's neck.


The next moment, Yang Feng's voice stopped abruptly, and his head rolled directly to the ground, blood spilled, but it didn't splash on Zhao Yu's body.

Miraculously, the Yitian Sword in Zhao Yu's hand was not stained with a trace of blood.


Put the Yitian Sword into the sheath and waved his hand to the guards on the side, and they immediately collected Yang Feng's body and carried it out.

[Ding!Mission: Exterminate the White Wave Thief (Completed), Reward: Low-level Fierce Beast Meat*5000 tons, Refined Grain Dandanfang*1, Luck +1, Do you want to receive it?]

[Ding!Mission: Kill the thief Yang Feng (completed), reward: low-level beast meat *100 tons, do you want to receive it?]

"Get it!"

Zhao Yu's heart moved, and he directly chose to receive it.

The next moment, he reached the streamer and submerged into the sea of his eyebrows, but there was no more feeling.

[Luck]: 1920 (Flying Dragon in the Sky)

[Refined Grain Dan Dan Formula]: Xizhi, you can use alchemy to refine the Refined Grain Pill, the Refined Grain Pill can greatly meet the daily needs and provide nutrients for martial arts cultivation, the better the refined Grain Dan materials, the higher the quality, and the more powerful the effect.

"Sure enough, this thing is similar to Bigu Dan, but it is stronger than Bigu Dan, not only can it withstand the full, but it can also provide nutrients for cultivation, which is very suitable for supplying the army!"

"It's a pity, there is still a lack of alchemy, I hope to get it sooner!"

Zhao Yu thought with some regret in his heart.

These thoughts flashed in his heart, Zhao Yu immediately looked at Xu Huang, and asked directly: "Gongming, maybe Eighty-Nine has already mentioned it to you, but I still want to ask you personally at this time, I am optimistic about your talents, are you willing to join my command and serve me?" I will definitely not treat you badly!"

When Xu Huang heard this, he immediately bowed to Zhao Yu happily and said, "The last general is willing! The last general Xu Huang and Xu Gongming will meet the lord!"

"Haha! Okay!

When Zhao Yu saw it, he immediately helped Xu Huang up, then patted him on the shoulder and said, "I've been looking forward to Gongming for a long time, and now it's finally my wish!"

"I know your talents, plus you have made great contributions to helping to exterminate the White Wave Thieves this time, I will appoint you as the deputy general of the Zhao family's army!"

"In addition, the merits of this battle will also be recorded for you, recorded as merit points, and then you can go to the merit pavilion and exchange merit points for what you want!"

Although Xu Huang at this time is not the peak version, whether it is martial arts strength or training and command, he still needs to experience and grow, but he is indeed a talent, and Zhao Yu will naturally not be stingy with rewards.

"Oh! Xu Huang bows to the lord!"

Xu Huang immediately said goodbye happily.

Zhao Jiajun: He's heard of it!

This is the real ace elite under Zhao Yu's command.

He also saw it in the previous battle, and all of them were martial artists, and the lowest strength was in the early stage of Yijin, which was very terrifying.

To be such a lieutenant who looks like a horror ace, Xu Huang is ecstatic!

At this moment, he really felt Zhao Yu's attention.

However, what is this merit point, and what can I redeem in the merit pavilion?

Xu Huang was really a little curious.

He felt that it should not be easy.

Zhao Eighty-nine on the side saw Xu Huang's curiosity and doubts, and hurriedly explained in a low voice: "The Meritorious Pavilion and even the meritorious exchange treasure house specially set up by Gongzi not only have countless martial arts and martial arts of different grades in it... And so on, there are gold and silver treasures, magic weapons, BMW horses, natural treasures.... and many other treasures can be exchanged, it is definitely a good place!"

"Gongming, when you go to the Yin Pavilion City, you will be clear!"


Xu Huang was immediately surprised when he heard this: "Is it actually such an existence?" I can't wait to see it!"


Xu Chu and the others were all happy when they heard it.

Xu Chu grinned and said, "When we first learned about the Meritorious Pavilion, we were in the same mood as you. "


Dian Wei also smiled and nodded: "That is, the lord is generous, so many treasures will be included in the exchange list of the Meritorious Pavilion, Brother Gongming, you have to pick it well when the time comes, don't pick it with dazzling eyes!"

Dian Wei himself felt that no amount of meritorious service was enough to the Meritorious Pavilion.

There are so many good things.

"Haha! Then I'll see!"

