Facing the scorching gaze of Xi Zhicai, Zhang Yan knew that she had no choice.

Immediately hugged his fists and said: "I naturally have no opinion, and I am willing to submit to Zhao Hou, I don't know how the remaining Black Mountain soldiers and civilians Zhao Hou are going to secretly in addition to the 100,000 elites?"

He knew that when Xi Zhicai talked about this, he had no room for repentance.

Only to belong to Zhao Yu.

Otherwise, he would not have escaped death.

After all, Xi Zhicai's words just now were already a top-secret plan in Zhao Yu's army.

At the same time, Zhang Yan was also secretly frightened in her heart, sure enough, Zhao Yu was not an ordinary person!

He has already begun to calculate and plan the war in Jizhou and Youzhou.

But it is precisely because of this advanced planning and calculation that Zhang Yan is more in awe of Zhao Yu and feels more promising with Zhao Yu.

is also more willing to really serve Zhao Yu.

Such Zhao Yu is the one who really does great things!

His success rate in winning the world in the future was also much higher than that of other princes, and some of Zhao Yu's policies and ideas were the same as those of the great sages and good teachers, so he was even more irresistible to joining Zhao Yu's command.

Xi Zhicai nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "Yuan Shao is about to send an envoy to persuade you to lead troops to attack me and the state, and he is also ready to unite the Northern Xiongnu and the Xianbei people. "


When Zhang Yan heard this, he was immediately shocked and said: "How dare Yuan Shao do this? Doesn't he know the wolf ambition of the Hu people? Don't you know what kind of 717 disaster this will bring to the Han people in Bingzhou?"

The key is that Yuan Shao also tried to make him join the same stream, and even joined forces with the Hu people.

Who does he think he Zhang Yan is?

He is indeed a thief now, but this is not what he wants, and he has never forgotten the legacy of the great sage and mentor.

He still wants ordinary people to live a good life.

Otherwise, why would he agree to take refuge in Zhao Yu?


Xi Zhicai smiled slightly when he heard this, and said with a cold gaze: "It's just that he doesn't care at all!"

"If he cared, he wouldn't have led Dong Zhuo into Luo, he wouldn't have deliberately killed the general He Jin, and he wouldn't have let the current Han get into today's situation. "

"The Yuan clan has always been a wolf's ambition, for the sake of a position of power, what can't they do?"

The more he stayed by Zhao Yu's side and the more things he knew, the more Xi Zhicai had no good impression of a scholar like the Yuan family.

It is because of the existence of these tumors that the Han Dynasty has fallen into today's field.

It is with the existence of these tumors that ordinary people will not survive.

He himself had a talent at the beginning, but there was no way to be promoted.

These are all existences that should be swept into the dustbin of history.


Zhang Yan also heard this kind of inside story for the first time, and immediately couldn't help but gasp: "I didn't expect that all this was actually Yuan Shao's conspiracy? "

Speaking of this, Zhang Yan couldn't help but look at Xi Zhicai and asked with some concern: "Then the Northern Xiongnu and Xianbei are coming, there is no problem on the lord's side, right?"


Xi Zhicai nodded affirmatively: "These are already expected by the lord, and the soldiers and horses have been secretly dispatched to prevent it, repelling them is just a matter of personal action, and Yuan Shao cannot succeed." "

"In terms of intelligence, we still have a great advantage, otherwise it would be impossible for Yuan Shao's envoy to come and tell you this before he arrives!"

"So, don't worry! Yuan Shao, whether it is in the past, present or future, cannot be the opponent of the lord!"

Yuan's background is indeed not ordinary, but Xi Zhicai believes that the future belongs to the lord.

"That's it!"

Zhang Yan listened, breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked, "But do you want me to send troops to deal with the Huns and Xianbei people at that time?"


Xi Zhicai shook his head again and again and said: "Not only no, but we also hope that you will let the people except the 100,000 people who stayed in Montenegro pretend to attack Bingzhou, play a scene with the Zhao family's army, and then be captured in the name of righteousness, and after that, the main guild will settle these people, so that they can get houses and fields, and live in Bingzhou in peace." "


Zhang Yan was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and then her eyes lit up, and she was very surprised: "Sir, are you going to hide people's eyes and ears so that outsiders don't find out that my black (ajfj) mountain army has been attached to the lord?"

"Not bad!"

Xi Zhicai nodded affirmatively.

It's finally enlightened!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Not easy.

"Only by doing this can the 100,000 Montenegrin troops left behind in the Black Mountain Range play their due role when the main prince attacks Jizhou and Youzhou in the future;"

"And there is no need for the other Montenegrin soldiers and civilians to continue to let them continue to stay in this barren and harsh mountain area and suffer!"

"The sooner you go to settle down in Bingzhou, the sooner you can live a good life;"

"And, with their joining, the recovery and development of the state can also be faster, which is a good thing to kill multiple birds with one stone, do you think?"

Zhang Yan nodded affirmatively when she heard this: "That's true! This plan is very clever! Then let's do it!"

"How to implement it, but I need you, sir, to teach me!"

"In addition, how to hide the news also needs to be instructed by Mr.;"

"In the end, after the 100,000 Montenegrin Army under my command is reorganized, will I be able to obtain a batch of more sophisticated ordnance?"

"I've heard that the lord's command has been in the arms and ordnance business all year round, and the ordnance created under his command is far better than that of ordinary princes!"

"Although we will have to lurk in the Black Mountain Mountains in the future, the soldiers and horses under the command of the same lord must not be pulled down in this regard, right?"

Zhang Yan licked a face and looked at Xi Zhicai.

Regardless of anything else, he had to fight for it.


Xi Zhicai couldn't help but smile when he heard this, and then said: "Don't worry! When you finish the reorganization, the ordnance will be arranged for you as soon as possible!"

"However, it is inevitable that someone will find out that the arms regulations of the Montenegrin Army need to be changed at that time, and it will take one to two months to make special customizations, so you need to wait patiently!"

"In addition, the system and rules in our army are different from those of ordinary armies, and we will definitely need to go through training at that time!"

"The lord's side will inevitably send a group of low, middle and high-level officers to help you train the army, let them form and improve their combat effectiveness as soon as possible, and be familiar with the military regulations and military system of my Zhao family's army, I hope you can understand this, General Zhang. "

It's really not about planting people.

"I understand!"

Zhang Yan listened to some thoughts in her heart, but still nodded affirmatively.

This is the way it should be.

He wasn't sure if it was a means to restrain him.

But since he has chosen to join Zhao Yu's command, he should simply be generous and frank, so that he can really gain Zhao Yu's trust and truly and quickly integrate into Zhao Yu's command.

At both ends of the first rat, wanting to seize power will only make Zhao Yu suspicious of him and make it difficult for him to move an inch under Zhao Yu.

PS: Ask for customization!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation!Ask for rewards!Ask for support!.

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