
At this time, Xu Shu couldn't help but speak: "I thought that Hanoi County should not move lightly for the time being;"

"Not to mention that the current Kwantung Alliance alliance land is not much away from Hanoi County;"

"Yuan Shao, Han Fu and others went west to transport grain, grass and ordnance, and Hanoi County was also a strategic place for them;"

"It is absolutely impossible for Yuan Shao and the others to sit idly by and watch us take Hanoi County now;"

"Doing so will only plan for the conflict between us in advance, so that Yuan Shao and the others may turn to war with us first;"

"Therefore, I think that Hanoi County should not be moved lightly for the time being, if it really wants to move, it will be considered after the battle between the princes and Dong is over!"

"Anyway, now Hanoi Taishou Zhang Yang has also been a friend of the lord for many years, and the relationship with the lord has always been maintained, and even I feel that as long as the lord is willing, Zhang Yang is definitely willing to take refuge in the lord;

"So, this Hanoi County is in the hands of the lord or in the hands of Zhang Yang, I don't think there is much difference. "

The rice has to be eaten one bite at a time, and now taking Hanoi County will do more harm than good.


When Guo Jia heard this, he immediately smiled and teased Xu Shu: "Yuan Zhi, you finally opened your mouth to make suggestions!

Xu Shu listened to Hao Ran for a moment, and then looked at Guo Jia a little speechlessly: "So, you just said that on purpose?"


Guo Jia shrugged his shoulders and said with a look of course.

Xu Shu can easily see the problem, how can he not know?

If he didn't know, he Guo Fengxiao would not be Guo Fengxiao.

Xu Shu was speechless when he heard this.

When Guo Jia saw this, he immediately patted him on the shoulder and comforted: "Ah! Yuanzhi, what you just said is very good! It is indeed not appropriate for us to take Hanoi County now, but I suggest that the lord can secretly contact Zhang Yang more recently, and try to let Zhang Yang really serve the lord!"

"In this way, it is also more reassuring. "

People change.

Guo Jia was worried that after Zhang Yang tasted the taste of being a prince, his ambition would swell, and when the time came, he would be unlikely to serve his own lord.

That's not a good thing.

If you can easily take Hanoi, then it will be easier.

Moreover, a man who secretly serves his own lord, but on the surface, he is still a prince, and the publicity of occupying Hanoi County is even more valuable.

In this way, it can confuse other princes for a long time, and even give Yuan Shao of Jizhou or other princes of Yanzhou a fatal blow at a critical moment.

Thinking about that scene, Guo Jia felt a little excited.

Xun You: "Agree'!"

Xi Zhicai: "Agreed!"

Tian Feng: "No comment!"

Everyone spoke up in agreement.


Zhao Yu listened, nodded directly and agreed: "I will deal with this matter!"

"As for the matter of sending troops to Hedong County, Feng Xiao, since you proposed the plan, then this matter will be left to you to lead!"

"I will let Tai Shi Ci and the soldiers of the Xuanwu Battalion, Huang Zhong and the Suzaku Battalion obey your dispatch and arrangement, and at the same time, let Yuan Zhi be the deputy;"

"After you meet, you can go to Xihe County and Shangjun to start preparing!"

"You don't need to worry about logistics, I will let Gongda and Yuan Hao cooperate with you!"

"I have only one request for you, and that is to take all possibilities and accidents into account, and be extremely foolproof, can you be confident?"

Since the suggestion was made by Guo Jia, he felt that it was not bad to hand over this matter to Guo Jialai.

In addition, he does feel that Guo Jia needs a chance to prove his talents.

It is also necessary to have a lot of experience, adapt to this kind of thing of being in charge of the army, and accumulate experience for future combat or advice.


Although Guo Jia was under a lot of pressure, he was more excited, and immediately gave up his life.

He had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

It's always on paper, and he doesn't think it's okay.

Although he also participated in the previous attack on the counties of the state, he felt that it was just a small fight and not worth mentioning.

Now this task is even more challenging.

"Subordinates take orders!"

Xu Shu also hurriedly surrendered, looking forward to it and apprehensive in his heart.

"You don't need to have too much pressure! This matter is not very difficult! Just do more deduction and preparation! Just one Dong Zhuo, and he can't make any waves!"

"He's a piece of fat in our mouths early and late. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Zhao Yu smiled contemptuously.

Obviously, he was dismissive of Dong Zhuo.


Guo Jia and Xu Shu hurriedly responded.

Then, Zhao Yu looked at Zhang He again and said: "Junyi, you need to be sad about the defense of Huguan Pass and Shangdang County, always pay attention to the situation of Hanoi County and the alliance of Kwantung princes, and I will let the intelligence guard provide you with information in real time;"

"Although, the main target of the Kwantung Princes Alliance this time is Dong Zhuo, but if we relax, it will not be good if Yuan Shao's brain is pumped and he takes advantage of the loophole!"

This is a critical period for the development and reform of the state, and there is no room for problems.


Zhang He's heart sank, and he immediately received his order.

Then, Zhao Yu looked at Zhang Liao and Tai Shi Ci and said: "'Wen Yuan, you are better at cavalry combat, and you are more familiar with the combat methods of the Xiongnu and Xianbei people, so I am going to let you and Ziyi exchange the commander's soldiers and horses and garrisons;"

"Wen Yuan, from today on, you will be the commander of the White Tiger Battalion! and Ziyi, you will be transferred to the commander of the Xuanwu Battalion!"

"The adjutant generals remain the same, so it is also convenient for you to familiarize yourself with the new troops as soon as possible;"

"After that, Ziyi, you cooperate with Fengxiao to prepare to send troops to Hedong County, and Wenyuan I need you to command the White Tiger Battalion, defend the three counties of Shuofang, Wuyuan, and Yunzhong, and prepare to deal with the possible attack of the Huns, can you be confident?"

Tai Shici is not ignorant of cavalry combat, he himself is a general in the north, and he has been mixed in Liaodong for a long time, so he is actually familiar with this aspect.

He also participated in the extermination of Western Xianbei at the beginning.

But compared with Zhang Liao, his ability and experience in this area are much worse.

The defense of Shuofang, Wuyuan, and Yunzhong counties is very important, and Zhao Yu chooses to hold it steady, or it is more reassuring to hand it over to Zhang Liao.

"Hand it over to me, lord!"

Zhang Liao immediately got up with a solemn face and replied: "As long as I still have a breath, the Huns and Xianbei people will not want to take a step from these three counties!"

"Hmm!" Zhao Yu nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at Tai Shici.

Tai Shi Ci knew what Zhao Yu meant, and hurriedly got up and said, "I don't have an opinion on my lord!"

can participate in the strategic plan to take Hedong, and even participate in the big plan to intercept Hu Dongzhuo in the future, what other opinions can he have?

This is an opportunity to make a great contribution!

Not to be missed.

As for the transfer to the troops?

He didn't have any particular ideas.

From the very beginning, Zhao Yu has made rules in the army, the soldiers and horses under their command are not their private soldiers, in order to prevent the army from talking privately, itself, the county generals, deputy generals and the like will be rotated regularly, and it is currently a period of 5 years.

Now it's just an early transfer, and it's not worth mentioning.

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