Xu Huang also responded with a smile. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[Ding! Mission: Recruit the famous general Xu Huang (completed), reward: root bone +1, talent is invulnerable, do you want to receive it?]

"Get it!"

Zhao Yu's heart moved, and he said silently in his heart.

In the next moment, two streams of light sank into his body and into the sea of eyebrows and consciousness respectively.

Suddenly, a warm current surged through his body, and Zhao Yu felt that his bones had been slightly improved again.

At the same time, there is also an additional talent rune in the sea of eyebrows.

[Root Bone]: 4950 (Ancient Demon)

[Talent is invulnerable]: Those who have talent are immune to all toxins in this world.

"What a talent! With this talent, I'm no longer afraid of being poisoned!"

Seeing the introduction of this talent, Zhao Yu thought happily in his heart.

After all, his future enemies will be drawn more and more as his territory continues to expand and reforms continue to advance.

At that time, it is estimated that there will be no fewer poisoners, although there are beast tamers, intelligence guards, phoenix feather guards, and pro-guard battalions... and other multiple lines of defense to ensure that nothing goes wrong, but it is also good to have such a talent as well.

In this way, the danger of toxins can be completely avoided.

"My lord, how should the more than 100,000 captives here be dealt with and arranged?"

Not long after, Zhang He also appeared here, and after reporting the specific number of prisoners and other seizures to Zhao Yu, he opened his mouth to ask for instructions.

Zhao Yu immediately spoke: "Let's conduct a screening first, pick out those who are forced, and have not done many evil things, and temporarily incorporate them into the Qilin Battalion Reserve Army, and when the time comes, after you take Shangdang County, start training!"

"The future is a trend of rising together, just the current soldiers and horses are far from enough, it is necessary to train more recruits in advance;"

"As for those who are deeply sinful, they will be directly assigned to the Crime Division, and let Xun You and them watch the distribution of road minerals, road construction teams, and engineering teams.... Wait, labor instead of service!"

"Remember to screen and collect the specific incriminating evidence! You can ask Zhao Eighty-nine to cooperate in this regard, he should know most of it;"

"When the time comes, the severity of the crime can be determined according to the severity of the crime;"

"If the crime is really heinous, and the crime is not forgivable, it is enough to directly conduct a public trial in front of the captives, and then show the head to the public. "

It is not possible to kill them all directly, and it is also the worst way to deal with them.

It's not that Zhao Yu is not ruthless enough, the main thing is that his territory has expanded from a county in Yanmen to the entire prefecture, and then he needs to hide where he needs to use people.

Those hundreds of thousands of humble laborers alone are not enough.

Now there are more than 100,000 more, which is just enough to fill part of the vacancy.

After that, in the process of purging the public trial, a large number of criminals should still be obtained, and at that time, there should not be too much shortage of people.

"I know what to do!"

Zhang He immediately nodded in response.

Zhao Yu opened his mouth again at this time and said to Zhang He: "The matter on the side of the white wave thief is over, and then the Shangdang County side will be handed over to you! I will go to see Shangdang Taishou Zhang Yang first, he has a good relationship with me in the past, and the Shangdang County side should be able to go down without a fight;"

"However, he is about to be transferred to Hanoi Taishou, I will arrange the selection of the Shangdang County Taishou as soon as possible, no surprise it should be Yuan Zhi temporarily, and then the reform issue, I need you to assist Yuan Zhi, I hope you will not let me down;"

"In addition, Shangdang County, especially the important gateway town in the south of Huguan and even the southern border of Bingzhou, you must firmly grasp it in your hands as soon as possible, and you must not lose it, understand?"

This is a matter of merging the safety of the state.


Zhang He hurriedly responded.

The next day, Zhao Yu led the Zhao family army and the personal guard battalion, and at the same time took Zhang He and the Qilin battalion vanguard army to the county magistrate's city of Shangdang County first.

"Haha! Ziyi! I haven't seen you for a long time, don't come here to be harmed! Congratulations on becoming the lord of the state!"

Before entering the city, Zhao Yu saw Zhang Yang greet him with some personal guards and subordinate officials in the city.

Zhao Yu turned over and dismounted from a distance, and also laughed and greeted him: "Haha! Uncle Ya! I haven't seen you for a long time! How dare you go out of the city to greet you?"

"I haven't congratulated you on your move to Hanoi!"

"This Hanoi is much better than the party!"

"From now on, we will be neighbors, and we must take care of each other. "

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