
Xu You was speechless when he heard this: "This is really nothing, it seems that the Tiger Prison Pass is not a simple strategy to attack, at present, only a tentative attack, probe the bottom of the Tiger Prison Pass, and after knowing the situation of the soldiers guarding the pass, especially to figure out the situation of the generals guarding the pass, it is good to make plans!" "

This has just arrived at the Tiger Prison Pass, does Yuan Shao think too highly of him?

If the Tiger Prison Pass was so easy to break, it wouldn't be called the Xiongguan Pass.

If you want to use a strategy, you must at least know the situation between the enemy and the enemy, and then formulate a strategy according to the strengths and weaknesses of both sides and the character of the opponent's generals.

"That's right!"

Yuan Shao listened and nodded with a disappointed expression.

Li is so reasonable, but he is still a little unwilling.


At this time, a personal guard rushed in, and without waiting for Yuan Shao to get angry, he held a letter in both hands and reported to Yuan Shaoyu: "Alliance Master! The Tiger Prison sent someone to deliver the letter. "


Yuan Shao frowned slightly when he heard this, and beckoned: "Letter? Send it up for me to see! "


The guards immediately handed the letter to Yuan Shao, and Yuan Shao opened it and looked at it, and quickly browsed it.


The next moment, he slapped the case angrily, and shouted with tears in his eyes: "Dong Zhuo, you deserve to die!" How dare you deceive me like this? "

"I, Yuan Shaoding, are inseparable from you, I don't pick your skin with my own hands, and I will always eliminate the hatred I have for you in my heart;"

"This hatred and hatred can only be dissolved by destroying you Dong Zhuo Manmen!"

Seeing Yuan Shao's appearance of wanting to choose someone to devour, Xu You on the side was also shocked, although he always felt that Yuan Shao's expression and posture just now were a little strange, but he couldn't help but ask: "Originally!" What did Dong Zhuo say in his heart? Makes you so angry? "

Yuan Shao listened, gritted his teeth, and said hatefully: "Dong Zhuo, the dog thief, killed my uncle Yuan Kui and my eldest brother Yuan Ji and others. "


Xu You suddenly gasped when he heard this, and couldn't help but exclaim: "This... Dong Zhuo, how dare he? "

"Yuan Gong is highly respected, Yuan is the fourth and third dukes, and his protégés are all over the world, how dare Dong Zhuo do this? Isn't he cutting himself off from the world? "

On the surface, he said so, but Xu You thought about it in his heart, considering Dong Zhuo's past behavior and personality, Xu You felt that this seemed like something Dong Zhuo could do.

At the same time, Xu You was also a little confused.

When Yuan Shao initiated the discussion against the Dong Hui League, didn't he think of this day?

Didn't he expect Dong Zhuo to be angry because of this, and to be angry with Yuan Kui, Yuan Ji and others?

Do you really think that Yuan's name can still be used well at such a time?

"Yuan Shao doesn't look like such a stupid person!"

Xu You's heart moved slightly, and he quietly glanced at Yuan Shao, this time he observed more carefully, and suddenly saw something from the depths of Yuan Shao's eyes.

Yuan Shao was sad and resentful on the surface at this time, but in fact, there was no such intention in the depths of his eyes.

"Shhh Could it be that Yuan Shao did it on purpose? "

Xu You couldn't help but gasp in his heart, quickly withdrew his strange gaze, and couldn't help but guess boldly.

"Most likely!"

"After all, this kind of thing, a discerning person can easily see that if Yuan Shao really cares about the life and death of Yuan Kui and Yuan Ji, then before the uprising, he should first find a way to let Yuan Kui and Yuan Ji's family leave Luoyang;"

"But doing so is not beneficial to Yuan Shao, and it cannot maximize the benefits."

Thinking of this, Xu You also thought of Yuan Shao's embarrassing identity.

He Yuan Shao is just a concubine of the Yuan family, and he has no inheritance rights at all.

Not to mention compared to Yuan Ji, his inheritance is even far inferior to Yuan Shu.

But with Yuan Shao's talent and character, can he be willing?

If he could, Yuan Shao wouldn't have worked so hard all these years.

Thinking of this, Xu Yu figured everything out.

All this is the result of Yuan Shao's deliberate actions.

He just wanted to let Yuan Kui and Yuan Ji's family all fall into this Luoyang, and kill them with Dong Zhuo's hand.

In this way, although the Yuan family lacks Yuan Kui, the Optimus Prime, this is not entirely a bad thing for Yuan Shao.

Without Yuan Kui and Yuan Ji, then the Yuan family is Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

With Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao's abilities, Yuan Shao obviously has a greater advantage and is more charismatic.

I am also confident that I will gain the support and support of more Yuan family forces.

"Even, isn't it possible that Yuan Shu also knows Yuan Shao's abacus, but as a person with vested interests, Yuan Shu also chose to acquiesce?"

Thinking of this, Xu You couldn't help but feel a little chill in his heart.

The internal battles among these top warrior clans are also quite cold-blooded!

Of course, these thoughts were deeply buried in Xu Yu's heart from the beginning, and he swore that he would not say it easily.

Otherwise, I'm afraid he won't end well?

These thoughts flashed in Xu You's heart, and when Yuan Shao heard Xu You's words, he still pretended to be resentful and replied: "Who would have thought that this dog thief would dare to do this? I hurt my uncle and eldest brother's family! I hate it! "


Xu You couldn't help but sneer in his heart when he saw Yuan Shao's performance: "The acting is really fascinating!" If it weren't for the fact that I had already understood everything, I would have really believed in your Yuan Benchu's ghost. "

Of course, on the surface, Xu You hurriedly persuaded: "It's not your fault that I'm mourning, who would have thought that Dong Zhuo would be so mad and unscrupulous?" "

Although Yuan Shao was acting, Xu You was also quite shocked by Dong Zhuo's unscrupulous behavior.

This person really doesn't follow the rules between the nobles at all.

Yuan Kui and other characters all said that they would kill them, and he could already foresee that Dong Zhuo's future was about to come to an end.

His behavior is tantamount to completely cutting himself off from the scholars, and he will never want to get any more refuge from the scholars.

After all, Dong Zhuo even dared to kill Yuan Kui, who else did he dare not kill?

"I, Yuan Shao, swear to take revenge!"

Yuan Shao also swore an oath with Xu You, and then looked at the guard and asked, "Where is the person who sent the letter?" "


When the guard heard this, he hurriedly replied: "That person shot a letter with a bow and arrow, and after shooting, he ran away, and he didn't wait for us to chase it!" "

This guard was also very worried at this time.

What did he hear?

What is written in this letter is actually that Yuan Meng's uncle's family was cut down by that Dong Zhuo?

It's unlucky.

"If I had known, I wouldn't have rushed to deliver the letter! I hope you don't get angry with me! "

The guard thought worriedly.


The next moment, Yuan Shao kicked out the several cases in front of him, and said angrily: "Okay! Very good! Dong thief, I am inseparable from you! "

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